Wednesday, April 21, 2010

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iii) paras fizikal

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panduan untuk game Onimusha 3: Demon Siege

| |
| Onimusha 3: Demon Seige |
| |
| Complete FAQ |
| Version 8.0 |
| |

| |
| Written By B.Chard |
| a.k.a - Demonkaze |
| Start Date: 29/04/04 |
| Finish Date: --/--/-- |
| Email: |
| Copyright 2004 B.Chard |
| |

Dedicated to the life of Chris "Kao Megura" MacDonald who
passed before his time. He was one of the greatest FAQ
writers and inspired many of us to begin writing. May
you rest in peace.

| |
| Contents |
| |
| I. Version History/Update |
| |
| II. Product Details |
| |
| III. Onimusha 3: Demon Seige Introduction |
| |
| IV. Introduction To The Guide |
| |
| V. Characters |
| |
| VI. Basic Controls |
| |
| VII. Combat techniques and help |
| |
| VIII. Gameplay Basics |
| |
| IX. Item Database |
| |
| X. Weapon Database |
| |
| XI. Training Mode |
| |
| XII. Walkthrough |
| (a). Honnoji Temple - Samonsuke - 1582 - |
| |
| (b). Arc de Triomphe - Samanosuke - 2004 - |
| |
| (c). Mt. Hiei - Jacques - 1582 - |
| |
| (d). Sewer - Samanosuke - 2004 - |
| |
| (e). Sakai Village, Senshu - Jacques - 1582 - |
| |
| (f). Notre Dame - Samanosuke - 2004 - |
| |
| (g). Undersea Temple - Samanosuke/Jacques - 2004/1582 - |
| |
| (h). Notre Dame - Michelle - 2004 - |
| |
| (i). Boulogne Zoo - Michelle - 2004 - |
| |
| (j). Boulogne Zoo - Samanosuke Akechi - 2004 - |
| |
| (k). Mont-Saint-Michel - Samanosuke/Jacques - 2004/1582 - |
| |
| (l). Lake Biwa and Oni Mansion - Jacques - 1582 |
| |
| (m). Battle for Azuchi Castle - Jacques - 1582 - |
| |
| (n). Eiffel Tower - Samanosuke - 2004 - |
| |
| (o). Honnoji Temple - Jacques - 1582 - |
| |
| (p). The Final Battle - Samanosuke - 1582 - |
| |
| |
| XIII. Ako's Haori |
| |
| XIV. The Dark Realm |
| |
| XV. Puzzle Box Solutions |
| |
| XVI. Adventures Of Heihachi |
| |
| XVII. Oni Target |
| |
| XVIII. Genma Puzzle Space |
| |
| XIX. Enemy Database |
| |
| XX. Extra Features |
| |
| XXI. Files Database |
| |
| XXII. Onimusha 3 Endings |
| |
| XXIII. Boss Help |
| |
| |
| XXV. Secrets |
| |
| XXVI. Credits |
| |
| XXVII. Contact and Legal Issues |
| |
| Contents |

| |
| I. Version Update/History |
| |

| 23/05/04 V 0.9 |

First version of the FAQ released and the whole setup for the FAQ is finished.
The main Walkthrough, Boss and secrets section are all complete. Also I have
added a File, Weapons and Items database which are also all complete. There
is still quite a lot to do, i have to touch up on any mistakes found in the
walkthrough, a walkthrough for Heihachi's mini-game and attempt to start solving
all those puzzles in the puzzle mini-game. Also i have to start the Training
section which I have still yet to start.

| |
| II. Product Details |
| |

|Onimusha 3 |

Area: Japan

Format: NTSC/J

DVD's: 1

Release Date: 26/02/04

Players: 1

Accessories: Soul Katana

|Onimusha 3: Demon Seige|

Area: North America

Format: NTSC

DVD's: 1

Release Date: 27/04/04

Players: 1

Accessories: Soul Katana

|Onimusha 3: Demon Seige|

Area: Europe

Format: PAL

DVD's: 1

Release Date: July 2004?

Players: 1

Accessories: Soul Katana?

| |
| III. Onimusha 3: Demon Seige Introduction |
| |


The year is 1582...

As a raging inferno engulfs the
remains of the Honnou-ji Temple,
a familiar figure stands tall amidst
the demon battle.

He is none other than Samanosuke
Akechi, the warrior possessing
Ogre power.

It was thought that Samanosuke had
put a stop to Nobunaga Oda, King
of Demons. However, Nobunaga has
returned from the dead, just as the
ancicent prophecy foretold. Now, his
evil has spread across time.

Samanosuke and Nobunaga are
about to face off as their final
battle begins.

The year is 2004...

The colorful, tranquil city of Paris is suddenly attacked
by an onslaught of demons. Streets are transformed
into rivers of blood and countless citizens are struck
down, helpless against the ruthless invaders.

However, amidst this hell on earth, one man is
fighting back. His name is Jacques Blanc!

What fate lies ahead for these two heroes?

Now the epic struggle between man and demon comes
to its ultimate climax in this epic adventure that crosses
the barriers of space and time.


[Taken from the Onimusha 3: Demon Seige instruction Manual]

| |
| IV. Introduction to the Guide |
| |

Welcome to my intensive guide for Onimusha 3: Demon Seige for the Playstation
2. This is the final game in Capcoms demon slashing trilogy which tells
the story between man, demon and the hidden power of the Oni.

I am hoping to make this the most complete guide available for the game
covering all aspects of the game that i can. I believe this to be
an excellent conclusion to the Onimusha series which i have come to
enjoy a great deal with this final installment being the best yet.

The guide will cover all aspects of the game from the fighting basics to
the walkthrough and game secrets. Be aware that the Endings section
does contain spoilers about the ending so read it at your own risk.

This guide is for the North American version of Onimusha 3: Demon Seige
that has a slightly different title to the Japanese version of the game.

With all this said i hope that the guide can provide you with everything
you may wish to know and conquer in Onimusha 3: Demon Seige.

| |
| V. Characters |
| |

| Hidemitsu Samanosuke Akechi |

Age: 47 years old

Origin: 1582 Japan

Weapon Of Choice: Samurai Sword

Samanosuke, nephew of Mitsuhide Akechi was first presented with the power
of the Oni Clan when he was witness to an attack by the Genma Army. He
set of with his new found power and put a stop to the demon king, Fortinbras.
However Nobunaga Oda rose to the throne as the new Demon King.

Although Samanosuke is 47 years old the Oni Gauntlet allows him to look
younger then he appears and allows him to have athletic ability no other
person of his age could wish for.

On this fated day Samanosuke arrives in Honnoji Temple along with his
uncle, Mitsuhide a renowned warlord and his army to meet Nobuaga in battle
one last time.

| Jacques Blanc |

Age: 36 years old

Origin: 2004 France

Weapon of Choice: Oni Whip

Jacques is a member of the General Directorate for External Security's 29th
SA military division which is an elite squad full of top secret agents
who work under extreme circumstances on covert operations.

Jacques lives with just his son, Henri due to the untimely death of his wife.
He believes that fighting is the best course of action and is always
ready for a battle.

He is witness to the France slaughter on the fated day his journey begins
through time and space.

| Michelle Aubert |

Age: 28 years old

Origin: 2004 France

Weapon of Choice: Guns

Michelle is currently engaged to Jacques although his son and Michelle
dont get on too well. She also is a lieutenant in the French Army
leading her own squad of specialists.

She has a sharp eye when noticing something's not right and exceeds
in marksmanship.

| Heihachirou Tadakatsu Honda|

Age: 24 years old

Origin: 1582 Japan

Weapon of Choice: Genma Tonbo

Heihachirou is an expert in wielding a polearm and there is few who
match his strength in combat. He is from a family which pledges its alliance with
Ieyasu Tokugawa, a family loyal to the Oda clan and he follows orders that he is

| Henri Blanc |

Age: 10 years old

Origin: 2004 France

Henri is Jacques only child and because of this he is very protective over
him. He is known as a trouble maker amoungst the local children and carries
a heavy burden. He does not like the fact of Jacques re-marrying and
is not afraid to speak his mind.

| Ako |

Age: Unknown

Origin: Unknown

Ako is a small girl with wings who belongs to the Crow Tengu Clan who
have always been loyal to the Oni clan. Her special abilities allow her to
support people in combat and travel through time to assist where needed.

| Guildenstern |

Age: Unknown

Origin: Genma

Weapon of Choice: Staff

Guildenstern is renonwned as the top scientist of all the Genma and lives
up to his name by constantly performing crazy porjects. His latest project,
time distortion, transports him to the future by accident.

His one true wish is to create a Genma powerful enough to defeat
the legendary swordsman, Hidemitsu Samanosuke Akechi.

| Ranmaru Mori |

Age: 16 years old

Origin: 1582 Japan

Weapon Of Choice: Samurai Sword/s

Ranmaru is another person who is loyal to the Oda clan and has even gained
total support from Nobunaga himself as if he were his own child. Although his
sex is sometimes questioned due to his looks he is an expert swordsman
who will defend Nobunaga with his life.

| Nobunaga Oda |

Age: 49 years old

Origin: 1582 Japan

Weapon of Choice: Genma Samonji

The king of Demons is resurected as the prophecies foretold. He was granted
the title of king of demons when Fortinbras was killed by Hidemitsu Samanosuke
Akechi however he was defeated nine years ago by another member of the
oni clan, Jubei Yagyu.

He plans to not only dominate japan in his time but to rule the future through
Guildensterns time distortion research. Thanks to Guildensterns mistake
he can now begin to put his plan into motion and his power continues to
grow every minute.

| |
| VI. Basic Controls |
| |

|Status and Menu screens|

Left analog/Direction buttons Move cursor

Triangle Button Cancel a selection

X Button Confirm a selection

| In game |

Left analog Move character around screen

Directional button up Move character forward

Directional button right Turn character to the right

Directional button down Make Character step back

Directional button left Turn character to the left

Triangle Button Special Attack/Magical Attack

O Button Absorb Souls

X Button Examine

Square Button Attack

L1 Button Block/Deflect

L2 Button Hold down to display Map

R1 Button Draw Stance, Hold down hard
to charge weapon

R2 Button 180 turn

R3 Button Onimusha Mode

R1 + X Button Use Sub weapon

Start Button Display Inventory screen

Select Button Pause Menu

| |
| VII. Combat Techniques and Help |
| |

| Using Magical Attacks |

Magical attacks are probably the best way to attack a hard enemy in the game
because it deals a lot of power especially when upgraded to the MAX level.
However dont abuse the Magical Attacks because you will want to save them
for the Boss fights.

| Charge Attacks |

These are also very useful against normal enemies and hard enemies
because they dont use up any ogre power but deal a lot of damage.
Jacques gets an extra attack during the game that makes his charge attacks
very useful indeed.

Ogre Lasso

Once you have received the scroll for this charge up your weapon and then
press the attack button which will cause Jacques to grab the enemy and
then perform Ogre Lasso.

You can cause even more damage during a Orge Lasso by performing special
attacks whilst you have it grabbed.

| Onimusha |

Before you can even transform into the Onimusha you must have first
absorbed five purple souls and then press the R3 button to transform into it.
You will only be in it for a short time before returning to normal but whilst
in this state you will do major damage especially if you do a special attack.
Special Attacks however decrease a significant amount of your Onimusha

Onimusha can also be used as a way of regaining life because if you have
five purple souls when you die you will transform into it to prevent you
from dying. After the Onimusha Gauge expires you will regain a small
amount of life.

| Hissatsu |

This is a critical attack that will slice all enemies (excluding bosses) in
two and will generate a lot of souls. There is two types of Hissatsu
that is described below.


This is performed by pressing the attack button just before an enemy hits you.
There is a specific point in each enemy's attack where you must perform

Hajiki Issen

This is performed by first deflecting an enemy's attack and pressing the attack
button immediately after. This is a lot easier to perform than the normal Issen
although it can still be tricky.

| Draw Stance |

By holding down the R1 Button your character will enter Draw Stance (Ready Stance
via instruction manual). This will allows you to move forward, backwards, to the
left and to the right whilst having your weapon drawn. In this stance you
can easily sidestep out of the way of enemies attacks and perform an Issen on

Your attacks will also be slightly different whilst in this stance. You will be
able to do a lunge attack and a kick attack. When enemies are near you, you
will lock onto the nearest enemy when you enter Draw Stance.

| Blocking Attacks |

A lot of people forget about this feature alot when playing and tend to just
hack away at enemies. Although this will probably work for most of the game
a lot of enemies later in the game will eat you alive if you dont use
the block feature. You can also perform Hajiki Issen when blocking too which
will help alot against some big enemies.

| |
| VIII. Gameplay Basics |
| |

|Reading the Game Screen|

> X 13 (1)
(3) +-----------------+----------+
o( ) | | (4) |
o o o +-----------------+----------+(5)
(2) o +--+----+--------------+-----+
| | | 2 |(6)

(1) Sub Weapon Ammunition

This shows how many arrows (Samanosuke) or Grenades (Michelle) you
have left to use. You can change the type of arrows Samanosuke is using
by going into the inventory screen.

(2) Purple Souls

Displays how many of the five required souls you currently have that is
required to transform into the Onimusha. When you are in Onimusha mode
the normal Vitality gauge will be replaced with a decreasing purple
bar. When it depletes you will transform back into your original state.

(3) Current Orb/Weapon

The colour of this orb corresponds to the element of the weapon you are

(4) Vitality Bar

Represents how much health the character has left. It will decrease when
the character takes damage. When the bar depletes your game will be over.

(5) Ogre Power Bar

Represents how much Ogre Power the character has left. Ogre Power is required
to perform Magical Attacks and decreases when a Magical Attack is used.
If it depletes then you will be unable to perform Magical Attacks.

(6) Soul Counter

Displays how many Souls have been absorbed. When the bar is filled the number
to the right increases by one to show how many bars have been filled up. The
red numbers that appear on the bar (+100) represents the current bonus.

| Absorbing Souls |

When you defeat an enemy with Samanosuke, Jacques or Michelle (need Soul
Bracelet) souls will be released. They can be four different colours and each
colour does something different. More souls will be awarded if you perform
attacks like Issen, Ten-point critical and Chain Issen which will add a nice

Red Soul Used to enhance equipment.

Blue Soul Restore lost Ogre Power

Yellow Soul Restore lost Vitality

Purple Soul Five will allow you to transform into Onimusha.

In order to get a bonus added when absorbing souls you need to absorb a large
amount at a time.

| Magic Mirrors |

The mirrors work much like the same way they did in the other two Onimusha Games
except for this time you get a new feature. Here is what the text looks like:

SAVE (1) ENHANCE (2) TRAIN (Samanosuke/Jacques only) (3) EXIT (4)

(1) SAVE

This allows you to save your current progress in the game up to this point.
To make a save file you need at least 397kb space on your Memory Card.


This allows you to enhance your characters Weapons, Armor and Oni Gauntlet.
Each piece of equipment has three levels requiring more souls per level.


A new feature in the Onimusha trilogy, this allows you to test your skills.
Although it may seem pointless you can win items for completing each
Training task.

(4) EXIT

Choosing this will exit this list of commands.

| Magic Fountains |

At certain points in the game you will see a fountain filled with a blue
substance. If you have lost any Ogre Power you can hold down the O Button
(Absorb) to recover any lost Ogre Power. This fountain will never lose its souls
so if you need to recover Ogre Power come back to the fountain and repeat
the process.

| Key Items |

Just like Resident Evil and Onimusha 1/2 there is items that are required to open
doors/get machinery working etc. These can range from a door key to a mechanical
gear. You will know when you are using the right item in the right place because
the game will let you know if it can or cannot be uses where you are trying to
use it.

| Area Map |

You can find Maps for you current locations which will make it easier navigating
through the current area. The Maps have a lot more detail on this game then
the other two. This guide will display a map at the start of each area.

| |
| IX. Item Database |
| |

The Item database lists all the items that appears in Onimusha 3: Demon Seige.
They will be catagoreized in types of items to make it easier to understand
along with a description of the item. I will also provide locations for some

| Status Items |
| | | |
| Name Of Item | Description Of Item | Location Found |
| | | |
| Herb | The most basic healing item in the | Various |
| | game which restores little Vitality | |
| | when used. | |
| | | |
| Salve | A small first aid kit containing | Various |
| | bandages and medicines. Restores | |
| | little Vitality when used. | |
| | | |
| Medicine | Various herbs grinded to make a | Various |
| | healing tonic. Restores medium | |
| | medium vitality. | |
| | | |
| First Aid Kit | A larger first aid kit containing | Various |
| | different kinds of medicines. Restores| |
| | medium Vitality. | |
| | | |
| Secret Medicine | A Medicine which has been kept secret | Various |
| | because of its power to recover from | |
| | anything. Restores all Vitality. | |
| | | |
| Oni Med Lv 1. | A hidden medicine of the Oni Clan. | Various |
| | Restores little Ogre Power. | |
| | | |
| Oni Med Lv 2. | A hidden medicine of the Oni Clan. | Dark Realm |
| | Restores medium Ogre Power. | |
| | | |
| Power Jewel | Ancient yellow jewel containing | Puzzle Box prize |
| | Vitality. Increases max Vitality by | |
| | a little. | |
| | | |
| Oni Jewel | Ancient blue jewel containing Ogre | Puzzle Box prize |
| | Power. Increases max Ogre Power by a | |
| | little. | |
| | | |
| Statue Charm | A small statue charm. Will ressurect | Various |
| | bearer upon death. | |
| | | |
| Brown Doll | A small brown doll which will | Various |
| | ressurect the bearer upon death. | |

| Key Items |
| | | |
| Name Of Item | Location Found |
| | | |
| Observation Key | Arc De Triomphe |
| | | |
| Bronze Coin | Mt. Hiei |
| | | |
| Gate Key | Mt. Hiei |
| | | |
| Sewer Key | Arc de Triomphe |
| | | |
| Iron Handle | Sewer |
| | | |
| Small Key | Sewer |
| | | |
| Watch | Mt. Hiei |
| | | |
| Watermelon | Town of Sakai |
| | | |
| Blacksmith Key | Town of Sakai |
| | | |
| Wheelhouse Key | Western Ship |
| | | |
| Anti-Dark Chm | Notre Dame |
| | | |
| Rope Ladder | Notre Dame |
| | | |
| Gold Skull | Notre Dame |
| | | |
| Ancient Slab | Undersea Temple |
| | | |
| L. Dragon Horn | Undersea Temple |
| | | |
| Yellow Disk | Undersea Temple |
| | | |
| Blue Disk | Undersea Temple |
| | | |
| Lightning Seal | Dark Realm 1 - Jacques |
| | | |
| Wind Seal | Dark Realm 1 - Samanosuke |
| | | |
| R. Dragon Horn | Undersea Temple |
| | | |
| Firefly Wings | Undersea Temple |
| | | |
| Power Crystal | Undersea Temple |
| | | |
| Red Disk | Undersea Temple |
| | | |
| Boat Key | Boulogne Zoo |
| | | |
| Lab Building Key | Boulogne Zoo |
| | | |
| Main Gate Key | Mont-Saint-Michel |
| | | |
| Sun Crest | Mont-Saint-Michel |
| | | |
| Red Eye Stone | Mont-Saint-Michel |
| | | |
| Green Orb | Dark Realm 2 - Jacques |
| | | |
| Fire Seal | Dark Realm 2 - Jacques |
| | | |
| Purple Orb | Dark Realm 2 - Samanosuke |
| | | |
| Red Key | Alternative Arc De Triopmhe|
| | | |
| Triangle Key | Mont-Saint-Michel |
| | | |
| Genma Plant | Mont-Saint-Michel |
| | | |
| Iron Gear | Mont-Saint-Michel |
| | | |
| Oni Army Orb | Lake Biwa |

| Maps |
| | | |
| Name Of Map | Location Found |
| | | |
| Map: Honnoji | chest to left before main doors |
| | | |
| Map: Arc | chest next to centre flames at the |
| | monument |
| | | |
| Map: Mt. Hiei | Chest next to the figure head at the |
| | waterfall |
| | | |
| Map: Sewer | Chest after you cross the first bridge |
| | | |
| Map: Sakai | Chest on the tower in the main street |
| | | |
| Map: Western Ship | Chest in the first room of the cabin |
| | | |
| Map: Notre Dame | Chest near the first Air symbol door |
| | | |
| Map: Sea Temple | Chest next to the elevator on yellow |
| | disk route |
| | | |
| Map: Zoo | Chest other side of barricade |
| | | |
| Map: Biwa | Chest after first cross of water |
| | | |
| Map: Azuchi Area | Chest in first battle scene |
| | | |
| Map: Azuchi | Chest after taking first elevator |

| Files and Scrolls |
| | | |
| Name Of File | Location Found |
| | | |
| Banquet Book | Arc De Triomphe |
| | | |
| Scrl: Onimusha | Mt. Hiei |
| | | |
| Scrl: Ako | Mt. Hiei |
| | | |
| Scrl: Throw | Mt. Hiei |
| | | |
| Scrl: Firefly | Mt. Hiei |
| | | |
| Scrl: Mission | Mt. Hiei |
| | | |
| Memo to Chief | Sewer |
| | | |
| Worker Memo | Sewer |
| | | |
| Scrl: Ch Attack | Sewer |
| | | |
| Scrl: Bind Move | Town of Sakai |
| | | |
| Toraya Order | Town Of Sakai |
| | | |
| Hideyoshi Rmr | Town Of Sakai |
| | | |
| Time Lab 1 | Town Of Sakai |
| | | |
| Genma Notice | Western Ship |
| | | |
| Logbook | Western Ship |
| | | |
| Scrl: D Critical | Notre Dame |
| | | |
| Genma Rmr | Notre Dame |
| | | |
| Dark Parchment | Notre Dame |
| | | |
| Time Lab 3 | Notre Dame |
| | | |
| Tblt: TimeFold | Undersea Temple |
| | | |
| Scrl: Critical | Undersea Temple |
| | | |
| Time Lab 2 | Undersea Temple |
| | | |
| Oni Tortoise | Undersea Temple |
| | | |
| Scrl: Dark Realm | Dark Realm 1 |
| | | |
| Scrl: Chn Critical| Undersea Temple |
| | | |
| Tblt: Temple | Undersea Temple |
| | | |
| Paris Report | Notre Dame |
| | | |
| Zoo Flyer | Boulogne Zoo |
| | | |
| Mecha Demon 1 | Boulogne Zoo |
| | | |
| Mecha Demon 2 | Boulogne Zoo |
| | | |
| Scrl: Ten Slash | Boulogne Zoo |
| | | |
| Ranmaru Book | Mont-Saint-Michel |
| | | |
| Time Lab 4 | Mont-Saint-Michel |
| | | |
| French Note | Mont-Saint-Michel |
| | | |
| Vegas Diary | Mont-Saint-Michel |
| | | |
| Time Lab 5 | Mont-Saint-Michel |
| | | |
| Fortress 1 | Mont-Saint-Michel |
| | | |
| Oni Mansion | Lake Biwa |
| | | |
| Oni Army Book | Lake Biwa |
| | | |
| Fortress 2 | Azuchi Castle |
| | | |
| Vassal Book | Azuchi Castle |
| | | |
| Time Lab 6 | Eiffel Tower |
| | | |
| Scrl: Ranmaru | Honnoji Temple |

| |
| X. Weapon Database |
| |

The Weapon database lists all the Weapons that can be acquired in Onimusha 3:
Demon Seige. The lists will be catagoreized to make them easier to understand.
Ammunition for sub weapons will also be displayed as a weapon.


| Character |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | The name of the weapon |
| Description | My description on the design of the weapon |
| My Rating | I will give it a rating based on five "O" |
| Location | Location of where you can obtain the orb/weapon |
| Magic Description| Description on the Magical Attack |
| Max Description | Description on performance of weapon at max level |

| Samanosuke Akechi |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Tenso |
| Description | Dual Blades that emits light energy |
| My Rating | O O O O |
| Location | Arc De Triomphe |
| Magic Description| An assault of light elemental attacks on an enemy |
| Max Description | Becomes one of the best at Max with quick attacks |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Kuga |
| Description | A long Katana that emits air energy |
| My Rating | O O O O |
| Location | Notre Dame |
| Magic Description| A two-fold attack slicing enemies in half sometimes |
| Max Description | Extremly powerful. I tend to use this over the Tenso |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Chigo |
| Description | A short Axe that emits earth energy |
| My Rating | O O O |
| Location | Undersea Temple |
| Magic Description| Plunge the axe into the ground causing earth to rise |
| Max Description | Still not too good although the magic attack is very good |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Short Bow |
| Description | A short Bow capable of firing different types of arrows |
| My Rating | O O O |
| Location | New Game |
| Magic Description| Magic Arrows |
| Max Description | Cannot be enhanced |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Normal Arrows |
| Description | Normal piercing arrows |
| My Rating | O |
| Location | Various |
| Magic Description| None |
| Max Description | Cannot be enhanced |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Flame Arrows |
| Description | Arrows engulfed in fire |
| My Rating | O O O O |
| Location | Various |
| Magic Description| Burn |
| Max Description | Cannot be enhanced |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Ice Arrows |
| Description | Arrows with a chill |
| My Rating | O O O |
| Location | Various |
| Magic Description| Freeze |
| Max Description | Cannot be enhanced |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Electric Arrows |
| Description | Arrows emitting high voltage |
| My Rating | O O |
| Location | Various |
| Magic Description| Shock/Paralyze |
| Max Description | Cannot be enhanced |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Soul Arrows |
| Description | Arrows capable of stealing demon souls |
| My Rating | O O O |
| Location | Various |
| Magic Description| Release Souls |
| Max Description | Cannot be enhanced |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Normal Sword |
| Description | Samanosuke Akechi's favorite sword |
| My Rating | O |
| Location | New Game |
| Magic Description| None |
| Max Description | Cannot be enhanced |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Bishamon Sword |
| Description | The Legendary Demon Slayer |
| My Rating | O O O O O |
| Location | Honnoji Temple, Dark Realm 3 |
| Magic Description| A swipe of purple energy |
| Max Description | Cannot be enhanced |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Enryuu |
| Description | A sword of Fire. Weapon from Onimusha:Warlords |
| My Rating | O O O |
| Location | Back Street Alley, France 2004 (see secrets/dark realm) |
| Magic Description| Launch a devastating flame attack on near enemies |
| Max Description | Not bad although can be quite slow |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Raizen |
| Description | A sword of Thunder. Weapon from Onimusha:Warlords |
| My Rating | O O O O |
| Location | Back Street Alley, France 2004 (see secrets/dark realm) |
| Magic Description| Launch a barrage of thunder attacks on one enemy |
| Max Description | Not bad although the Onimusha 3 weapons are better |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Shippuu |
| Description | A Naginata of wind. Weapon from Onimusha:Warlords |
| My Rating | O O O O |
| Location | Back Street Alley, France 2004 (see secrets/dark realm) |
| Magic Description| Spin the polearm hitting close to medium range enemies |
| Max Description | A very useful weapon when there are lots of enemies |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Onimusha Sword |
| Description | The blade of an Oni Warrior |
| My Rating | O O O O O |
| Location | Final Battle |
| Magic Description| Upward followed by a downward slice not requiring magic |
| Max Description | Stronger yet |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Genma Samonji |
| Description | The Blade of evil itself. The ultimate weapon |
| My Rating | O O O O O |
| Location | Final Battle |
| Magic Description| Upward followed by a downward slice not requiring magic |
| Max Description | Even stronger than its initial level, amazing |

| Jacques Blanc |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Oni Whip |
| Description | a normal oni whip |
| My Rating | O |
| Location | Mt. Hiei |
| Magic Description| None |
| Max Description | Cannot be enhanced |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Enja |
| Description | An extending sword that emits Fire |
| My Rating | O O O |
| Location | Mt. Hiei |
| Magic Description| Launch a barrage of Flame strikes against an enemy |
| Max Description | Becomes quite powerful but the reach lets it down a little|
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Raisen |
| Description | A polearm with a blade at the end that emits Thunder |
| My Rating | O O O O |
| Location | Town Of Sakai |
| Magic Description| A small Thunder storm on surrounding enemies |
| Max Description | One of Jacques best weapons with excellent reach and power|
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Hyosai |
| Description | A short mace that emits Ice |
| My Rating | O O |
| Location | Undersea Temple |
| Magic Description| A blast of ice freezes surrounding enemies |
| Max Description | Probably one of the worst weapons in the game |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Model 90 Machine Gun |
| Description | A French Military Assault Rifle |
| My Rating | O O O |
| Location | Paris, France 2004 |
| Magic Description| None |
| Max Description | Cannot be enhanced |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | .45 Automatic Handgun |
| Description | A small but powerful pistol |
| My Rating | O O O |
| Location | Paris, France 2004 |
| Magic Description| None |
| Max Description | Cannot be enhanced |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Ultimate Whip |
| Description | An acient whip of the Oni Clan |
| My Rating | O O O O O |
| Location | Honnoji Temple, Japan 1582. Dark Realm 3 |
| Magic Description| See Bishamon Sword |
| Max Description | Cannot be enhanced |

| Michelle Aubert |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Assault Rifle |
| Description | A French military assault rifle |
| My Rating | O O O |
| Location | Michelle default |
| Magic Description| None |
| Max Description | Cannot be enhanced |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | SPS 15+S |
| Description | A powerful military Shotgun |
| My Rating | O O O |
| Location | Michelle default |
| Magic Description| None |
| Max Description | Cannot be enhanced |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | SPS 15+R |
| Description | A powerful sighted rifle |
| My Rating | O O O O |
| Location | Boulogne Zoo |
| Magic Description| None |
| Max Description | Cannot be enhanced |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | SPS 15+G |
| Description | A powerful gun that propells grenades |
| My Rating | O O O O O |
| Location | Boulogne Zoo/Mont Saint Michel |
| Magic Description| None |
| Max Description | Cannot be enhanced |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Grenades |
| Description | French military grenades |
| My Rating | O O O |
| Location | Michelle default |
| Magic Description| None |
| Max Description | Cannot be enhanced |

| Heihachirou Honda |
| | | |
| Name Of Weapon | Genma Tonbokiri |
| Description | An Ancient spear |
| My Rating | O O O O O |
| Location | Heihachi default |
| Magic Description| Swing the spear in a circular motion |
| Max Description | Cannot be enhanced |

| |
| XI. Training Mode |
| |

This is a new feature in the Onimusha trilogy that allows you to test and
train your skills in a training arena. There are specific goals and each
scroll has three difficulties, Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. The later
two are unlocked by completing the difficulties in order.

You may ask whats the point of this altogether(I did)? The whole point of this
is to obtain items as a reward for completing each training scroll. Where as
some of them may be simple items like a Herb, the harder difficulties include
some very nice items including the final haori for Ako (see Ako's vests section)
which is required for the True Ending (see Endings section).

This section's aim is to help you master those training scrolls to obtain
the items which are also listed here.

| Draw Weapon Scroll |

| |
| XII. Onimusha 3: Demon Seige Walkthrough |
| |
| |

This is the walkthrough for the game covering all three characters that you
can play as. The Walkthrough was wrote whilst on my third playthrough on the
Normal Difficulty setting so strategys on enemies will based on the Normal

| How To Use This Walkthrough|

The Walkthrough will be split up in sections titled by the name of the
area, Current character and the current time period. Here is an example of
a section heading:

+---------------------+ +-----------------------------+
| | | |
| +--------------------------+ |
| |
| Part X: Current Area - Current Character - Current Time Period |
| |

Follwed by each section will be a map of the area that you can find however
my map will contain the locations of specific items/weapons that you
can find in the Area to make it easier for you to find.

This is a key of all of the objects that is used on the maps. To make them
easier to read you can come back to this section by pressing Ctrl + F and
typing the code below.

To make it even easier i have given each area map a key for the items and

Code - [OMAP]


+ / \ - ( ) Outlines of the path you can walk on in the map

= Doors that you can enter

@ Doors that require a key to enter

~~~~~ River/Water

+-+ Stairs leading up or down

**** Bridge

[] Objects like buildings or cars on the map that you cannot
walk through

[ Chapel chairs, cannot walk through or destroy


(M)* Magic Mirror (Save Point)

(F)* Magic Fountain (Restore Ogre Power)

(W)* Ako Warp Point

(P)* Puzzle Box

(B)* Book/File/Scroll

(DR) Dark Realm

(OJ) Oni Jewel

(PJ) Power Jewel

(H)* Herb

(S)* Salve

(ME)* Medicine

(FK)* First Aid Kit

(OM)* Oni Med Lv 1

(SM)* Secret Med

(EA)* Electric Arrows

(FA)* Flame Arrows

(IA)* Ice Arrows

(SA)* Soul Arrows

(NA)* Normal Arrows

When these items have a number next to them it means its the 1st/2nd of that item
you find. For example (B1) is the first file you pick up and (B2) is the second.


(OB) Observatory Key

(BV) Blue Vest/Haori

(BC) Bronze Coin

(GK) Gate Key

(SK) Sewer Key

(RV) Red Vest

(IH) Iron Handle

(WV) White Vest

(BK) Blacksmith Key

(ADC) Anti-Dark Charm

(RL) Rope Ladder

(GS) Gold Skull

(LDH) L. Dragon Horn

(BD) Blue Disc

(RDH) R. Dragon Horn

(FW) Firefly Wings

(PC) Power Crystal

(YV) Yellow Vest

(RD) Red Disk

(BK) Boat Key

(LBK) Lab Building Key

(MGK) Main Gate Key

(SC) Sun Crest

(RES) Red Eye Stone

(OV) Orange Vest

(GP) Genma Plant

(G) Gear

When you obtain a new item during the walkthrough i will display information
on the item like this:

| Item Update | Name Of Item |
| Description | Description from the game |

If you want to view my description on the item then you can find it in the Item

As with most games there are bosses which requires strategy to beat or you
need information on its attack patterns. When you reach a boss the walkthrough
will make it clear where the boss strategy is by this layout:

* *
* Boss Battle: Name Of Boss Difficulty of Boss rated *
* from 1-5 out of 5 *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Name of Attack| Description |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| How to Beat | |
| | Information on how to beat |
| | |
+----------------------+ |
| |

If you need help on a specific boss and have not been following the walkthrough
then you can go straight to the Boss Section which is where all the boss
strategy's are also listed to make it easier to find.

Whenever an Item is mentioned in the Walkthrough or an Area they will be
displayed in capital letters to make them easier to see if you are scanning
the walkthrough for a particular item. Here is an example of an item and
area created by myself:

[Once you get the CAR KEY run back to the MAIN STREET and use it with the
Ferrari to get out of the area.] (This is not in the game it is an example I
have chosen to use)

Now that you know the layout you are nearly ready for to play the game but first
take notice of these tips.

+ Save Often

Unless you are going for the Onimusha Rank (S) then save at every Magic
Mirror you come across so you don't have to repeat tasks if you die.

+ Go for Issens

If you want to obtain the Onimusha Rank (S) then you need a lot of souls (which
you'll be needing to enhance anyway) which Iseen's will produce a lot of
including a bonus when a large amount is absorbed.

+ Conserve Healing Items

Try to save as many healing items as you can using Ako and her White Vest if
no enemies are around to heal yourself instead of wasting Medicines or
First Aid Kits. If you are going to use items then use Herbs and Salves first
over the Medicines or First Aid Kits because they are easier to find and there
are more of them.

+ Save Ogre Power

Try not to waste Ogre Power too much because there isnt as many Magic Fountains
in this game as the last ones. Only use your Ogre Power if you are against an
enemy you are having a lot of trouble with or a Boss.

With all this said I am ready to begin the Walkthrough. I hope you enjoy it as
much as i did compiling it.

+---------------------+ +-----------------------------+
| | | |
| +--------------------------+ |
| |
| Part A: Honnoji Temple - Samanosuke Akechi - Japan 1582 |
| |

After being briefly introduced to Jacques Blanc in France, 2004 you will then
see a movie sequence of the France slaughter (The name i have given this event)
before the time period switches to Japan 1582.

Samanosuke arrives outside Honnoji Temple with his uncle Mitsuhide
preparing for the attack on Honnoji Temple to defeat Nobunaga Oda. The army
charges in follwed by Samanosuke Akechi in his new armor given to him by


H - Herb
B - Honnoji Temple Map
M - Magic Mirror (Save)
F - Magic Fountain


| | | |
| +------------+ |
| |
| ' ' |
| ' ' |
| ' ' |
| +-+ +-+ |
| | | | | |
| @ |
| |
| |
+--------+ +--------+
| |
+--------+ +--------+
| |
+-----+ +--------------+
| |(H) | (M) (F)|
| | | |
| +----+ |
|(B) |
| |
| [] [] |
| |
+----------- -----------+
/ /
+----- / /
| \/ /
+-+ /
| |
\ |
| |
| |
\ /
| |
| |

From the start run down the short steps and join the other soldiers in fighting
the other Zombie Foot Soldiers. Take this time get used to the game and how
combat works in it. You start with the three weapons from Onimusha 1 (Raizan,
Enryuu and Shippu), the Normal Sword and a Short Bow. Make the use of the
weapons here because you wont be using them that much longer in the entire game
(unless you fulfill certain requirements). When you are ready head up the stairs
to the next area.

Be careful of the Gorr here which can deal some nasty damage but after you
clear the enemies here head to the left section of the map and open the chest
there (B) for the HONNOJI TEMPLE MAP and then proceed behind the stairs to
another chest here containing a HERB (H).

| Item Update | Herb |
| Description | Scented herbs that give slight HP |
| | restoration |

Once you have these two items head over to the far right of the screen and you
will see a BLUE MIRROR (M) which upon inspecting will allow you to save your
progress. If you need any more Ogre Power then stand by the FOUNTAIN (F) to the
right of you and absorb the souls (O button) to fully replenish your Ogre Power.
When you are ready head up the stairs and defeat another Gorr before heading
through the main doors.

Here you will be introduced to the king of the Genma, Nobunaga Oda and his loyal
servant, Ranmaru Mori.

* *
* Boss Battle: Ranmaru Mori 1/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Swipe | A normal sword swipe |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| How to Beat | This battle is very easy because you have three |
| | maxed weapons at your disposal and Ranmaru doesnt |
| | have much vitality anyway. First use all your Ogre |
+----------------------+ Power of each of the swords and if he's still standing|
| block and counter attack his swipe with a combo of the Raizan. |

Watch the death of Ranmaru that follows in a cutscene which will trigger
a mysterious portal when Samanosuke's death looks certain before the game cuts
back to France 2004.

Jacques Blanc is now properly introduced and you control him trying to rescue
your wounded comrade. Jacques has a SALVE in his inventory if you happen to
need it.

| Item Update | Salve |
| Description | Kit with supplies that provide |
| | small HP recovery |

Jacques is also in possesion of the MODEL 90 which you should use
to defeat the Zolms here which will trigger the next cutscene. Just when it
looks like things are about to go all wrong for Jacques the control switches
back to Samonsuke.

You'll discover that you are no longer in possesion of the weapons you had
earlier. Before running down the alley smash the crate for a SALVE and then
use the MAGIC MIRROR to save. Do not use your souls yet because you want to
save them for the moment. Once you are ready proceed down the alley to trigger
yet another cutscene. Samanosuke will meet Jacques before Jacques recieves the
same treatment Samanosuke just had.

+---------------------+ +-----------------------------+
| | | |
| +--------------------------+ |
| |
| Part B: Arc de Triomphe - Samanosuke Akechi - France 2004 |
| |


A - Normal Arrows
B1 - Arc de Triomphe Map
B2 - Banquet Book
M - Magic Mirror (Save)
S - Salve
PB - Puzzle Box
OB - Observatory Key


(TENSO) -----+ +-+
+-----+ ( ( | ( ) ( ) ( )| |
| | ( | ( ) ( ) ( )| )
| | +--> +--+++ +--@
| +-+ | | || ^
+-+-+-+ | |
+-+ <----+ |
+--+ | | +--+ V
| | +---+ +---+ +-+ | | +-----------+
| \ | |(B1) | | / | | [] |(S3)
| ------------+ +-----+ +------ | | +---+
| | | |
| -------------+ +-------------- | | +---+ +-+
| / | | \ | | [] |(P | |
(S2)| | | | | | | | B)| +-+
+--+ | |(A) +--+ +-------+ +-+-+
+--+ +-+ (B2) (M2)+-+
| |
| | ^
+-++++ +++ / |
| |||| <------> ||| \ |
| |+++ +++ | V
| | / | +----------------------------------+
| | ---------------+ | |
|\ | | @ | +----+ +----+ |
| ---+ +- | | | | | | | |
| \+-------+ -+ +---------- | | +-+ +-+ | |
+-------- | | | \ | | | +-+| | |
\| | +------- \ | | | +-+| | |
| | \ \ | | +-+ +-+ | |
+--+-+-----+ | | | | | | | |
+-+ | +-+| | +----+ +----+ |
+-+ <-------> | | || | |
| +-+| +----------------------------------+
| |
| |
+-----------+ |
|(S1)(M1) | |
+-----------+ |
| |
| |
| |

Jacques will be gone and once again you are controlling Samanosuke Akechi. Genma
will still be attacking at this time so you should get some souls before heading
up the street and down into the subway.

There will be three more Zolms to deal with here and after taking care of them
you can head to the door. Examining it reveals that you need a key so head to
the left and break the crate. This will cause even more Zolms to appear which
you should deal with. Defeat them whilst heading north and you will reach some
stairs leading up. Obviously you should take them because its the only way
you can go right now.

Another cutscene will introduce the Arc de Triomphe before three Barthah's fly
your way. Make sure you deal with them first using your SHORT BOW before heading
to the bottom of right of the arch to open a chest containg NORMAL ARROWS (A).

| Item Update | Normal Arrows |
| Description | Description from the game |

Head up killing the Zolms that appear and then open the chest to the right of
the flames for a MAP:ARC (B1). After run to the left and then down into the
bottom corner here to find another chest this time containing a SALVE (S2).
Once you have these items proceed to check the flames in the center of the
Arch which will open a new area which you should head down.

At the end of this tunnel you can find your first weapon in the game, the TENSO.
These are dual blades which are very quick and you should also equip them now
because you will have a much easier time now with the enemies.

| Item Update | Tenso |
| Description | Description from the game |

When you return outside you will meet up with a young woman along with her
comrades. After the cutscene you'll be inside a stairwell with two Zolms to
deal with followed by another cutscene.

After the cutscene is over return to the room and pick up the OBSERVATION
KEY (OB) and then continue to deal with the Zolms as you make your way up the
stairwell and use the OBSERVATION KEY on the locked door.

Continue down a little and ignore the glowing red chest for the moment because
you cannot access it. Dont miss the BANQUET BOOK (B2) on the chairs to the right
side of you. Continue heading up and you will find another chest but this time
you need to unlock it via a puzzle. The solution for all the puzzles listed here
can also be found in the corresponding section.

| 3 Turns |

| a | b | c |
| O-| d | e | f |
| g | h | i |-O |

First move (a) then move (d) followed by (g) to finish the puzzle.

| Reward | ONI JEWEL |

| Item Update | Oni Jewel |
| Description | An odd yellow jewel that increases|
| | max hit points |

Be sure to use your ONI JEWEL (P) straight away then deal with the rest of the
Zolms. There is also a Soul Shrine here which if you hold down the O button
whilst standing in front of it will net you a lot of souls. Before you head
up the stairs make sure you open the chest (S3) containing a SALVE and use the
Magic Mirror (M2) to enhance the TENSO and save your game. Once you think you
are ready head up the stairs.

You'll meet Guildenstern here who reveals to you some of his plan. He also
has yet another new creation which you will have to do battle with.

* *
* Boss Battle: Brainstern 1/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Shoot | Launches a barrage of bullets |
| | | |
| |Stomp | Flys in the air before coming crashing |
| | | down |
| | | |
| | Flying Spin | Spins itself in the air whilst |
| | | targetting the nearest person |
| How to Beat | This is yet another easy battle to deal with. |
| | If you have got enough souls to enhance the Tenso |
| | to LV2 already then you will kill it very quickly. |
+----------------------+ First of all try and stay near him otherwise he will |
| shoot at you which can be quite hard to side step. Dont bother hiding behind |
| the walls because they will be destroyed by its bullets. Once you are near |
| Use all your Ogre Power on it and then move away. If souls were released be |
| sure to absorb them and then get ready to side step its Flying Spin if it |
| does it. Keep repeaing this tactic until you defeat it. |

After the battle absorb all the souls are released to trigger a series of
cutscenes. The control will switch over to Jacques after they are over.

+---------------------+ +-----------------------------+
| | | |
| +--------------------------+ |
| |
| Part C: Mt. Hiei - Jacques Blanc - Japan 1582 |
| |

Due to the size of the map i have split the sections up so it wont
match up the same way the Map on the game does but will still contain
the sections.


M - Magic Mirror (Save)
GK - Gate Key
ME - Medicine
BC - Bronze Coin
BV - Blue Vest
H - Herb
OJ - Oni Jewel
B1 - Scroll: Throw
B2 - Scroll: Firefly
B3 - Map: Mt Hiei

| Mt. Hiei |

Section 1


+---------- +--
| \ | \
| +------ \ \ \
| | \ \ +-------+ \ \
| | \ \ | | | |
/ \ \ \----+--+ | | |
| | \ | | | \
| | +-----+-------- \ / \
| | \ \ / \
| | \ \ / +---+ \
\ / \ -- / \ \
| | \ / + +---+
| | +--+ | | TO SECTION 2
+---+ +------+
| |
| |
\ \(M1)
\ \
\ --------+
\ |

Section 2

/ (B3)
/ |
+---+ |
/ |
+ +---------+
| | +----------+
| | | |
| | | +----+ |
| | | | | |
| | +--+ | |
+--+ (BC) +--+
| |
+---------+ +--+
| | | |
+-+ +----+ | +-------+ +--++---------+
TO SECTION 3 | | | | | | | |
+----+ | +--+ +-----+ +-----+ |
| | | |
+------+ ^ | |
| +---+
| +--+
V / \ +---+
+------------+ +-----------+ | |
| | | |
+------------+ +-----------+ | |
(M2)\ / +---+
+ +
| | +---+
| | | |
+-------+ | | |
| | (B2) + +
| +-------+ / /
| | +------+ /
| +-----+ | /
| | | /
+-----+ | +-------+
| |
| |
| \
/ |
+ +------------+ +------------+|(H2)
| | +------+ | (BV)| +-------+ ||
| | |(H) ' | | | | ' ' | ||
| | +--+ +-+ | | +--+ +--+ ||
| | | | | | | | ||
+-----+ +-----+-+----+ +-----+-+----+|
TO | (B1) |
SECTION +--+ |
1 \ |
\ |
\ |
+-------+ |
| (OJ)| |
| | <----+
| |
| |

Section 3

+--> | |
| | |
| (B4)| |
| | |
| | |
| +---+(ME2)
(M3) +----+
+---+ |
+------------+ | | V
| | | | +--------+--------------+ +------------+
+-+ | | | | | | | |
| | +-+-+ ****~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+--+~~~~~~~~~~~~|
| | | **** | | TO SECTION 2
| | +-+-+ ****~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+--+~~~~~~~~~~~~|
+-+ | | | | | | | |
| | | | +--------+--------------+ +------------+
+------------+ |(PB)

Now you'll be in proper control of Jaques although he has no weapons and just
one SALVE if you didnt use it earlier. When you are ready head across the logs
and to the Magic Mirror (M1) to Save your game and then continue on down the

A cutscene will be triggered here when Jacques heres the scream of Henri. He's
in danger from a Gorr before more strange events take place.

After the cutscene is over you will receive the ONI GAUNTLET, SCRL: ONIMUSHA and

| Item Update | Oni Gauntlet |
| Description | This Oni gauntlet can entrap genma|
| | souls |

| Item Update | Oni Whip |
| Description | A holy whip passed down to the Oni|

Now you need to defeat the Gorr which can be quite tough bcause of the Oni
Whip not being too strong. Remember to block all its attacks otherwise you'll
find yourself dying very quickly. Also remember that since the ONI WHIP is
a basic weapon it has no magical attacks. The best and easiest way to defeat
it however is to run behind it from where the battle starts and you'll see
a rock. Have your back facing to the Gorr and then hold R1 and press X which
will toss the rock at it which will knock it down to the floor. Follow this
up with some combos and it will die.

There will be a long cutscene following this battle and you will find out how
Jacques can get back and you will be presented Ako who will help you on your
journey. She is a Tengu who will introduce herself and you will also receive
SCRL: AKO which is a file explaining how you can use Ako.

After you have finished reading head up and there should be four or five
Zombie Foot Soldiers, deal with all of them to get some souls and then continue
up and along the path to the next area.

There will be lots of Zombie Foot Soldiers to deal with again here so make
sure thats the first thing to do. Continue up the path through the next area
and kill the Zombie Foot Soldiers. You will notice some plants to the left of
you (i'll refer to them as Genma Plants) however you cannot defeat them yet
because your weapon is too blunt so continue along the path.

You'll now be near some houses with even more enemies to deal with. When you
walk to the right a cutscene will be triggered and you will meet up with
Samanosuke Akechi (Past) before being attacked by more foot soldiers. This
time Samanosuke will be with you so it will be a lot easier but dont
forget to absorb all the souls. once they are all defeated another cutscene
will start and you'll begin to understand its not the same Samanosuke.

After the cutscene there will be no more genma here so you can explore
freely. Head into the first house first and smash the old crate here to
have an ECO SPIRIT drop out and then open the chest behind it for a HERB (H).

Next head to the right house stairs and pick up the SCRL: THROW here (B1)
before heading into the back of the hosue to open the chest containing
a BLUE VEST (BV). This is the first Haori for Ako which increases the speed
of enemy soul absorption once you have used two Eco Spirits on it. You should
only have one at the moment so go ahead and use it then head back down the

Run down the center then take a right and Ako will tell you that somethings
there. It is in fact a Tengu Chest which only Ako can open. To open them after
Ako has spotted it press the X button. She will retrieve the item and hold
it in front of you which you can acquire by pressing the X button. The chest
contains a HERB (H2) and then continue up the stairs in the center.

In the next area head up the stairs and you should be attacked by some enemies
including some Three-Eyes. Deal with them and continue up to trigger another
cutscene revealing a strange object and you agree to split up. You cant do
anything with Stupa Tower at the moment so head down the stairs and use the
Magic Mirror to save your game. Do not use your souls yet because you want
to save them for when you get a weapon. After you are done with the Magic
Mirror head to the right to the next area.

First defeat all the Barthahs here making sure to absorb all the sould then
open the chest here containing the SCRL: FIREFLY (B2) and a firefly itself.
Jacques has a unique ability that allows him to swing to normally unaccessable
areas using Oni Fireflys. Simply walk close to the firefly until it glows
green and then hold R1 and press the X button. You should go ahead and do
this now to get across the gap and continue up the path.

This next area involves more swinging about with the fireflys so head to the left
and smash the old crate there to release three fireflys which you should
proceed to swing across to reach the other side and open the chest near the
figure head to obtain a MAP: MT. HIEI (B3) and continue down the ladder. Smash
the old crate here to release a firefly and then open the chest behind
containing the BRONZE COIN (BC).

| Item Update | Bronze Mirror |
| Description | Beautifully decorated bronze |
| | mirror |

Before you Use the firefly to get over
the bridge examine the edge of the bridge to have Ako retrieve the MEDICINE
(ME) from the Tengu chest.

| Item Update | Medicine |
| Description | Scented herbs that give medium |
| | HP restoration |

Once you have all this use the firefly and head
back to Stupa Tower. You will be attacked by Genma here which you should
defeat before using the Magic Mirror again and then walk up the stairs
to use the BRONZE COIN in the slot there.

You'll see another cutscene as the Fire Orb lowers and Jacques gauntlet begins
to glow. You will now receive Jacques' first Magical weapon in the game, the

| Item Update | Enja |
| Description | Sword that emits fire magic |

When you walk down the stairs you'll be greeted by some more Three-Eyes' which
you can use to test out your new weapon (this doesnt always occur). Once you
are done with them chop down the plants to the left with your sword and then
go back to the Magic Mirror. Now you can use your souls to enhance your Enja
a little as its very unlikely you will even have half the required souls.

Instead of heading to the left head back down the stairs near the Magic Mirror.
There will be a new type of enemy here, the Bazu which you should always block
against when its spinning towards you. Defeat all the enemies here and then head
out of this area through to the left.

First deal with all the Bazu's here again and then chop down the plants here
again with the Enja. Before you open the chest a Gorr will appear but you
can kill it easily by walking back and throwing the rock at it (if you haven't
used it already). After defeating it open the chest containing the GATE KEY (GK).

| Item Update | Gate Key |
| Description | A dignified, ancient key |

Now go back to the area you were just in and you will notice that not only
is there more enemies to defeat again but one of the Barthahs has a firefly
on it. When you defeat this it will be released so first defeat all the enemies
here. Once they're all defeated use the firefly to get up on the roof and on
the other side of it you can find an ONI JEWEL (OJ).

| Item Update | Oni Jewel |
| Description | An odd blue jewel that increases |
| | max magic power |

Thats right these handy jewels increase your Ogre gauge by just a little so
go ahead and use it now and then jump back down from the roof.

Be careful when ascending the stairs here because a Gorr is waiting here and
its hard to dodge against it in such an enclosed space so i would suggest
that you use the Enja's magical attack to deal with it quickly (two should
kill it). Once you reach the top of the stairs kill the barthahs and three-eyes
and then use the Magic Mirror once again. If you are enhancing the Enja still
then by now you should have at least half of the level on it. After saving head
to the left into a new area.

The music will change here but dont worry because the only thing to defeat
here is Genma Plants which you should do to get some souls. Head down the small
hill collecting the souls from the Genma Plants as you go and enter the next

You will be at a gate now with several Genma Foor Soldiers and Samanosuke again.
Defeat these first then head up to the gate and use the GATE KEY to unlock it.
Some Three-Eyes will attack here so defeat them first and then smash open
the old crate to the left of the gate you entered to release a Oni Firefly.

If you check along the top here you can find a SCRL: MISSION (B4)here. Now head
around to the other side up here and smash another old crate to release your
second ECO SPIRIT. Use this on the BLUE VEST so you can equip it making it
easier to consume souls. After you have done this open the chest behind it to
obtain a MEDICINE (ME2) and then use the Oni Firefly to jump back down to the
ground and follow the path to the next area.

Some more Three-Eyes will attack here so deal with them making sure you watch
out for the plants above spitting out acid which can inflict some damage on
you. From where you enter the screen there is an old crate which you can smash
to the right of you but it wont have anything inside it. Head up the stairs
and to the left is a puzzle box (PB).

| 4 Turns |

| a | b | c |
| O-| d | e | f |
| g | h | i |-O |

Move a, d, e and finally h to line up the power grid and complete the puzzle.

| Reward | Power Jewel |

Make sure you use this before you head to your right and use the Magic Mirror
(M3) to save and enhance the Enja. Depending if you fought a lot of enemies
to get a lot of souls its likely that your Enja will still be level 1. Once
you're ready head through the double doors.

You will see another cutscene involving Ranmaru Mori who reveals more of
Nobunaga Oda's intentions. Following this cutscene you will have to do battle
with an old friend.

* *
* Boss Battle: Marcellus 2/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Guard | Guards attacks with his shield |
| | | |
| |Slice | Slices his giant blade |
| | | |
| | | |
| |Thurst | Thrusts at you with his shield |
| | | |
| |Thunder Strike| Smashes sword to ground causing thunder|
| | | discharge from it |
| How to Beat | This battle isnt too tough if you know what you're |
| | doing however it is harder than Samanosukes first |
| | boss battle. If you have managed to enhance Enja to |
+----------------------+ Lv2 then you will find this battle a lot easier. |
| Do not use your magic attacks at the start because it will only damage his |
| shield so instead side-step out of the way of his attacks and then continue |
| to attack his shield. You can also defeat him by using the Oni Firefly in |
| the center of the room. This will allow you to get out of the way of his |
| attacks and allow you to do a jumping slash on him. Once you have dealt a lot|
| of damage to him his sword will enhance with a purple aura around it. He |
| will now do a lot more damage and a Thunder Strike which cannot be blocked |
| against. When he does this start using your Magical attacks on it to damage |
| it and then go back to the Oni Firefly method to minimize damage. This |
| battle is a lot easier if you can pull of some Issen's on him and if you |
| have five purple orbs to revive you if you do die. If you do use Onimusha |
| mode start using its magical attack to finish it off. |

Absorb the souls after you have defeated it and then watch the following cutscene
that reveals more about Ako's talents and then the game will switch back to
Samanosuke once more.

+---------------------+ +-----------------------------+
| | | |
| +--------------------------+ |
| |
| Part D: Sewer - Samanosuke Akechi - France 2004 |
| |

During the cutscene Michelle will get a call from her men asking her to come
help them and then Michelle will ask you to follow her. Once you get control
do not follow her and instead head to your right and then turn left at the
end. Ako will find a Tengu Chest containing a First-aid Kit.

Now head back into the door you were in before you was Jacques and head
back up to the top and enter the door there. Head to the end here past the
second statue and Ako will find another Tengu chest this time containing

| Item Update | Flame Arrow |
| Description | These arrows cover targets in |
| | flame |

Once you have this head back down the stairwell and then follow where
Michelle went, down the stairs. Genma will attack here so defeat them whilst
heading down and then head back to the locked door to find a man dead holding
the SEWER KEY. Go to the locked door and use your new key and enter the door
to a new area.

| Item Update | Sewer Key |
| Description | A key to the sewer door |


S - Salve
FK - First-Aid Kit
M - Magic Mirror (Save)
PB - Puzzle Box
SM - Secret Med
OM - Oni Med
IR - Iron Handle
PJ - Power Jewel
EA - Elec Arrow
B1 - Memo To Chief
B2 - Map: Sewer
B3 - Worker Memo
B4 - Scroll: Ch Attack

| Sewer |

| |
(S1) +---+ |+-----------+
+----------+ | || |
| | | +-+ || |
(B1) +--+ | +-------+ | | | || |
+--------+ | | (B2)| | +-+ +----++ |
+--+ | | | | +--+| +-----------+-+ |
+--+ | (M1)| | | | || |
+--+ +------+-+ | +----+ |+------+-+---------------+-+-------+-+
| | | | | | | | | | | |
| +-------------+ +---+ +----+ +-------+ +--+------------+ +------+ ^
| | | | (PB) | |
+-------------------------+ +---------------+-+-+-----------------+ |
+-----------------------------------------+-+-------+ |
| +-+ | |
(FK)| | |
+-------------+---+---------------------------------+ |
|(IR) |
+---+ |
| (M2)
| +--+ +--+
V | | | |
| | | | +----+
| | | +-----+ | | |
+-+ | | +----+ |
| | | | | +-+
| +---+ +-----+ +------+-------+-+
| | | (EA)
+--------+ +-+-----------------+
| +-+ |
| +---+
| | <-----------+
| +---+ |
| | |
+--------------------------------------+ |
V (OM)
| |
+----------------------------------------------+ +-------------------+
| | <---+
+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
| (PJ) +++--+
| +-+ ||| |
V | | +++ |
| | | |
+----+-+----------+ |
| +-+ |
| (SM)|
| |

From the start head down to find a new type of Genma, the Zolworm which will
take a few hits to defeat. Also when you do defeat them they split themselves
into Grea which jump onto you. After defeating this head down to the right
and then into the first door you come across.

This will trigger a cutscene and then you can use the Magic Mirror to the left
of the door. Now head over to the control panel and you will switch on the
power to the sewers. On the other control panel you can find the MEMO TO CHIEF
(B1). Before you leave make a mental note of how many chairs there are in this
room along with one cassette deck and then head out of the room.

Head along the walkway right and you will see a bridge standing up which you
cannot pushed down. Now that you have the power back on you can use the red
button next to it which will cause it to lower allowing you access to the
walkway on the otherside.

When you cross the bridge head north and open the chest there containing
a MAP: SEWER (B2). Kill the two Zolworms and head to the east and you'll
come across a gate blocking the path towards a ladder. Instead you will
have to head through the door just to the left of it.

As soon as you enter this new room you will be attacked by two Zolworms so
take care of them making sure you deal with one at a time and then head to the
left making sure you break the barrel first for a Eco Spirit. Theres a chest
at the end here containing your first gadgemallo which can be quite tricky
to defeat. Try using your bow if you're having trouble hitting it with your
sword and for defeating it you will obtain a SALVE (S1). Go back to where
you found that chest and head to the right. Destroy the barrel here for another
Eco Spirit and then open the chest for the RED VEST (RV). You should have the
two Eco Spirits required so attach them and then equip it. This makes it easier
to gain more Red Souls meaning you can enhance equipment sooner.

Head back to the right of the room to find a ladder which you should ascend
to a small office. On the table here is the WORKER MEMO (B3) which reveals
how to unlock the door at the bottom of the ladder. At the end of this office
is a machine that requires a object to use and a SCRL: CH ATTACK (B4).

Now head down the ladder and head over to the locked door to the oposite
side of it and you will realise that there is three numbers required to open it.
This puzzle is simple and it is related to the Worker Memo you just obtained.
The left number is relating to the number of chairs in control room 1 (3), the
middle number is relating to the number of cassette decks in control room 1 (1)
and the right number is relating to the number of monitors in control room 1 (4).

The answer to the puzzle then is:

3 1 4

After inputting this number head throug the door to find yourself the other
side of the gate. If you head to the right of this door you will find the
next puzzle box (PB).

| 5 Turns |

| A | B | C | D |-O |
| O-| E | F | G | H |
| I | J | K | L |

Move C, G, F, E and finally A to complete the puzzle.

| Reward | Oni Jewel |

Be sure to use the ONI JEWEL and then head down the ladder and then run
up the stream (towards the screen) and you will face some new genma, the
Battobones. These are fairly easy to defeat if you just use a normal
sword combo on them. Head all the way to the end here and Ako will spot
a Tengu chest which contains a FIRST-AID KIT (FK).

| Item Update | First-Aid Kit |
| Description | Kit with supplies that provide med|
| | HP recovery |

Now run back a little to the ladder on the right and climb up it. Check the
ground here to find the IRON HANDLE (IR).

| Item Update | Iron Handle |
| Description | Some kind of handle. Could fit |
| | into a shaft |

This is what we were looking for to use on the machine back in Control Room 2
so now head all the way back up the other ladder and into the Control Room

The Zolworms will be back again here so make sure you defeat them first
and then head back up the ladder and to the machine again. Use the IRON
HANDLE to open the gate on the ground which you should head to. Before you
can get closer two more Zolworms will jump down waiting to lunge at you
so take them out and then head to the control panel and pull the lever.
Now you can head out the only other door here which is at the far end.

Again you will notice another bridge here that you need power in order to
lower it so head over to the panel to the left of it and activate it. Defeat
the Zolworm on the bridge then head over to the Magic Mirror (M2) and enhance
some more of the TENSO which after enhancing should be at least Level 2. If
it is already Level 2 or you have some more souls left over start enhancing

Don't head down the ladder just yet, instead head to the right and open the
chest at the end containing ELEC ARROW (EA).

| Item Update | Elec Arrow |
| Description | Stun enemy targets with |
| | electricity. Push R1 + X |

Climb the ladder and you will see a chain that is weak from rust. Simply
slash at it to make the Cleaning ball drop into the sewer below. Climb
back down the ladder and then head down to where the cleaning ball is and
follow it to trigger a cutscene. Looks like theres more people to rescue so
after the cutscene quickly head over to the cleaning ball.

This next part can be quite tricky, you have to push the cleaning ball down
while Genma come at you. Most of the time Michelle will take care of the cleaing
ball so you should not stop to attack unless the gemna are very close to you
in which you should defeat them quickly and resume pushing the ball. Watch
out for the water that can pour down sometimes as it damages you. Halfway down
here there is a ladder which you can climb and there is a chest there containing
an Oni Med Lv 1 (OM) (its easy to miss so watch out).

| Item Update | Oni Med Lv 1 |
| Description | An odd liquid that restores a |
| | small amt. of magic power |

When you exit the screen you will be able to head up a ladder which you
should do quickly and defeat the Genma here and then stop before heading
down the path to the soldier. Head to the left at the ladder and smash the
barrel then take aim with your bow and shoot to destroy a light containing
a EcoSpirit. Now push the cleaning ball down until you cannot move it no more
and you will see something shining, examine it to obtain a SECRET MED (SM).

| Item Update | Secret Med |
| Description | Concoction of herbs that give |
| | large HP restoration |

SECRET MED's are the best healing items in the game so you will want to
hang onto this. Don't worry about the chest with the locked gate because
you cannot reach it until after the cutscene near the other ladder which you
should go do because after you will receive the SMALL KEY.

| Item Update | Small Key |
| Description | A small, 4 cm long key |

You can now head back to the locked gate and unlock it to obtain a POWER
JEWEL (PJ) which you should use and then head up the ladder to trigger a
series of cutscenes revealing more about Jacques son Henri before the game
switches back to Jacques.

Ako will deliever the news to Jacques and you will discover some objects
that should'nt be here. You decide to head to the village of Sakai.

+---------------------+ +-----------------------------+
| | | |
| +--------------------------+ |
| |
| Part E: Sakai Village, Senshu - Jacques Blanc - Japan 1582 |
| |


H - Herb
ME - Medicine
M - Magic Mirror (Save)
OM - Oni Med
WV - White Vest
BK - Blacksmith Key
PB - Puzzle Box
B1 - Map: Sakai
B2 - Scrl: Bind Move
B3 - Toraya Order
B4 - Hideyoshi Rmr
B5 - Time Lab 1

(H2) +----+
+-+ +-+ / |
| | | | / | |
| | | | +--+ |
+-------+ +----+ +------+ | |
| | | |
| +-----+| |
| || |
| (B3) ++ |
| || |
+------+-----+------+ +-----++ +----------------+
(B4)| | | | || |
| | | | |+-----------------+ |
(B5)| | | |(PB2)| | |
+-----+ +---+-----+ | |
+---+ +---+
+---+ +-+ +-+
-------+ | | | -+| |
\ | | | -+| |<--+
\ | | | | | | | +----+
\ (M1)| | | -+| |(BK) |(B2)| RAISEN
\ +-+ | +--++-+(OM) | +------------+
+ (B1)| | +----------+| | |(ME) |
| +-+ | <--+ | | |
(PB1) | | | +------------------+ +-+ |
| | | | (WV) | |
+ | +----------+-------+--+-------+ +-+ |
/ | | | | |
/ | | +--+ | | |
/ | | | | | +------------+
/ | | | | | |
-------+ | +--+---------------+ | +----+
| | |
+------+---------------+ |
| |
| |

You will arrive in Sakai village to find more information on the Genma. This
place is a bustling village with shops and trade. From the beginning walk
up a little and you'll see the entrance to a shop and to the left and right
of the doors are some statues. Slice the head of the statues to obtain an
EcoSpirit and then climb the ladder at the tower. There is a chest here
which contains the MAP: SAKAI (B1). After this use the Magic Mirror (M1) to save
and enhance your Enja and then head into the shop.

Before you do anything smash the barrels near the entrance to obtain two
EcoSpirits and then head out the door in the back to find a chest containing the
WHITE VEST (WV). It requires 4 EcoSpirts to equip it which you should have
now but do not equip it after. This vest is good for when you have no enemies
around you and need to restore vitality. After you have picked this up head
back into the shop and head to the left of where the masks are hanging for
Ako to find a Tengu chest containing a ONI MED LV 1 (OM). After you have done
all this speak to the shopkeeper to trigger a cutscene.

Head back to where you entered this area and there will be a child with his
head in a barrel. Talk to the child to find out that he will trade the item
in the barrel for something sweet. We don't have anything yet so head down
the path to the right of the entrance to the next area.

There is a man as soon as you enter selling WATERMELONS however we don't have any
money, do not worry though as Jacques will trade the WATCH for it.

| Item Update |Watermelon |
| Description | A fresh, sweet fruit of the gourd |
| | family |

Head further down the path here and at the end turn right to find a chest
containing a HERB (H). Head north from here to find a gate which you should
enter. Head to the end and you will find the Blacksmiths shop however it is
locked for the time being so instead open the chest here that contains the

Now head back to the child in the other area and trade the WATERMELON and you
will set free a Oni Firefly. Use this time to save again if you feel you need
to and then use the Oni Firefly to jump onto the roof of the shop and enter
the window to trigger a cutscene.

Head to the left from the window to find the BLACKSMITH KEY (BK) and then use
the Oni firefly to jump down and leave the shop through the main door.

| Item Update | Blacksmith Key |
| Description | The handle of this key is engraved|
| | with a hammer |

Another cutscene will trigger showing the Genma have begun their attack so
you should first defeat all the genma here and then head to the
path to the right.

There is even more genma to defeat here and it becomes quite tricky with the
Zombie Archers constantly firing at you so remember to block their attacks or
defeat them first. After you have defeated them use Ako's White Vest if you
need health back (rotate right analog stick to increase speed she heals) and
then head through the gate.

This next part is quite hard because there are Zombie Archers firing at you
from the distance and a new type of enemy, the Mountain Ogre which has a lot
of defense and can take quite a while to defeat. When fighting these battles
remember to defend a lot. Theres a barrel here you can use to grab and throw
at the Mountain Ogre to kill it a lot easier or alternatively you could
use your magical attacks. When you reach the end unlock the door with the
BLACKSMITH KEY and then head in.

In here head to the left of the fireplace for Ako to find a Tengu Chest
containing a MEDICINE (ME). If you head up the stairs here you will see a
glowing blue orb, examine it to receive......

| Item Update | Raisen |
| Description | Spear that emits thunder magic |

Thats right a new weapon to use and in my opinion the best weapon that Jacques
can use. Now that you have this weapon head out the door for a change of
music and more genma. This time they're Dark Crows which are slightly stronger
than the Three-Eyes but you should be able to kill them easily with your
new weapon.

Head all the way back to the entrance of the village. Defeat all the genma here
and then smash the barrel to the left of the statue you got the EcoSpirit from
to release a Oni Firefly. Head up the tower again and use the Oni Firefly
here to jump down onto the beach and to your next puzzle box (PB).

| 5 Turns |

| O-| A | B | C |
| D | E | F |
| G | H | I |-O |

Move F, E, H, I and finally F to complete the puzzle.

| Reward | Oni Jewel |

Once again use this straight away and then use Ako's White Vest if you need
healing again. After this head back onto the main street and save and enhance
your Raisen to Level 2 if you can. You may be a little off so kill some more
enemies or leave it for now and head through the gate in the north.

Kill all the Dark Crows and Battobones here and then head to the right to find
TORAYA ORDER (B3) and then head towards the blockade of boxes and enter
the room to the right of them.

Three are three barrels here to smash with two of them containing EcoSpirits.
There is a Soul statue here too which you should absorb to collect more souls
and then examine the puzzle box (PB2) to the left of it.

| 6 Turns |

| A | B | C |
| O-| D | E | F |
| G | H | I |-O |

Move E, D, A, B, E and finally F to complete the puzzle.

| Reward | Power Jewel|

Use the Power Jewel and then leave the room and head down the stairs to the
dock. At the end of the dock there is a chest containing a HERB (H2). To open
the door here you need to have your Raisen equipped and then examine the door
and enter when its open.

As soon as you enter check on top of the television to find the HIDEYOSHI RMR
(B4) and then head to the end to find a chest containing TIME LAB 1 (B5) and
then leave the room again to trigger a new cutscene.

Attack the Gorr and the Dark Crows that come at you here and then head up
to where the blocade previously was which will trigger yet another cutscene
introuducing a new character and boss.

* *
* Boss Battle: Heihachi Honda 3/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Guard | Guards attacks with his shield |
| | | |
| |Slice | Slices with spear |
| | | |
| | | |
| |Thurst | Thrusts at you with his spear |
| | | |
| |Demon | Heihachi special. Spins his spear in |
| |Dragonfly | a circular motion causing major |
| |Slice | damage |
| How to Beat | This battle isnt too tough if you know how to block |
| | effectively and use Issen properly. He attacks very |
| | fast however and your guard will fail on several of |
+----------------------+ his attacks. I assume this battle is a race against |
| time because you need to deal a certain amount of damage before the ship |
| sails off. I havent taken too long on this battle so i don't know if you can |
| miss the ship. Start Off by guarding his attacks and then use your Magical |
| attacks on him which is likely he will guard so after all your Ogre Power |
| is gone do normal weapon combos after blocking his attacks. Another good |
| tatic is to use the Oni Bind Move which will damage him quite heavily if he |
| doesnt block the original attack. I suggest you use the Raisen in this |
| battle because of its reach. Keep at it with the combos and before soon |
| Heihachi will retire from the battle. |

A cutscene follows after the battle where jacques will get help from Henri
and another CG sequence. After the CG you will be on the Genma Ship with
Zombie Foot Soldiers below which you should defeat for souls but do not
fight them on the stairs as it makes it harder for you to hit them. Wait for
them to come up to you and then Issen them if you can.

One of them will release a Oni Firefly which you should use to swing to the top
of the sails. Continue across the Oni Firefly here and you will land next to
a Puzzle Box.

| 5 Turns |

| A | B | C | D |
| O-| E | F | G | H |-O |
| I | J | K | L |

Move A, E, F, G and finally K to complete the puzzle.

| Reward | Power Jewel|

After using the POWER JEWEL head back down onto the ship and then through
the only door here. Head to the top of the stairs here to find the GENMA
NOTICE and then open the chest here containing the MAP: WESTERN SHIP.

Head down the stairs and you will find a locked door so go to the picture
of Guildenstern and discover that you can slash it apart to reveal a chest
containing a Gadgemallo which will give you the WHEELHOUSE KEY upon its

| Item Update | Wheelhouse Key |
| Description | Key to the wheelhouse on the |
| | Western ship |

Use the key in the only other available door here to unlock it and then go
through it. To the right of this new area is another puzzle box.

| 6 Turns |

| A | B | C | D |
| O-| E | F | G | H |-O |
| I | J | K | L |

Move A, B, C, G, F and finally B again to complete the puzzle.

| Reward | Wood Charm |

| Item Update | Wood Charm |
| Description | This wood charm saves its bearer |
| | from death |

These are very useful items as they will ressurect you with full health
if you happen to die. Once you are ressurected however you will lose the item
so be sure to try and save it till the end of the Dark Realms.

Head further into the room and you will find another chest containing the
LOGBOOK. Use the Soul Statue here to gain 150 souls and then head back out
of the room to trigger a cutscene where the game will switch characters again.

+---------------------+ +-----------------------------+
| | | |
| +--------------------------+ |
| |
| Part F: Notre Dame - Samanosuke Akechi - France 2004 |
| |

Samanosuke is with Michelle and Henri in Jacques' apartment before he gets
a call from Guildenstern. Our next destination is Notre Dame.

Like the Mt. Hiei map i had trouble fitting it exactly the same as the game one
so I put the last part of the map below labled section 2.


FK - First-Aid Kit
IA - Ice Arrow
EA - Elec Arrow
M - Magic Mirror (Save)
F - Magic Fountain
PB - Puzzle Box
GS - Gold Skull
RL - Rope Ladder
ADC - Anti-Dark Charm
B1 - Scrl: D Critical
B2 - Genma Rmr
B3 - Map: Notre Dame
B4 - Dark Parchment
B5 - Time Lab 3


| |
| +---------+ +--------+ |
| | (ADC)| | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
(B4) | | | | +--+
+--+ | |
+--+ | | ^
|GS| | | |
+-----------+ +--+ | |(B3) |
| | To Section 2 +--+ |
V | |
| |
+-----+ +-------+
| | +--+
| +----------+ | | |
+---+ | | +-+---------+ +-------+
(B2)| | | | | <------------+
+---+ | | +-+---------+ +-------+ |
| +----------+ | | | |
| (PB1) | +--+ |
+----------------+ |
+----------------------+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | ---- | |
| +----+ +------+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +---+ | |
| | | | | |
| | | (M1)| | |
| +----+ | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | [ [ [ [ [ [ [ +---+ |
| | | [ [ [ [ [ [ [ | | |
| +----+ | | | |<--+
| | | (B1)| | [ [ [ [ [ [ [ | |
| | | | | [ [ [ [ [ [ [ +---+
| +----+ | |
| | |
+----------------------+------+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +---+ |(IA)
(FK1) | | | | | | | | | | | ---- |
+-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+


To section 1

| |
+----+ +-------+
| |
| +------+ +-+
+-+ | | |
| | | |
+-+ | | |
| | | |
| +------+ +-+
| |(RL)
+------+ +-----+
| |(M2)
| (F) |
| |
| |
+----+ |
|(B5) |
+----+ |
| +-+ |
| +-+ |
| +-----+ |
|(EA)| | |

You start next to the sewer exit and if you head up a little you will notice
two bins. The one on the right is worth smashing because it contains an
EcoSpirit. Also to the right of the door is the SCRL: D CRITICAL (B1). There
is also a Magic Mirror here (M1) that you can use to enhance the Tenso to Level
2 if you haven't already done so because the door here requires it.

From the door head to the left (your left) and you will find a chest by the other
door which contains a FIRST-AID KIT (FK1). Now go back and head to the right of
the door and you will be attacked by Genma. Keep to the left wall as you head
up and you will find two vase's that can be smashed to reveal an EcoSpirit and
at the other side of them is a chest containing a Gadgemallo. There is another
vase to the right of this chest containing another EcoSpirit and there is also
some Gilzolms that will attack. After dealing with them head to the right
and you will find a soul statue which contains another 150 souls. Theres
one more chest here which Ako will spot when you walk up from the soul statue
which contains ICE ARROW (IA).

| Item Update | Ice Arrow |
| Description | These arrows leave targets frozen |
| | Push R1 + X |

Head over to the alter and on the right side of it is a red portion which
when removed reveals a doorway further into the Notre Dame.

This next room has a small hole for something shining within the darkness, dont
worry about it for now though because you will be coming back here later. Take
aim with your bow here to destroy the hanging lights containing a HERB and
another EcoSpirit then head through the door here.

This next room can cause a lot of damage to you if you're not careful so when
the blades have gone past you follow the way they were going. The first
safety position is next to a door that is locked for the moment. The next
place you can turn in contains the GENMA RMR (B2). Also at the end of this
short path is a skull which can be moved so go ahead and do it to stop the blades
moving and open the door we just saw locked.

However Bazu's will attack too so make sure you deal with them before continuing
around this room to your next puzzle box (PB1).

| 6 Turns |

| A | B | C | D |
| O-| E | F | G | H |
| I | J | K | L |-O |

Move G, F, J, K, L and then finally H to complete the puzzle.

| Reward | Oni Jewel |

Use the ONI JEWEL and then head back to the door you could'nt get through
to find out that the it is now accessable.

When you head round the corner a company of Bazu's will attack so lay waste to
them first before you smash the red glass containing the ANTI-DARK CHM (ADC).

| Item Update | Anti-Dark Chm |
| Description | Allows the gauntlet to absorb the |
| | darkness |

If you head down from here you will see a door locked with an Air symbol which
you cannot open yet however there is a chest here containing the MAP: NOTRE
DAME (B3). There is also a light hanging near this chest which when shot
releases another EcoSpirit. If you head to the other side you will happen
upon a chest containing the DARK PARCHMENT (B4). This document reveals the
secret behind those statues we saw back in the first room. Again there is
a light you can target above the chest containing another EcoSpirit. Now head
all the way back to the first room with the statues.

Before you attempt the puzzle clear the room of any enemies first so you
don't get interrupted while absorbing. As you may realise now that you can
absorb the darkness on the statues but if you do not do them in order you will
be attacked by lightning. The order is quite simple in the way that you
do it in order of how many lighted sets of candels. There are four sets in total
and you need to do it in order of 1 set - all sets lighted.

The first statue is the one on the far left with just one set of candles lit.
Stand next to the statue and hold down the O button to absorb the darkness
causing light to shine on it. The second statue is in the far right with
two sets of candles lit. The third statue is the first statue on the left with
three sets of candles lit and the final statue is the first on the right with
all sets of candles lit.

Once the puzzle is complete the orb in the statues head will now glow a holy
pale blue. The statue can be found in between the two statues on the left. Upon
examining it you will receive Samanosuke's next weapon.....

| Item Update | Kuga |
| Description | Long sword that emits air magic |

This is, in my opinion, Samanosuke's best magical weapon he gets in the game
so I would advise you to go back outside and enhance it to Level 2 if you have
enough souls.

Now that you have the Kuga you can head all the way back to the room with
the air symbol lock and unlock it.

This next room is another one with the blades coming out of the walls but this
time however there is two of them meaning you have to be extra careful. When
the blades swing across you head around the same route they are until you
come to the first safety spot which contains some Genma plants which you
can defeat for a few souls. Continue around to the next safety spot and
you will be at the door that leads on to the next area and another Magic Mirror
(M2). Save your game if you want to and then continue around to the next
spot which contains more Genma Plants and a chest containing the ROPE LADDER

| Item Update | Rope Ladder |
| Description | A ladder made of woven rope |

Continue around the room to the last safety spot containing the next puzzle
box (PB2).

| 5 Turns |

| A | B | C | D |
| O-| E | F | G | H |
| I | J | K | L |-O |
| M | N | O | P |

Move H, L, K, J and then finally F to complete the puzzle.

| Reward | Statue Charm |

| Item Update | Statue Charm |
| Description | This charm statue saves its bearer|
| | from death |

The STATUE CHARM is Samanosuke's version of the BROWN DOLL in that it ressurects
you if you die once. Again you want to keep hold of this for as long as you
possibly can because if you also keep Onimusha Mode until you die then you
can die twice without getting GameOver.

Theres nothing else to do in this room so head back to the last room and take
the path left at the end to reach a hole which you cannot jump down. Simply use
your ROPE LADDER and then climb down to a chest containing the GOLD SKULL (GS).

| Item Update | Gold Skull |
| Description | This skull was made from pure gold|

Now that you have this item you can head back to the door near the Magic Mirror
(M2). Save your game here and try to enhance the Kuga to Level 2. Now walk
over to the door and use the GOLD SKULL to unlock it and then head through to
trigger a cutscene.

After the cutscene you will be introduced to two new Genma you have yet to
face. They are the Doldekko's which are the evolved form of the Doldow's which
you haven't even faced yet. Your best bet here is to launch your Magical attacks
on them which should make this a lot easier.

After the battle check the rightside of the room near the barrel to find the
TIME LAB 3 (B5). Now head as far as you can to the right of the steps and
Ako will spot a Tengu chst containing ELEC ARROW (EA). The only thing left to
do here is go up to the device and use it to chase Guildenstern.

After the cutscene you will be transported to the Oni Ruins.

+---------------------+ +-----------------------------+
| | | |
| +--------------------------+ |
| |
| Part G: Undersea Temple - Samanosuke Akechi/Jacques Blanc - 2004/1582 |
| |

This next section involves a new feature in the Onimusha trilogy, character
switching which is a little like the feature found in Resident Evil: O but
you can only switch at designated spots. There will be two maps, one for
each character and they will contain the items that that character can obtain


M - Magic Mirror (Save)
F - Magic Fountain
W - Ako Warp Gate
OM - Oni Med
SM - Secret Med
ME - Medicine
PB - Puzzle Box
DR - Dark Realm
LDH - L. Dragon Horn
BD - Blue Disc
RD - Red Disc
RDH - R. Dragon Horn
FW - Firefly Wings
PC - Power Crystal
YV - Yellow Vest
B1 - Tblt: Time Fold
B2 - Scrl: Critical
B3 - Ancient Slab, Time Lab 2
B4 - Map: Sea Temple
B5 - Oni Tortoise
B6 - Map: Sea Temple
B7 - Scrl: Chn Critical
B8 - Tblt: Temple

| Samanosuke Undersea Temple|

+-------+ +-----> +---+
/ \ | | |
+ + | +----+ +---+ +----------+
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | +------+ |
+ + | | | | | | |
\ / | | | | | | |
+-+ +-+ +----------------------+ | +----+ +---+ | | | |
| | | | | | | | +------+ |
| | +--+ | | +-------+ +------+ | |
+---+ | | | |(DR) | +----------+
| | | +-------+ +------+
+---+ | | +-----+ | |
(PB2)| | | | | +---+
| | | | | +---+
| | | | | | |(B8)
+---+ | | | | |(YV)
^ | | |+--+ +--+
| | | || (RD) |
+---+ | +-+ || |
+--> | | ++---------+-----+
+-----+-+-----+ | +--+
| | +---+ V | |
| +-------+ | | | +------+ +--+
| | +---+ | | | | | |
+------+ +-+ | |[ ]| | +-+ | | | |
| | <->| | | +---+ | | |<->| | | (BD)|
| +---+ +-+ +-------+ +-+ | | +------------+
| | | (M1) (W) | | |
| | | (F) | | +----+
| | +-----+-+-----+ | |
| | +-+ | +-+
| | | | +------+-+
| | +---------+ +-----+ | +-+
| | | | +--------+
| | | +-------------+ (SM)
| | | |
| | | |
+--+ | | +------+
| | | | | |
+---+ +++++ | +-+ |
| |||| | | | [] |
| ++++ | +-+ |
+----> |B6 B7|| | | | |
| +---+ +--++ | | +------+
| | | ^ | | | [] |(OM) +-+
| +--+ | | | +------+ | |
| | | | +---+ +-+ +--+
| | | | | |
| | | +-------------------> | |
+----------+ | | |(RDH) |
| +-----------+ | | +------+
| | | | |
| | +-+ | |
| | CHIGO | | |
| | +-+ | |
+--->| | | |
| | |FW|
| | | |
+-----------+ |[]|

| Jacques Undersea Temple|

+-------+ +-----> +---+
/ \ | | | (B5)
+ + | +----+ +---+ +----------+
+->| | | | (B4)| | |
| | | | | | | +------+ |
| + + | | | | | | |
| \ / | | | | | | |
| +-+ +-+ +----------------------+ | +----+ +---+ | | | |
| | | | | | | | | +------+ |
| | | +--+ | | +-------+ +------+ | (LDH) |
| +---+ | | | |(DR) | +----------+
| |+-----+ | | +-------+ +------+ (ME1)
| +---+ || | | +-----+ | |
| | | || V | | +---+
| | | || +--+ | |
| +---+ || +--+ | +-+ +------------------+
| ^ || +--+ +--->| | |
| | || +--+ +-----+-+-----+ | +--+
| +---+| +--+ | | +---+ V | |
| | +--+ | +-------+ | | | +-------+ +-+
+-------------+ +--+ | | +---+ | | | | | B2|
+--+ +------+ +-+ | |[ ]| | +-+ | | | |
+--+ | | <->| | | +---+ | | |<->| | | |
+--+ | +---+ +-+ +-------+ +-+ | | +------------+
+--+ | | | (M1) (W) | | | ^
+--+ | | | (F) | | +----+ |
+------+ +--+ | | +-----+-+-----+ | | |
| | +--+ | | +-+ | +-+ |
| ++++++++++++ | | | | +------+-+ |
| |||||||||||| | | +---------+ +-----+ | +-+ |
| ++++++++++++ | | | | +--------+ |
| | | | | +-------------+ ^ |
+------+ | | | | | |
| | | | +-------------+
+--+ | | +------+
| | | | | |
+---+ +++++ | +-+ |
| |||| | | | [] | (PB1) HYOSAI
| ++++ | +-+ | +-----+ +-------+
+--> | || | | | | | | | |
| +---+ +--++ | | +------+ | +--+ +-------+
| | | ^ | | | [] | | |
| +--+ | | | +------+ +--+
| | | | +---+
| | | |
+-----------+ | | +-----------+ +--+ +---+
| +-----------+ | | | | | |[ ]|
| |(SA) | | | | | | +---+
| | +-+ | | | | |
| | | | | | +--+
+--->| +-+ | | |
| | | | | +--+ +---+
| | | | | | | |[ ]|
| | | | | | | +---+
+-----------+ | | | +--+ +---+
|[]| | | |
+--+ | | |
PC +-> | |
| |

From the start head onto the Western Ship and head up to the highest part of it.
In the corner here is an ONI MED LV 1 (OM) which you should pick up. Now come
of the boat and head down to the door leading into the Oni Ruins.

This next room you will be visiting a lot because its like the center room of
everything here but don't worry though because you're also safe from enemies
here. In this room you can find a chest laying to the side of the Warp Gate (W)
containing a TBLT: TIMEFOLD (B1). This file explains how the Warp Gate is used
to switch between characters which you should take note of.

In order to finish this area your objective is to find three small round coins
and give them to Jacques who can use them in the past. This will activate all
the doors in the future also. Once all the doors are open then you can gain
access out of this area but thats a long way away.

Some people like to take different routes through this area and this guide
is my route through the area, it may or may not take longer than other routes
you may find.

With all this said Save your game using the Magic Mirror (M) and then use the
Warp Gate to gain control of Jacques.

| Jacques |

When you warp to Jacques a cutscene will be triggered revealing that Jacques is
in the same place as Samanosuke. There will be genma attacking after the cutscene
so make sure you deal with them and then head through the same door you went
through with Samanosuke.

You'll be in the same warp room as Samanosuke but this time you will notice that
he cannot go any further at the moment so use the Magic Mirror (M1) to
enhance and save your game and then use the Warp Gate to warp back to

| Samanosuke |

As Samanosuke you will notice that he has access to the Yellow door and the
reason for this is because he has a YELLOW DISC inserted in the hole near
the yellow flame (center of the area). However if you go through this
door you will notice that Samanosuke is stopped by a deep pool of water.

Go over to the statue and remove the YELLOW DISK and then go and warp it back
to Jacques.

| Item Update | Yellow Disk |
| Description | Disk with a yellow stone in the |
| | center |

| Jacques |

Now with Jacques insert the coin in the slot Samanosuke removed it from causing
the water to vanish and steps leading up to the door appear. When you head
through this door with Jacques there is an Oni firefly which you can use
to access the top of the area. Do this and defeat the enemies at the top and then
search the wall to the right of the door to discover that there is a statue with
no LEFT HORN, take note of this for later and head through the door.

Head to the far end of this room and check the left corner for the SCRL: CRITICAL
(B2). In the right corner you will notice a pedestal surrounded in light and
a chest containing the ANCIENT SLAB and TIME LAB 2 (B3). After reading the
TIME LAB 2 a cutscene will be triggered with Ranmaru Mori before he sets some
genma on you.

| Item Update | Ancient Slab |
| Description | Book-shaped slab showing Oni |
| | letters and numbers |

Defeat all the enemies here before you take the elevator up to the next floor
of this area.

Defeat all the enemies in this next area before you open the chest near
the entrance containing the MAP: SEA TEMPLE (B4) and then head over to the
bookshelf at the end of this room. In here use the ANCIENT SLAB you found
in the room before this that will trigger a puzzle.

It is a simple math problem which you should be able to work out but if you
can't here is the solution:

5 x 4 + 3 + 1 - 2 = 22

This will move the bookshelf to one side allowing you to access the passage
behind it. You cannot go up because you need the Earth elemental weapon to
pass through. To the right is a chest containing an Oni Firefly and to the
left is the Dark Realm (DR).

First come back out and use the Oni Firefly to swing to the top and then
defeat the Zombie Archers. Open the chest after containing the L. DRAGON HORN
(LDH) and to the left of the chest is a Tengu chest containing a MEDICINE (ME1).
Follow the area around and you will find the ONI TORTOISE (B5) on the wall here.

| Item Update | L. Dragon Horn |
| Description | Well-crafted carving of a dragon |
| | horn |

Now that you have this use the Oni firefly to jump back down and then head back
into the passage. Use Ako's white vest to fully heal you and then this time
head to the left. This is the entrance to the Dark Realm which is entirely
optional but worth it. If you think you are ready agree to enter.

| Jacques Blanc Dark Realm 1 |

When in the Dark Realm remember that you dont need to waste healing items
unless you think you're going to die because at the end of each level you
can use Ako to fully heal you with the White Vest.


E = Entrance

B = Blue portal

P = Pink Portal

G = Green Portal

| E |
/ \
+----+ +----+
| B1 | | P1 |
+----+ +----+
| G1 |
| P2 |



you'll be presented the SCRL: DARK REALM upon entering which explains how
the Dark Realm works. The enemies are easy on this first level that consists
of Zolms. After they are all defeated you will be presented with the choice
of three portals. The one in the middle exits the Dark Realm and the other
two are different routes you can take. Also when the portals appear you should
use Ako's White Vest to heal any lost vitality.

| Blue Portal 1|

Enemies you fight here consist of Gilzolms and Three-Eyes' which are still
fairly easy to kill.

| Pink Portal 1 |

Enemies you fight here consist of several Mountain Ogre's which can deal a lot
of damage if you dont defend properly. Use Magic attacks if the situation looks
bad. There is a Soul Statue here you can use after you finish the level.

| Green Portal 1 |

There is Genma Plants in the middle which when defeated releases a Gorr. Bock
and counter against it.

| Pink Portal 2 |

This is the last level of Jacques first Dark Realm and it isnt too hard. It
starts off with Battobones and then three Mountain Ogre's jump down. Let
the Ogre's kill the other enemies and then finish the one left standing yourself.

| Reward | Lightning Seal |

You cannot do anything in the normal game with this but if you finish the
game with it in your possesion you can unlock something (see secrets section).

After obtaining the SECRET MED exit the Dark Realm and then take the elevator
down to the previous floor again and a very short cutscene will introduce
a new enemy, the Dark Marrionette's. These are quite hard to deal with
so make sure you guard a lot. Leave this room now.

Now if you look to the right you can now use the L. DRAGON HORN which lowers
the water level below for both Samanosuke and Jacques. Head over using the
Oni firefly and then kill the Mountain Ogre near the door at the top and
enter the Warp Room.

Enhance and save your game here (M1) and then use the Warp (W) portal to warp
back to Samanosuke.

| Samanosuke |

Samanosuke can now take the Yellow route because the water level has been
lowered so enter the door and head down the slope and you'll be attacked by
Zolms. Under the staircase is a chest containing a SECRET MED (SM). Now head
up the staircase and enter the door at the top.

You will notice that the pedestal surrounded in light is now accessable in the
future so head over and take the BLUE DISK (BD) followed by a cutscene.

| Item Update | Blue Disk |
| Description | Disk with a blue stone in the |
| | center |

This cutscene shows Ranmaru in his "new" state given to him by Guildentstern
and he wont be such a push over this time.

* *
* Boss Battle: Genma Ranmaru 3/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Guard | Guards attacks with his shield |
| | | |
| |Slice | Slices with dual blades |
| | | |
| | | |
| |Thurst | Thrusts at you with his blades |
| | | |
| |Teleport | Teleports himself to another location |
| | | |
| |Absorb | Absorb souls that are released |
| | | |
| |Flame Strike | Hurls a flame at you when he jumps in |
| | | air. |
| How to Beat | This battle is like the first time you face him in his|
| | human state only this time he is faster and his |
| | attacks hurt a lot more. If that wasn't bad enough |
+----------------------+ Ranmaru guards an awful lot during the battle and then|
| teleports when you go near him. Like all boss battles let your magic do the |
| talking first then go for Issen's and counters. The best way to get a combo |
| on him is to guard his combo then counter with your own. A lot of the time |
| when you approach him he will sommersault out of the way of your attacks |
| followed by another sword combo. I would go with the Kuga in this battle |
| because he seems to block the Tenso a lot more. The more Magic Power you have|
| the easier this battle becomes. Try to absorb the blue souls before he does |
| when they are released but do not use any Oni Med's you have because you'll |
| need them later in the game. |

After Ranmaru flees take the door back out and return to the Warp Room (W) and
save and enhance then warp the BLUE DISK to Jacques.

| Jacques |

As Jacques insert the Blue Disk to gain access to the Blue route and then
enter the door.

There are lots of Zombie Foot Soldiers and Archers in this next area so try
and kill them all before you absorb the souls for a massive soul bonus and then
head through the door at the top.

To the right of you here is another dragon but this time with no RIGHT HORN but
leave this for now and defeat the enemies residing in this room. When you're
done take the elevator down to a room with some boxes that cannot be destroyed.
If you head to the top right corner here Ako will spot a Tengu chest containing

| Item Update | Soul Arrow |
| Description | Help extract souls while attacking|

Head back up the elevator and defeat the enemies and then go up the stairs
and through the door.

You'll now be above the area where the Western Ship is so defeat the Dark
Marrionette and then use the Oni Firefly to get across the two gaps and then
open the Puzzle Box here (PB1).

| 5 Turns |

| A | B | C | D |
| E | F | G | H |
| O-| I | J | K | L |-O |
| M | N | O | P |

Move I, J, K, G and then finally F to complete the puzzle.

| Reward | Oni Jewel |

Use the ONI JEWEL and then continue along the path until you reach a Oni Firefly
laying on the floor. Examine it to have three Oni Firefly's fly off to
different parts of this room and then use the one near you to get across the gap.
There is a pedestal here that contains Jacques next weapon.......

| Item Update | Hyosai |
| Description | Hammer that emits ice magic |

Its actually a mace and in my opinion one of the worst weapons in the whole game.
Now that you have this use the Oni Fireflys to get back to the door you just
entered (the other oni fireflys take you back to the entrance) and leave this

Defeat the Gorr that drops down here and then equip the HYOSAI and examine the
door to remove the seal on it and then open the door. You cannot do nothing
in this room for the time being (don't try and get past these because you can't)
but take a mental note of the wingless Oni Firefly here. Now head back to the
room where you got the HYOSAI and use the other Oni Firefly's here to return
back to where the Western Ship is. From here enter the door back to the warp
room and save and enhance. Use the Warp Gate here to warp back to Samanosuke.

| Samanosuke |

Back as Samanosuke take the Blue route and follow the path down until you are
about to take the corner and the glass will smash. Race down the end
of this corridor to the door at the end and enter it otherwise you will
be washed away.

If you check to your right in this next room you will see the Dragon statue again
which you still can't do anything with. In the top corner of this area you can
find a chest with contains the MAP: SEA TEMPLE (B6) and to the right side
of the stairs is the SCRL: CHN CRITICAL (B7). Head up the stairs and defeat
the Doldekko and then exit through the door there.

You can now break the boxes here which will reveal an EcoSpirit and the

| Item Update | R. Dragon Horn |
| Description | Well-crafted carving of a dragon |
| | horn |

Now you have this head back through the door and down the stairs again and
insert it into the statue here causing the water level in the room before
this to drop. Now head through the Ice elemental door that Jacques went
in not too long ago.

You'll notice that theres no power being generated here so you can
run through to the end and pick up the FIREFLY WINGS (FW) at the end.

| Item Update | Firefly Wings |
| Description | The Oni firefly wings are rainbow |
| | colored |

Now that you have these head out of this room and back to the room where
the water came crashing out. Defeat all the enemies here while you head
back to the Warp room (W) and then save and enhance. Go to the Warp Gate
and warp the FIREFLY WINGS back to Jacques.

| Jacques |

You will notice that you cannot go through the Blue door now because darkness
is surrounded it so you have to go back to the Western Ship.

Take the Oni Fireflys on the ship back to the top of them room and then enter
the door here.

Go down the stairs and defeat all the enemies here and then head through the ice
elemental door to be back in the room with the broken Oni Firefly. Attach the
FIREFLY WINGS and then use it hop across to the other side of the room. Examine
the mechanism at the end to obtain the POWER CRYSTAL (PC).

| Item Update | Power Crystal |
| Description | A magical crystal that provides |
| | power |

This will cause all power in the Undersea Temple to shut down but it doesn't
matter because Jacques doesn't need it anymore. Upom leaving this room you
will see a strange cutscene involving Heihachi.

Head all the way back to the
Western Ship area and use the Oni Fireflys once more to return to the bottom
and enter the Warp room again.

Save and enhance like usual and then warp the POWER CRYSTAL and any arrows
you may have back to Samanosuke.

| Samanosuke |

Absorb the darkness surrounding the Blue door and then take it defeating the
enemies in the next room and take the door at the top. Defeat the genma
that appear here before taking the Ice elemental door. Head to the end
here and use the POWER CRYSTAL to restore power back to the future and then
leave the room.

Defeat the enemies once more and then take the elevator in the corner of this
room down. This time you can break the boxes which will reveal another
EcoSpirit and a new weapon for Samanosuke, the..........

| Item Update | Chigo |
| Description | Axe that emits earth magic |

I believe this to be Samanosuke's worst weapon in the game but its a little
better than the Hyosai due to its magical attack. Defeat the enemies here and
then take the elevator back up and return to the warp (W) room.

Save and enhance here and then head through the yellow door once more. Head down
the slope here dealing with the Doldekko then head up the stairs and into the
door here.

Defeat the Gilzolms here and then use the elevator that you used with Jacques.
Samanosuke has access to this elevator now due to the Power being restored
to the Temple.

Defeat the Dongorr that drops down here with Issen attacks if you can and then
head into the passage and head to the left here to be greeted with the
cocoon man and choose to enter the Dark Realm (optional).

| Samanosuke Akechi Dark Realm 1|

This realm is different to Jacques in the sense that it contains different
items, enemies and levels. Remember to use the White Vest in between levels
instead of healing items, you'll need them.


E = Entrance

B = Blue Portal

P = Pink Portal

G = Green Portal

| E |
| B1 |
/ \
+----+ +----+
| P1 | | G1 |
| |
+-+--+ +-+--+
| G2 | | P2 |
+----+ +----+

| Entrance |

A nice simple level to start with as you only have to deal with Three-Eyes'
and Zombie Foot Soldiers. Just make sure that you don't get surrounded and try
to Issen them if you can for more souls.

| Blue Portal 1 |

This level is quite hard as it consists of Mountain Ogre's and Doldekko's. The
best thing to do here is to run around allowing the Mountain Ogre's to hit
themselves and the Doldekko's.

| Green Portal 1 |

Starts off with Genma Plants in the middle allowing you to get some easy souls
then once they have been defeated Zolworms will drop down. These are easy to
deal with just combo them and then side-step away.

| Pink Portal 1/ Blue Portal 2|

If you're wondering why this portal has two names it simple, when you access this
from B1 it will be a pink portal but if you access it from G1 it will be a blue
portal, there is no difference in the levels. This level can be quite hard if
you don't block often as the Zombie Archers will knock you down making it
easier for the Dark Marrionette to hit you.

| Pink Portal 2 |

This level is harder than the green portal 2 because you have to deal with
barthah's along with Zavheits who can surround you quite easily. If you
are getting surrounded by a lot of them use the Chigo's magical attack to get
some breathing space. Your reward for beating this optional level is a soul

| Green Portal 2 |

The Last level of this Dark realm is also quite easy as it consists of Three-Eyes
and Gilzolms. If you find yourself getting overwhelmed by all of them get out
the Chigo and use its magical attack to defeat a lot of them. The chest here
contains the WIND SEAL.

| Reward | Wind seal |

The wind seal is the same as the Lightning Seal, it unlocks something
at the end of the game (see secrets section).

Now that you have finished the Dark Realm head back to the surface and open the
Earth elemental door with the Chigo and enter through it.

As soon as you enter check the left for the TBLT: TEMPLE (B8) and then open the
chest next to it containing the YELLOW VEST (YV). If you have been following
this walkthrough then you should have 10 EcoSpirits for Samanosuke so use five
of them and then equip the vest as it is probably one of the best Ako can get
in the game. At the far end of this room is another pedestal but this time it
contains the final disk, the RED DISK (RD).

| Item Update | Red Disk |
| Description | Disk with a red stone in the |
| | center |

Now that you have the final disk head out of this room and head all the way
back to the Warp Room (W) to save and enhance again. Now use the Warp Gate
to warp the Red Disk to Jacques.

| Jacques |

Go up the stairs and use the RED DISK on the final hole at the back of the
statue head to reveal stairs to the final door which you should take.

Head down the hallway and then you will come across a gap in the floor, use the
Oni Firefly to hop across and then stop at the door. Use Ako's White Vest
to recover any lost vitality and then head through the large door. This will
trigger a cutscene and you will meet your next boss, the Guard Dog.

* *
* Boss Battle: Gertrude 3/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Rush | Runs at a frightneing speed at the |
| | | player |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| |Ice Breath | An Ice elemental breath that freezes |
| | | you in position |
| | | |
| |Lightning | Lightning shoots across the screen |
| |Surge | |
| | | |
| | | |
| |Lightning | Lightning shoots down on a fixed place |
| |Blast | |
| How to Beat | This battle actually quite easy if you have a good |
| | tactic. The best way i've found to defeat it is to |
| | start the battle like always using your magical |
+----------------------+ attacks on it and then back away from it. If you see |
| it coming at you hold down R1 and press x and you will latch onto one of the |
| fireflies without having to target them. This will cause you to jump over it |
| and avoid its rush attack. You have to watch out for his Ice Breath because |
| that will freeze you in your current position. If you do get frozen start |
| moving the left analog about to break out of it quicker. Also he will most |
| of the time follow this attack with Lightning Surge which will catch you |
| if your not expecting it. The Lightning Blast will target your current |
| position so try to keep moving at all times. He will flash when he's about to|
| do rush so get ready to use the Oni Firefly. |

Absorb the souls after the batle and then a cutscene will trigger showing the
glass smashing. You now have to get to the top of the stairs while the
flood of water is pursuing you so as you head up ignore the enemies here only
hitting them once to get them out of the way. At the top Jacques will jump
onto the Genma Train before the game automatically switches back to Samanosuke.

| Samanosuke |

After the cutscene save your game and then head through the only other available
door, the Red one. As you head through the hallway you'll see another
Puzzle Box to your left (PB2).

| 6 Turns |

| A | B | C | D |
| E | F | G | H |-O |
| O-| I | J | K | L |
| M | N | O | P |

Move N, J, K, G, F and then finally E to complete the puzzle

| Reward | Power Jewel|

Use the POWER JEWEL and then head through the final door in this area. Another
cutscene will be triggered with Ranmaru before something happens to Samanosuke.
The game will then switch to Michelle, the third playable character.

+---------------------+ +-----------------------------+
| | | |
| +--------------------------+ |
| |
| Part H: Notre Dame - Michelle Aubert - France 2004 |
| |

The map here is exactly the same as Samanosuke's map so you can follow it the
same way.


| |
| +---------+ +--------+ |
| | (ADC)| | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
(B4) | | | | +--+
+--+ | |
+--+ | | ^
|GS| | | |
+-----------+ +--+ | |(B3) |
| | To Section 2 +--+ |
V | |
| |
+-----+ +-------+
| | +--+
| +----------+ | | |
+---+ | | +-+---------+ +-------+
(B2)| | | | | <------------+
+---+ | | +-+---------+ +-------+ |
| +----------+ | | | |
| (PB1) | +--+ |
+----------------+ |
+----------------------+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | ---- | |
| +----+ +------+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +---+ | |
| | | | | |
| | | (M1)| | |
| +----+ | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | [ [ [ [ [ [ [ +---+ |
| | | [ [ [ [ [ [ [ | | |
| +----+ | | | |<--+
| | | (B1)| | [ [ [ [ [ [ [ | |
| | | | | [ [ [ [ [ [ [ +---+
| +----+ | |
| | |
+----------------------+------+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +---+ |(IA)
(FK1) | | | | | | | | | | | ---- |
+-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+


To section 1

| |
+----+ +-------+
| |
| +------+ +-+
+-+ | | |
| | | |
+-+ | | |
| | | |
| +------+ +-+
| |(RL)
+------+ +-----+
| |(M2)
| (F) |
| |
| |
+----+ |
|(B5) |
+----+ |
| +-+ |
| +-+ |
| +-----+ |
|(EA)| | |

Michelle is a very unique character who uses Guns through the game and
as soon as you gain control of her you'll have two guns to use.

| Item Update | Assault Rifle |
| Description | Many soldiers complain of the |
| | bullpup layout |

| Item Update | SPS 15 +S |
| Description | Semi-automatic shotgun. Quite fast|

| Item Update | Grenade |
| Description | Small range, but light and highly |
| | destructive |

I would advise you to use the Assault-Rifle because i believe it to be more
effective than the Shotgun. From the start head up and defeat all the enemies
and then head to the left and open the chest containing the SOUL BRACELET.

| Item Update | Soul Bracelet |
| Description | This magic bracelet captures genma|
| | souls |

With this you can now release souls when you defeat enemies and absorb them. From
here head back down and into the sewer. Also be on the lookout for item bags
that drop on the floor because at the moment you do not have Ako to pick them
up for you.

The sewer is completly optional but it involves you getting ten greneades which
a lot of people miss in the game because they don't come back down here. From the
ladder head down and into the next area and then take this long passage all the
way up until you reach the next area. Here head up the ladder and then to the
righ and take the next ladder. Up here is a Michelle only chest and contains
10 GRENADES. Now that you have this head all the way back to the Notre Dame.

Back at the Notre Dame save your game and then enter the door to get inside
the church.

Head to the left side of the room and defeat the Zolms lurking here and then
head through the door Samanosuke revealed earlier. Head through the next door
and then in the slicing corridor head the correct way around and into the
next area.

Here kill the two Zolworms and then head down the path they came from
and throw a grenade into where the Grea's are to defeat them all and then
head through the air elemental door.

The next slicing corridor's blades are still working so be careful as you
make your way around to the Magic Mirror to save your game and
then head through the door.

Before you can head to the hidden door two Doldekkos smash through and engage
in battle. This is actually quite hard so remember to move around at all times
and throw grenades. After you defeat them head to the secret passage to find
the PARIS REPORT. This will detail you on Boulogne Zoo, could Henri have
gone there?

+---------------------+ +-----------------------------+
| | | |
| +--------------------------+ |
| |
| Part I: Boulogne Zoo - Michelle Aubert/Samanosuke Akechi - France 2004 |
| |


M - Magic Mirror (Save)
FK - First-Aid Kit
SM - Secret Med
PB - Puzzle Box
BK - Boat Key
LBK - Lab Building Key
B1 - Zoo Flyer
B2 - Map: Zoo
B3 - Mecha Demon 1
B4 - Mecha Demon 2
B5 - Scrl: Ten Slash

| Zoo |

+-+ | |
LBK| | | |
+--------+ | +-+ |
BK | +----+ | +--+ |
SPS 15+R<-------> | | | |
| | | |B3 | |
| | | | +------+
| +----+ | FK3
+--------+ +--@+-@---+
^ | | \
+----------+ | | +( ) \
| SPS 15+G | +---------------|--->( ) \
+-+ | | +----+ \
| | | | \ \
| | | |(B2) \ \(FK2)
+-+ | +----+ +---+
| | +--------------------------+
+----------+ / +---+ [boat] |
^ +--------------+ +-------+ +---\ \------------+-+-+
| | [boat]|<---+ | / + +-----------+-+--+
+--------+ +--------------+ | +--------+ | (M1) B1|
| +-------+ | ^ | |
| FK4 | |(M2)| | +------+ +------+
| +------+--+----+ | | | |
| | SM | | | +--+ | |
| | +--+ | | ( () )
| +------+ | | | +-+ | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | +- +-+ | | | | +-----+ |
| | +PB| +---+-+---+ | | | +-----+ |
| | | |B4 +-+ | | | | | |
| | +--+ ^ | | +-+ | |
| +-+ | | | | FK +-------+
+--->| |B5 V | |
+---+ +-+ | +---------------------------------------+
(M3) +-+ | |
+----------+ +-+ | +--------------------------------+ |
| | +-+ +---> | |<-+
| +--+++++++ +--------------------------------+
| |||||||
| +--+++++++
| |

From the start head up the stairs to the left of you and open the chest
containing a FIRST-AID KIT (FK). Head back down the stairs and head forward, the
right bin has an EcoSpirit in it which you should take and then head
to the Magic Mirror (M1)to save your game. Some new enemies will appear here, the
Zmoh's which can be very hard to defeat so make sure you keep moving around
when trying to defeat them. Head to the right from the Magic Mirror to find
the ZOO FLYER (B1) on the floor. Don't head to the right just yet instead head
to the left and open the chest and then head up the stairs to the next area.

From where you're standing take aim at the enemies and defeat them all then
head down the stairs and defeat the Zmoh that breaks out the cage. Check
to the right of the stairs to find a Tengu chest containing a FIRST-AID KIT (FK2).
Near where the Zmoh jumped down is a large door you can enter but is locked
at the moment. If you head further down another Zmoh will jump down and attack
you so after dealing with that destroy the bin to reveal another EcoSpirit and
then head in the only other available door here.

When you head up here you will be attacked by another two Zmoh's so be
careful and take care of them before continuing on. Once they're defeated you'll
notice an air symbol lock on the door which you cannot enter yet so continue down
to another exit of this room.

You're now at the other side of the barricade and if you head to that barricade
you can find a chest containing another FIRST-AID KIT (FK3). Deal with the
Bazu's here as they can cause a problem if you don't. Theres a cutout here of
the Panda costume from the Onimusha games and if you stand behind it Ako
will go to the other hole. Not much just a nice extra. Back on track head down
and find another bin with a EcoSpirit in to the left corner. Continue right
down to the end and open the chest containing the MAP: ZOO (B2) and then
head through the door here.

Run around to the left from here and you'll find the MECHA DEMON 1 (B3) then keep
heading to the left to find another bin with a EcoSpirit in it. Once you reach
the ladder head down it and then examine the levers in the center. You
have four choices here and here is what is in each one:

Left - Zmoh

Mid Left - BOAT KEY (BK)

Mid Right - Zmoh

Right - SPS 15+R

| Item Update | Boat Key |
| Description | The key to cruise the boat |

| Item Update | SPS 15+R |
| Description | Fire piercing slugs. Long range, |
| | small coverage |

Whatever you do make sure you get the BOAT KEY and the SPS 15+R. With that gun
you'll find this level a lot easier as it is probably her best weapon in the game
although some people prefer the SPS 15+G. Equip the SPS 15+R and then head out
of this room via the other exit.

Head back to the Magic Mirror (M1) to save your game then head down the
passage to the right of it to access the docks. Go down the stairs
to the boat and then use the BOAT KEY on the red light at the top of it which
will trigger a cutscene before you are attacked. Defeat the genma that board
the ship and then the cutscene will continue. At the other end head up the
stairs and into the next area.

Use the Magic Mirror (M2) here if you wish and then head to the right and when
you approach the door Dark Crows will attack. Defeat them and then head to the
top right of the fence to find a Tengu chest containing a FIRST-AID KIT (FK4)
and then head through the door here.

Bazu's will attack here so deal with them and then throw a few grenades at the
huge plant to defeat it. Once the room is cleared of enemies head to the
locked door to the right and take aim to break a light containing an EcoSpirit.
Under the stairs is a chest containing a SECRET MED (SM) so get that before
taking the only door thats open here.

Run down the end in the cell area to be reunited with Henri and Samanosuke before
the Zmoh's jump out the cage. Do not kill them straight away instead head up to
the cell one of them broke out on the left and open the michelle only chest to
obtain the SPS 15+G, Michelle's best weapon.

| Item Update | SPS 15+G |
| Description | Launches grenades. Slow but |
| | destructive |

Equip this gun now and blow away the two Zmoh's with great ease and then hit
the switch to disable the cells triggering a cutscene after which you will
be in control of Samanosuke once more.

| Samanosuke |

You should see a shining item on the floor, pick it up to obtain Michelle's
SOUL BRACELET. This will allow you to transfer any souls obtained with Michelle
to whoever you like. I always choose Samanosuke but its up to you. After you
have picked the item up head up the stairs.

Deal with the Gilzolms here and then go under the stairs to find another
light which you can shoot with the bow to find another EcoSpirit. when you're
ready head back outside the complex.

Defeat the Zaghats here and then use the Magic Mirror to have a nice enhance
session if you gave him the soul bracelet. You must have Kuga at level 2
here to proceed further in the game so that should be your top priority. Once
you have enhanced head down the stairs back to the boat.

Defeat the three Battobones here and then use the boat to gain access back to
the first area.

Use the Magic Mirror (M1) again if you wish and then head up the stairs and
into the room here where you saw the air elemental seals on the door.

You're KUGA should be Level 2 so equip it and open the door. If it isn't then
you'll have to get some more souls and then come back here. The only
thing in here to pick up is the LAB BUILDING KEY (LBK).

| Item Update | Lab Building Key |
| Description | Key to the laboratory building |

Now that you have this go out and take the boat to the area you were locked in
and enter the complex once more. Defeat the genma here and then use the LAB
BUILDING KEY on the locked door to gain access to a new area.

Defeat all the Bazu's here and then head down and into the opening to defeat
the Grea's here. To the left of the window is a Puzzle Box (PB)

| 5 Turns |

| A | B | C | D |
| O-| E | F | G | H |-O |
| I | J | K | L |-O |
| M | N | O | P |

Move L, H, G, F and then finally J to complete the puzzle.

| Reward | Oni Jewel |

Use the Oni Jewel and then head to the table to find the MECHA DEMON 2 (B4).
Before you leave this opening check the corner of the window to find the
SCRL: TEN SLASH (B5). Now head out of the opening and follow the corridor down
to a Magic Mirror (M3) where you should save your game and head through the

You will be presented with a cutscene followed by a final showdown with

* *
* Boss Battle: Guildenstern 3/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Slash | Slashes at you with his staff |
| | | |
| | | |
| |Summon Fobra | Summons Fobra bodyguards to attack |
| | | |
| | | |
| |Teleport | Teleports to a different position |
| | | |
| |Spirital | A ball of souls shoots at you |
| |Blast | |
| | | |
| |Time Fold | Cause a time fold to entrap you |
| How to Beat | Guildenstern himself is not very hard but its his |
| | Fobra bodyguards which cause all the problem. |
| | When Guildenstern is in the air target him and then |
+----------------------+ use the Chigo's magical attack. When he comes towards |
| you use all your other magical attacks to take a lot of damage from him. |
| When he gets hit he will sometimes release souls, make sure you get any |
| blue ones to restore your Ogre Power and then repeat the above tactic. |
| Make sure that before you go for Guildenstern you take care of the Fobra's |
| first otherwise you'll find yourself getting hit a lot by the flame strikes |
| of the Fobra's. AS the battle goes on he will summon them a lot quicker so |
| you can use the Onimusha if you want as the Fobra's often release purple |
| souls when they die. If at any time both the Fobra's are standing and causing|
| problems use the Chigo's magical attack to deal with them quickly. |

Watch as Guildenstern finally meets his end and say goodbye to Guildenstern for
good. A series of cutscenes will follow and then you will travel to a new
location, Mont-Saint-Michel.

+---------------------+ +-----------------------------+
| | | |
| +--------------------------+ |
| |
| Part J: Mont Saint Michel - Jacques Blanc/Samanosuke Akechi - 2004/1582 - |
| |


M - Magic Mirror (Save)
F - Magic Fountain
W - Ako Warp Gate
PB - Puzzle Box
DR - Dark Realm
FK - First-Aid Kit
IA - Ice Arrow
SM - Secret Med
OV - Orange Vest
G - Iron Gear
RES - Red Eye Stone
SC - Sun Crest
MGK - Main Gate Key
GP - Genma Plant
PJ - Power Jewel
B1 - Ranmaru Book
B2 - Map: Msaintmichel
B3 - Map: Msaintmichel
B4 - Time Lab 4
B5 - French Note
B6 - Vegas Diary
B7 - Time Lab 5
B8 - Fortress 1

| Samanosuke Mont-Saint-Michel |
| | +-+
| +--+| | +----+
| |+-+ | |
| ++ |<----> +--------+ ++++ |
| || |+-+ | G B5| |||| |
| +-----------++-+| | +--------+ +--------->++++----+
| | +-+ |
+---+ +++++++++++++++ |
+----------++++++++++++++++ +------------+
| | +--+ | PB|
| +----------+| | | +----+ |
| | |+--+ | | | |
+ | [] [] +---+ |RES| | |
/ | B7 | +---+ | |
+ | [] [] +---+ +---------------+ +---------+
|M2 | | |(W)(M1) |
|W2 +----------+ | B1 +---+
+------------+ | |<-+
+----------+ | +---+ |
|SC | | | |
| +------+ | +-------------------------+ |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| +---+ +-------+ IA| | |
| | | |M4 | +---+ |
| +---+ | +--+-+ +---+ |
| | | |()| | | | |
| | +--+ | | | +------------------+ |
| | +-->| | | | |
| | | +-+ +------+ | |
| | V +---------+ | | |
| | | B3 | | | |
| +----------------+ +--+ | | | |
| | | | | | |
+--------------------+ +--+ | +---------------+ |
| | |
| | +-------------------------------+
+ +------+ |
/ / |
+--+ |
^ |
| |

| Jacques Mont-Saint-Michel |

| | +-+ (B2)
| +--+| |<-------------> +---------------+
| |+-+ +---+--------- |
| ++ |<----> +--------+ |MGK| |
| || |+-+ | GP| +---++ (F) | |
| +-----------++-+| | +--------+ | +-----+ |
| | +------->+-+<-------------> +---------------+
+---+ V +++++++++++++++
| |+++++++++++++++
| +----------+| |<---------------> ++++----+
| | |+--+ |||| |
+ | [] [] +---+ ++++----+----------+
/ | B5 SM| | |
+ | [] [] +---+ +---------+ +-+
|M2 | | +---+ | B8|
|W +----------+ | | +-------+
+-----------+ +---+
+----------+ +------+
| | | |
| +----+ | |
| | | |
| +---+ | |
| | | | |
| +---+ +------+
| | +--------------+
| | | |
+-----+ | |
| | | () |
+-----+ +------------------+ | || | <-+
| | | | +-----------++-+ |
| | | +--+ | |
| | +->|PJ| +------------------------------+
| +--+----+ |
| / | |
|/ +-----+ |
+ / | | |
| / +----+ +-----+ +--+
| / | | +---------+
+----------------+ | | | |
| | |OV| |
+--+ +--+----+ |
| |

From the start head up the alley and you will come to the first Magic Mirrror
(M1) and to the right of it is the RANMARU BOOK (B1). Use this time to enhance
if you wish to and then save your game. Now head up and defeat the Zaghats that
appear and then destroy the bin on the right to obtain a EcoSpirit. You cannot
head to the left yet so defeat the Fobra's and then head back to the Warp
Gate and switch to Jacques.

| Jacques |

A cutscene will be triggered showing Jacques arriving in the same place
before you are rudely interrupted.

* *
* Boss Battle: Heihachi Honda 2/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Guard | Guards attacks with his shield |
| | | |
| |Slice | Slices with spear |
| | | |
| | | |
| |Thurst | Thrusts at you with his spear |
| | | |
| |Demon | Heihachi special. Spins his spear in |
| |Dragonfly | a circular motion causing major |
| |Slice | damage |
| How to Beat | This battle is just the same as last time only now |
| | you're stronger so it should be much easier. Just |
| | remember that if you get caught with the Demon |
+----------------------+ Dragonfly Slice to guard the rest of the attacks or |
| it will heavily damage you. Keep up the same tactic as when you last fought |
| and after a certain amount of damage the battle will end. |

Watch the cutscene after where it seems Heihachi has changed his allegiance.
After the battle head to the front of the train and break the old crate here
to obtain a EcoSpirit then defeat the Barthahs causing one of them to release
a Oni Firefly. Climb the steps and then use the Oni Firefly to launch yourself
to the top of the castle and enter the door here.

Open the chest to the right of the door to obtain the MAP: MSAINTMICHEL (B2) and
then continue down the corridor stopping to refill Ogre Power if you need to and
then equip the Enja. You should see torches about the place and you need to
light them using the Enja's magical attack so do that on all of them to
make the gate stop but you need to do it quick and make sure when you do the
last one its possible to get under the gate. Once you get under the gate
open the chest containing the MAIN GATE KEY (MGK).

| Item Update | Main Gate Key |
| Description | A large, heavy key |

Now exit this area via the other door that you haven't been through to reach
the other side of the gap earlier.
Use the Oni Firefly here to reach the other side of the castle and then
defeat all the genma here before they kill the slave doing so will reward you
with a HERB. Use the Magic Mirror here (M2) to save and enhance if you wish
and then use the Warp Gate to warp the MAIN GATE KEY back to Samanosuke.

| Samanosuke |

From the Magic Mirror head all the way to the top dealing with the Zaghats first
and then use the MAIN GATE KEY on the door here and then continue through it.

Head up the short stairs and then defeat the new enemies, the Genma Mages
as quickly as possible because they can deal some nasty damamge and drain your
Ogre Power. Once they have been disposed off head over to the bin in the corner
and destroy it for another EcoSpirit. Open the chest a little above this to
obtain the MAP: MSAINTMICHEL (B3). After you have this head through the only

In the next area head along the path here and defeat the two Dark Crows
that jump down then defeat the Genma Plant which will reveal a chest behind it
containing the SUN CREST (SC).

| Item Update | Sun Crest |
| Description | An iron slab with a sun design |

Now head all the way back to where Samanosuke first entered this area and
use the Magic Mirror once more (M1). Now head up a little and to the left to
find a large gate, use the SUN CREST here to open it and then head up.

Theres another bin here containing a EcoSpirit and afer getting that deal
with all the Zaghats here before attempting the Puzzle Box (PB).

| 5 Turns |

| A | B | C | D |-O |
| E | F | G | H |
| I | J | K | L |
| O-| M | N | O | P |

Move G, C, B, F and then finally J to complete the puzzle.

| Reward | Power Jewel |

Use the POWER JEWEL and then continue up to the soul statue which you should
use to absorb all the souls. Defeat the Dongorr and then stand where it was
to find a Tengu chest containing ICE ARROW (IA) and then open the chest next
to it containing the RED EYE STONE (RES).

| Item Update | Red Eye Stone |
| Description | A stone that seems to shine like a|
| | red eye |

With this in hand head back to the Warp gate and warp the RED EYE STONE to

| Jacques |

After saving your game if you wish to head out the door here and then turn
around to find a statue missing an eye so insert the RED EYE STONE to reveal
a puzzle to Jacques' left. If you close the puzzle by failing look at the
diagram to see something like this:

^ |
| |
+ +
/ \
/ \
+ +
| |
| V

This means that the order you should tread on the blocks is SUN-MOON-STAR.
Examine the statue again to reveal the
puzzle once more and this time you will understand the blocks a little better.
On the far wall is three dragon heads. In order to finish
this puzzle you need to light each one of them up and that is done by completing
the three routes. Below is a diagram of the layout of the first puzzle.


* = Star block

S = Sun block

M = Moon block


| * | S | M |
| M | S | * |
| S | M | * |
| * | M | S |


| 6 | 7 | 8 |
| 5 | 10| 9 |
| 4 | 11| 12|
| 3 | 2 | 1 |

The numbers correspond to the order of the blocks you step on.


| * | M | S |
| M | * | * |
| S | S | M |
| * | M | S |


| 12| 11| 10|
| 5 | 6 | 9 |
| 4 | 7 | 8 |
| 3 | 2 | 1 |

The numbers correspond to the order of the blocks you step on.


| M | S | * |
| 8 | S | M |
| * | M | S |
| S | M | * |


| 11| 10| 9 |
| 12| 7 | 8 |
| 6 | 5 | 4 |
| 1 | 2 | 3 |

This puzzle is the hardest out the three because you now have to make a harder
step. From block 6 to 7 walk from the corner of block 6 to the corner of block 7
or if you're quick enough step back onto block 5 after stepping on block 6
and walk up to block 7.

You're reward for this puzzle is some steps leading down which you can use
right away however i suggest you go back to the previous room and save your
game. Once you have done this head back through this door and head down the
stairs a little, you should come to a door in the wall here which you should

This is the location of the second Dark Realm in the game so if you're ready
venture into the Dark Realm once more.

| Jacques Blanc Dark Realm 2 |


E = Entrance

B = Blue Portal

P = Pink Portal

G = Green Portal

| E |
/ \
+----+ +----+ +----+
| P1 | | B1 | | G3 |
+----+ +----+ +----+
/ \ \ / \
+----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
| B2 | | G1 | | B3 | | P3 |
+----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
GREEN ORB \ / \ / /
+----+ +----+ +----+
| P2 | | G2 | | B4 |
+----+--------+----+ +----+
| G4 |

| Entrance |

Easy one to start off with, this level is full of Bazu's that you can
Deflect Issen so you should finish these pretty quick. You will notice
however that there is a chest here that is shrouded in a purple mist. You
cannot open this yet so don't worry about it but to open it you need
the PURPLE SEAL which is obtained from Samanosuke's version of the Dark Realm.
Opening the chest here awards you with a BROWN DOLL.

| Pink Portal 1 |

This next level is quite hard if you're not too good at dodging yet
because it contains Zombie Foot Soldiers and Zmoh's. If you're having trouble
with the Zmoh's use a bit of Ogre Power to defeat them.

| Green Portal 1 |

This is probably one of the easiest levels in this current Dark Realms because
you're fighting Zaghats but if you do have problems try to guard when they
start attacking you.

| Blue Portal 2 |

This next level is probably one of the toughest in this Dark Realm, you're
against Dongorr's here so try and Oni Grab them if you can or use some Ogre
Power. If you can try and fight one at a time to minimize damage you take. After
the portals appear open the chest to obtain the GREEN ORB. This is for
use in Samanosuke's Dark Realm 2.

| Pink Portal 2 |

This is the easiest level in any Dark Realm as it only contains
Grey's. After you have the portals appear you can use the Soul Statue
in the corner for 50 souls. The blue portal here leads back to Green Portal 1.

| Green Portal 2 |

This is another easy level which will start with you defeating easy
Genma Plants in the center then followed by a few Dark Crows. The Pink portak
here leads back to Green Portal 1.

| Blue Portal 1 |

This is a very simple level and it contains Zaghats and a few Dark Crows so
you should be able to defeat them with ease.

| Blue Portal 3 |

Now it starts getting harder as this time you're against Mountain Ogre's
and Fobra's. Remember to try and let the Mountain Ogre's take themselves out
before you deal with any Fobra's. The Pink Portal here leads back to Blue
Portal 1.

| Green Portal 3 |

This is another hard level because you're now facing the stronger type of
Zmoh, the Grizmoh. If you cannot dodge them then you should launch magical
attacks on them. After this very hard level you can use the Soul Statue
containing 100 souls.

| Pink Portal 3 |

This level contains Battochyka's and Battobones which can do a lot of damage
to you if you're not careful. This should be easy next to the last couple
of levels you have done however.

| Blue Portal 4 |

This level is very very hard because there is Doldekko's and Dongorr's
attacking you this time. Try and deal with any Doldekko's
first before taking out the Dongorr's because this
will give your more space to dodge them. You may find yourself using
Onimusha mode here if you have it. The chest contains a MEDICINE which you may
be needing right about now.

| Green Portal 4 |

This is the last level in Jacques' Dark Realm 2 however it is very hard because
there is Fobra's to deal with again. Try to deflect the shots back at them if
you can otherwise try to deal with one at a time again. After dealing with these
you will be confronted with some Doldekko's so try to Oni Grab them to
defeat them quite easily. Use any Ogre Power you have left to finish this quick.
The chest here contains the final seal in the game, the FIRE SEAL.

| Reward | Fire Seal |

After completing this Dark Realm you should have the FIRE SEAL and the GREEN ORB
which you can use in Samanosuke's Dark Realm.

| Item Update | Green Orb |
| Description | This green orb can break the seal |
| | of the genma |

Now you can leave this area and head back to the Magic Mirror to save
and enhance if you like. Once you are ready continue down the stairs defeating
the Dark Crows and then smash the old crate at the bottom to release two
Oni Fireflies. Head back up the stairs and use the Oni Firefly to reach the
top of a roof and then use the other Oni Firefly to reach another roof and
a passage leading to the left. Take this passage and then use the Oni Firefly
to jump down to the large Genma Plant. This can be quite tricky to defeat
in such a small place so use the Hyosai's magical attack to freeze it if
you can. Once you defeat it open the chest containing a POWER JEWEL (PJ) which
you should use and then unlatch the gate here and go through the door
at the bottom of the stairs.

Deal with the Barthah's first and then deal with the Zombie Axe Soldiers. Once
all the genma have been defeated break the old crate to release a Oni Firefly.
Use the Oni Firefly by the gate to reach the roof and a chest containing the
ORANGE VEST (OV). The vest doesn't seem to be that good as all it does
is display enemy HP, maybe useful for bosses. If you do wish to equip it you
should have more than enough EcoSpirits to equip it. Regardless of what
you decide to do jump back down and head all the way back to the Magic Mirror
(M2) and warp the GREEN ORB back to Samanosuke.

| Samanosuke |

Save your game here and then head up defeating the Genma as you work your
way through the door here. In this next area defeat the Barthahs and the
Zaghats and then proceed through the door again.

You'll now be able to proceed up the stairs so you should do that defeating
the enemies as you go until you reach the door at the top. Save and enhance
at the Magic Mirror here and then go back through the door you entered.

Head down the stairs here and enter the first door on the left and at the
end you can once again Venture to the Dark Realm.

| Samanosuke Akechi Dark Realm 2 |


E = Entrance

B = Blue Portal

P = Pink Portal

G = Green Portal

+----+ +----+
| E | | G3 |
+----+ +----+
+----+ +----+ +----+
| P1 | | B1 | | P3 |
+----+ +----+ +----+
/ \ \ \
+----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
| B2 | | G1 | | P2 | | B3 |
+----+--------+----+ +----+ +----+
\ / /
+----+ +----+ +----+
PURPLE ORB| G2 | | G5 | | G4 |
+----+ +----+ +----+
/ \ \
+----+ +----+ +----+
| P5 | | B4 | | P4 |
+----+ +----+--------+----+
| B5 |
| G6 |
| P6 |
| B6 |
| G7 |

| Entrance |

Nice easy level to start with pitting you against Zaghats so simply
take them out to finish this level. After the portals appear head over
to the chest and you'll discover that it is locked with a green barrier. Use
the GREEN ORB here to obtain a WOOD CHARM.

| Pink Portal 1 |

This next level can be quite tricky just make sure you deal with any Zombie
Archers and then let the Mountain Ogre's hit themselves while you run around
the arena.

| Blue Portal 2 |

This next level shouldn't be too hard, you're fighting Battobone's
and Zmoh's here so use Charged attacks on them to lay waste to them quick. If
you do have any problems use a bit of Ogre Power to turn the battle in your
favor. The pink portal here leads back to Green Portal 1.

| Green Portal 2 |

This is quite a tough level because the Marrionette can cause damage while the
Fobra's shoot flames at you, best thing to do here is to use a bit of Ogre
Power or charged attacks. Theres a Soul Statue here that you can use to
obtain 150 souls and the chest here contains the PURPLE ORB which can be
used in Jacques' Dark Realm.

| Green Portal 1 |

This level can be quite tough because not only are you fighting Zaghats but
there is lots of them to deal with so try and use the Kuga's magical
attack if they're close together.

| Blue Portal 1 |

This level is not too hard if you have some Kuga Ogre Power left in which
you should use while the Bazu's are bunched up. The Fobra should be taken out
with this attack too so you can defeat the last few Bazu's normally.

| Green Portal 3 |

This level can be quite tough if the Doldekko catches you off-guard because he
will keep hitting you whilst you're down. The Battobone's should'nt be too much
of a problem but if they are try doing charge attacks on them.

| Pink Portal 3 |

This is probably one of the toughest levels in the second Dark Realm for
Samanosuke because you are against many Grizmoh's which can easily drain your
vitality. Again if you are having trouble unleash some Ogre Power otherwise
try to dodge and charge attack/issen them. The chest here contains a much
needed MEDICINE.

| Blue Portal 3 |

Not too hard to clear this level, start off by defeating the genma plants
in the corner for some souls and then defeat the two Dongorr's with charged
attacks when they jump down. There is also a Soul Statue here that contains
100 souls for you to absorb.

| Green Portal 4 |

This level is just like repeating the Entrance level as it contains the same
enemies only less of them so make sure you guard during their combos and
combo back yourself.

| Pink Portal 4 |

Quite a tough level becasue you have to deal with Zolworms while having
Fobra's launch flames at you. You should deal with the Fobra's first because the
Zolworms should'nt bother you that much.

| Blue Portal 4 |

This level is not so much hard but just takes time to finish it. The Gadgemallo's
will run out of your sight most of the time and if you find you cannot hit
them try using an ELEC ARROW on it to stun it and then combo it. Once you defeat
them a Dongorr will drop down. There is a Soul Statue here containing 100 souls
for you to absorb after the level.

| Green Portal 5 |

Defeat the Genma Plants here to release the Grizmoh's which you can defeat using
the same tactic as in Pink Portal 3. The chest here contains another MEDICINE
to help you in the Dark Realm.

| Pink Portal 5 |

This next level can be quite tough because the Dark Crows can hit you while
you are trying to defeat the Zaghats so use should first defeat them before
moving on to the Zaghats.

| Blue Portal 5 |

This is another very tough level. Not only do you have a lot of Fobra's launching
flames at you but you have Dongorr's to deal with. If you have any Ogre Power
left i would use your Chigo magical attack here to damage all enemies on screen.
If its at LV2 then you might be lucky and defeat them with that attack if not
use it again after.

| Green Portal 6 |

This is quite an easy level as there is a lot of Mountain Ogre's so let
them defeat themselves and the Zolworms and deal with any of them remaining.
There is a Soul Statue here containing 75 souls for you to absorb.

| Pink Portal 6 |

This level only contains Dark Crows but there are a lot of them so its easy
to get overwhelmed. If this does happen use the Chigo's charged or magical
attack. The chest here once again contains a MEDICINE.

| Blue Portal 6 |

This is in fact probably one of the hardest levels you faced in any Dark Realm
yet, in fact its probably one of the hardest things you've came against in the
game so far. There is several Dongorr's here accompanied by Doldekko's. My best
advice again would be to use the Chigo's magical attack or charged attack other
than that use Ogre Power if you cannot take them out by dodging and using issen.

| Green Portal 7 |

This is the final level of Samanosuke's second Dark Realm (Phew!) and as you
already guessed, it is very hard. Once again Grizmoh's plague the depths of the
Dark Realm accompanied this time by Fobra's. Seeing as this is the last level you
should probably use all the Ogre Power you have unless you wish to combo them.
The tresure chest here contains the much deseverd PURPLE VEST.

| Reward | Purple Vest |

After completing this long Dark Realm you'll be in possesion of the PURPLE VEST
and the PURPLE ORB which you can use in Jacques Dark Realm for a WOOD CHARM.

| Item Update | Purple Orb |
| Description | This purple orb can break the seal|
| | of the genma |

You should return back to the Magic Mirror from here and use it to enhance
and save your game. Now warp the PURPLE ORB back to Jacques and use it in his
Dark Realm to get the WOOD CHARM.

The PURPLE VEST is a very good haori for Ako which i would suggest you use as
your main vest after you have maxed everything you need. It reduces the cost
of Ogre Power require for magical attacks making boss battles a lot easier. If
you've been following this FAQ through you should have more than enough

Once all this has been done return once
again to Samanosuke and continue down the stairs.

There are Genma Mage's here so defeat them before defeating the Dark Crows
and then when you reach the bottom head to the door to the left. Inside is the
Time Folder but its not in operation. Check to the side here to find the TIME
LAB 4 (B4). Now walk into the dark portal here and enter the space inside.

You will appear in a disorted Arc De Triomphe. Walk down a little and take care
of the Barthahs before you equip the Purple Vest and defeat the Huge Genma
Plant and then enter the door.

Make your way up the stairs defeating the Greas and Zolworms and enter the
door at the top. Follow the passage through to the end and then take the stairs

In the middle here is many enemies so equip the Purple Vest once more and
start using the Chigo's magical attack to make short work of them. In the middle
of all these enemies is a chest containing the RED KEY.

| Item Update | Red Key |
| Description | A plain, red key |

Another Time distortion will appear which you should take back to
Mont-Saint-Michel. Now leave this room and head back to the Magic Mirror
to warp the RED KEY back to Jacques.

| Jacques |

Head back down the stairs once again and this time you can go through the gate
to the left and then open the door here with the RED KEY and enter to
trigger a cutscene. Mountain Ogre's will appear after this scene so take
care of it and then open the chest containing a MEDICINE and then leave
the room through the door you came through.

You now have a duty to save all the slaves as you work your way back to the
Magic Mirror doing which will present you with a reward from each slave.
The first thing you should do however is pick up the TRIANGLE KEY Heihachi
left for you.

| Item Update | Triangle Key |
| Description | Key received via Heihachi. Its |
| | shaft is triangular |

Remember to save your game at the Magic Mirror and then use the Oni Fireflies
to jump back down to the fountain room. Standing at the door here replenish
all your lost Ogre Power and then run through the corridor and exit through
the other door.

After jumping down defeat the Dongorr and the Barthahs and then use the TRIANGLE
KEY and enter the door. Walk down in here to trigger another cutscene to find
out something terrible has just happened. Check the floor here after for the

| Item Update | Genma Plant |
| Description | Seedling of an odd plant. Can grow|
| | up quite strong |

Also to the left of this item is a Tengu Chest containing a SECRET MED. You can
now leave this room and then head down the stairs. Make sure you defeat all the
genma here and then if you check the wall you will see different explanations
about the soil patches here. When you find the soil patch that is "Soft
and well-kept" use the Genma Plant.

You can now return all the way back to the Magic Mirror to warp back to

| Samanosuke |

If you head to the left now you will see a plant coming up against the wall.
Examine it and then climb down to the bottom. Head to the end here to find
a Tengu Chest containing a FIRST-AID KIT (FK) and then the destroy the
barrel here for another EcoSpirit. You can now defeat the Zmoh's and the Huge
Genma Plant and enter the door here.

Defeat the Zmoh first and then destroy two barrels for two EcoSpirits and
then check near the book case to find the FRENCH NOTE (B5) and then destroy
the boxes for a chest containing the IRON GEAR (G).

| Item Update | Iron Gear |
| Description | A sturdy iron gear |

You can now once again return to the Magic Mirror and warp the IRON GEAR to

| Jacques |

After receiving the IRON GEAR head to the left of the Gate and use the item
on the slot here. Head to the other side of the gate to pull the lever
and open the gate at last and then enter through it.

Upon entering head up a little and defeat the Genma Mages and Fobra's and
then equip the PURPLE VEST to defeat the Huge Genma Plant with Ogre Power.
After defeating the plant head behind it to find a chest containing a
SECRET MED (SM). Head down the short stairs here and check by the pillar
to the left to find VEGAS DIARY (B6) and then head through the door to the

Head to the bottom of the stairs to have the door shut behind you and a cutscene
triggered and you will once again be in control of Michelle.

| Michelle |

From where you start head to the left and open the chest containing the
SOUL BRACELET and then proceed through the door. In this section you will have
Henri with you and you cannot go through doors without him close by.

Head up and use the Magic Mirror to save your game and then continue along the
path here to the open door at the end. Head up the stairs here and you'll
see a Michelle only chest. If you did not obtain the SPS 15+G (Grenade Launcher)
in Boulogne Zoo then this chest will contain it otherwise it will contain some
grenades. Defeat the Dongorr and the Barthah's here before proceeding through
the only door here.

Head up the stairs defeating the Zaghats as you go and then proceed through
the door at the top here. This will trigger another cutscene with
Samanosuke and then the control of the game will switch back to Samanosuke.

| Samanosuke |

Pick up the SOUL BRACELET on the floor and save it for whoever you want to have
it and then save your game and head through the large double doors. In the
next room there is rubble all over the place and a Doldekko advancing towards
you so defeat it and then head to the end of the stairs and pick up the TIME
LAB 5 (B7) and then head to the door to the left.

Head down to the bottom of the stairs to trigger another cutscene and then
you will be in control of Jacques again.

| Jacques |

You now have to solve a memory puzzle in a short time, if you fail to do so
you will die and it will be GameOver. I cannot offer a solution here because
i think that the puzzle is different every time. However you do have enough
time to fail it once or twice before you die so I suggest you write down the
solution as you go. This puzzle is purely based on memory so if you have a good
one you'll find this easy. After the puzzle is completed the gas is released and
another cutscene takes place and you'll be in control of Samanosuke again.

" Although i have been told several times that the puzzle is different with
every new game I have yet to see it in the three times i have played through it
so here is the solution to the puzzle i always recieve.

1 - Up, Down, Triangle

2 - Up, Down, Triangle, X, O

3 - Up, Down, Triangle, X, O, Down, Up

4 - Up, Down, Triangle, X, O, Down, Up, [], Left, X

5 - Up, Down, Triangle, X, O, Down, Up, [], Left, X, X, Right

If you do find the puzzle changes on a new game or you have one different to
this altogether please contact me to let me know. "

| Samanosuke |

You'll be confronted with a Doldekko here so defeat it and then defeat the
Zaghats that come up behind you. Once all the genma are defeated head down
and save your game and then continue out the door. Another cutscene will take
place and you'll be once again reunited with Gertrude.

* *
* Boss Battle: Gertrude 4/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Rush | Runs at a frightneing speed at the |
| | | player |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| |Ice Breath | An Ice elemental breath that freezes |
| | | you in position |
| | | |
| |Lightning | Lightning shoots across the screen |
| |Surge | |
| | | |
| | | |
| |Lightning | Lightning shoots down on a fixed place |
| |Blast | |
| How to Beat | This battle is alot harder than Jacques version of the|
| | boss because it is a lot harder to dodge it due to |
| | being in such an enclosed space. However if you have |
+----------------------+ maxed a lot of the weapons and have the PURPLE VEST |
| then you will find this a lot easier. You should start the battle by using |
| all your Ogre Power along with the Purple Vest which should heavily damage |
| it and then try to get it to rush at you. At this time you can dodge to the |
| Ice Breath which you should break out immedietly if you get caught in it and |
| then combo it while you are close to it. If you find it hard to hit don't |
| be afraid to get your bow out to start hitting it from afar. If you can dodge|
| well and have the PURPLE VEST this isn't too much to get worked up over |
| however if you do not have that then be prepered for a long and hard battle. |

Aftewr the battle absorb the souls and then say goodbye to Gertrude for good
as well as Mont-Saint-Michel for Samanosuke. After the cutscene has finished you
will be once again in control of Jacques.

| Jacques |

The first thing to do here is to head through the door and then defeat the
Dongorr and Bazu's in the next corridor. If you head toward the screen
after turning the corridor you can find the FORTRESS 1 (B8). Use the Oni Firefly
to swing over the gap and break the old crate here for an EcoSpirit before
you enter the door.

This will trigger another cutscene with Vega Donna and then a impressive
CG showing the end of Mont-Saint-Michel for Jacques. It comes to a stop back
in Japan where Jacques will fall. When you come to you'll be in Lake Biwa with
Samanosuke and Heihachi.

+---------------------+ +-----------------------------+
| | | |
| +--------------------------+ |
| |
| Part J: Lake Biwa and Oni Mansion - Jacques Blanc - Japan 1582 |
| |

When you gain control of Jacques again use the Magic Mirror to enhance
and save and then head down and destroy the old crate here to release a Oni
Firefly. Walk further down and use the Oni Firefly to pull the ice block
you're standing on along the water.

In this next section you will be on the moving ice block which you have to
direct. You will come to Oni Fireflies every now and then which you should use
to pull the ice block in another direcetion.

When you reach the shore walk to the right to find a chest containing the
MAP:BIWA (note i haven't given a map for Lake Biwa because i do not think it
was neccessary because its almost all one way. If you do still want the map
contact me letting me know and i will add one.). Head up a little from here
to find a Tengu Chest containing a MEDICINE. Once you have opened the chests
head up and defeat the Grizmohs and then head onto the ice block at the end.

Once again you need to cross the water here so remember to defeat any enemy
that comes near you to release Oni Fireflies and pull at any Oni Firefly you
see and then step off at the end.

Head up and to the end here to open a chest containing a MEDICINE and then
head back down and to the right to find yet another ice block. When you reach
the end here you will have finished crossing the water.

Head up here and use the Magic Mirror to save and enhance and then head towards
the door to split up from Samanosuke and then enter the Oni Mansion.

On the floor here you can find the ONI MANSION book which if you read will tell
you that the mansion has traps. This next part is like a maze because if you
look at the closed gates you will see they are different colours. The gates
are opened by using the Oni firefly in the rooms so the first thing to
do here is to use the Oni firefly and then head through the red gate.

In the next room ignore the Oni Fireflies and head to the bottom to open the
chest which contains a Gadgemallo. Defeat this to obtain a MEDICINE and
then use the Blue Oni Firefly by the chest. Run back to the previous room
and enter the blue gate now open to Jacques' left.

Head through the two doors here and use the Blue Oni Firefly and then run
all the way back to the first Blue Gate you saw when you entered the mansion
and picked up the book to quickly proceed through the now open Blue Gate. Don't
defeat the Mountain Ogre's here because they will only lose you valuable time.

Open the chest here to release a Oni firefly and then head to the end and defeat
the Mountain Ogre and then pick up the ONI ARMY BOOK on the floor. Break the
wall scroll here and walk behind it to find a chest containing a SECRET MED and
a Soul Statue containing 175 souls. Walk out of this hidden passage now
and use the Blue Oni Firefly to open the gate once more and go back into the
main area again.

Open the Red Gate and defeat any Mountain Ogre's that may be here before you
head to the right and leap across the gap. There is a normal Oni Firefly
here which you should pull and then dash back over the gap and then down
to the bottom to pull the Blue Gate, back up and through the Blue Gate and
then through the now open Yellow Gate to the left of this room. You
have to do this without any mistakes and quickly to have the yellow gate still
be open by the time you get there.

In this next room there is a Magic Mirror which you should use to save and
enhance and then break the wall scroll to reveal a hidden passage. Go inside
here to find a strange hole which you should jump down.

When you walk forward here two Dongorr's will jump down so deal with them with
either Magical Attacks or by dodging them and then use the Oni Firefly
that is released. Heading to the back of this room will trigger a cutscene
and you will be awarded with the ONI ARMY ORB.

+---------------------+ +-----------------------------+
| | | |
| +--------------------------+ |
| |
| Part K: Battle For Azuchi Castle - Jacques Blanc - Japan 1582 |
| |

Watch the impressive visuals then you will be placed in a battle with a huge
amount of Zombie Foot Soldiers and Oni Legions. This part reminds me of Dynasty
Warriors and its also the best place in the game for Jacques to get souls
because the amount of Chain Issen's you can do. I suggest you stay here
fighting and absorbing souls until you have enough to max out everything, at
the end of this battle i normally have around 30 soul counts on the meter.

From the start head to the bottom and you will find a chest containing the MAP:
AZUCHI AREA which i have not inluded the map for you here as i don't see
the need of one.

Head through the door for more fighting, to progress through this area continue
heading up until you come to a Oni Firefly which will take you on the ledge
and towards the door to the next area.

Use the Oni Fireflies to work your way further up and then stop at the door.
Don't head through it unless you sure you have enough souls to max out everything
and then once you are ready head through the door.


M - Magic Mirror (Save)
ME - Medicine
OM - Oni Med
PB - Puzzle Box
B1 - Fortress 2
B2 - Map: Azuchi
B3 - Vassal Book

/ \
/ \
+ +
|[ ] |
|[ ] |
|[ ] | <---+
+ + |
\ / |
\ / |
+--------+ |
+--+ +++
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+----------> +--+ +--+
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| | | +--+
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| | | +----+ +----+
| | | |B1 M1|
+-----+ | | | | |
|ME |<-------+ +--+ | | | |
| | | | B2| | | |
| | | +-----+-+ | +----+ +----+
| | | OM| | | |
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| | |
| +------------------------+-+-------+
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| | |
| +--> | |
+-----+ | +----|-+
| | | V
| | | +--------+
| +--->| |
| | | |
+-------------------+ |B3 PB|

After the cutscene head up and pick up the FORTRESS 2 (B1)on the floor and then
use the Magic Mirror (M1) to enhance all your equipment to the MAX level. Now
that you have no need for Red Souls you should equip the Purple Vest for Ako
to make it easier when fighting enemies. Once you are ready take the elevator
that Heihachi mentioned to the next area.

Defeat the Dark Crows in this next area then open the chest containing the
MAP: AZUCHI (B2) and then go outside the hole in the wall.

Walk down and right from here to find another Puzzle Box (PB).

| 5 Turns |

| A | B | C | D |-O |
| O-| E | F | G | H |
| I | J | K | L |
| M | N | O | P |-O |

Move B, C, G, K and then finally O to complete the Puzzle.

| Reward | Oni Jewel |

Use the Oni Jewel and then head to the left pick up the VASSAL BOOK (B3) on the
floor here. Now use the Oni Firefly here to jump uo to the ledge above and then
Marcellus will jump down and attack you. You should have the PURPLE VEST
equipped so use Ogre Power to defeat him quickly. After you have defeated it
head around the roof to the left and then at the end you will find a Tengu Chest
containing a MEDICINE (ME). After obtaining the item from the chest head
through the hole in the wall.

From the hole head down the stairs and at the bottom open the chest containing
a ONI MED LV 1 (OM) and then head back up and use the Magic Mirror to save
your game. Once you have saved head up the stairs here to trigger a cutscene
and a fight with Vega Donna.

* *
* Boss Battle: Vega Donna 4/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Swipe | A simple swipe with her claws. |
| | | |
| |Mirage | Creates multiple copies of herself to |
| | | attack you. |
| | | |
| |Shuriken | Throws shurikens from the wooden beams |
| | | |
| How to Beat | This battle is not too hard if you have the PURPLE |
| | VEST because you can use all your magical attacks to |
| | damage her alot at the start. Start the battle by |
+----------------------+ using all of the weapons' magical attacks and then |
| switch to the Raisen to fight the rest of this battle with because it has the|
| greatest range on it. If you run out of Ogre Power try to do charged attacks |
| on her. She will sometimes jump up to the wooden beams, when she does this |
| she is getting ready to launch herself at you so keep moving. She may also |
| throw shurikens at you which can easily be guarded against. If you're lucky |
| the deflected shurikens may hit and damage her. She will start making copies |
| of herself near the end of the battle so try to hit all of them to make sure |
| you know which one is the real Vega Donna. Keep up the tactic of dodging and |
| attacking and soon Vega Donna will fall. |

After the battle Vega Donna will die and then you can absorb her souls triggering
another cutscene. After the short cutscene asscend the staircase to trigger
yet another cutscene before Jacques decides its time to attack Honnoji Temple
and the control will switch back to Samanosuke.

+---------------------+ +-----------------------------+
| | | |
| +--------------------------+ |
| |
| Part L: Eiffel Tower - Samanosuke Akechi - Japan 1582 |
| |


M - Magic Mirror (Save)
FK - First-Aid Kit
SA - Soul Arrow
SM - Secret Med
OM - Oni Med
PB - Puzzle Box
B1 - Map: Eiffel Tower
B2 - Time Lab 6

| Eiffel Tower |

| +----+ | +-+<---------------------+
| +--+ +--+ |FK2 | |+-+-+ +-------------+|
| |B2 \ / SA| | | || +-+\ | ||
| +-+ + | | | || M2+ | +-+||
| | | | +-+ |+-+ | | [ ] +-+|V
+-->+-+ +-+ | | +-+<+ V | | | [ ] +-+|
+-+ +-+ | +++ +-+ |+---+ | | |
| +-+<----||| | || | | |
+---+ | +++ | |+---+ | +-------------+
| | | | | | |
| +------+ | | | +-+ +
+------+ | | | SM2| | | /
v | +----+ +----+ | +---+
+----------------+ | |
| | | +-----------------------+
| | | +-+<------> +-+ +--+ |
| | | \ \ | | |SM| |
| B1 | | \ \ | +----+ | +--+ +--+ | +--+
+----+ | | +----+ +---+ | +-------+ | | | | | | |
| | | +----+ | | | +----+ ++-+ ++-+ | | |
| | | | | | | | | +-+ +-+ | | |
| | | | | | | +-+--+ +-+ +-+ | | |
| | +-----+ +---+ +-+---+ | | +--+-+ ++-+ ++-+ | | |
| ++ | | | | +-+ | | | +--+ | | | | | | |
| || |<-----+| +-+-+ +-+ | |<->| | +--+ +--+ | | |
| ++ | || +-+-+ +-+ +-+ +--+ | |
+----+ +--+ | || +-+-++ +---+ V | |
| | | | || | | | +-+ +++---+ |
| | | | || +----+ +-+ ||| |
| | | | || ^ +++------+
| +--+ | |+---+
+----------------+ +--------------------------------------------------+
+-+OM +---+ |
+-++-+ | | +---+ |
+-++-+ +-+-+ | | +---+ |
| | +-+ +-+-+ | | |
+----+ +-++-+ +-+ +-+-+ |
+-++-+ +-+ +-+ |
^ | | +-+-+ +-+ |
+---+ +----+ | +----+ +-+-++ +-+ |
+---+ / / | | | | | +-+ |
| | / / <-----> | |<---+ +----+ +-+-+ |
|FK1+------+ / | | | | |
| M1 \ +----+ | | |
+------------+ + | | |
\ \PB | | |
+--+ +++++++ | |
+-> ||||||| | |
| +++++++---+ |

After the cutscene introducing the Eiffel Tower head to the left and use the
Magic Mirror (M1) to save your game. After head to the left wall and open the
chest containing a FIRST-AID KIT (FK1) and then head to the right to find the
final Puzzle Box in the game (PB).

| 6 Turns |

| A | B | C | D |
| E | F | G | H |-O |
| O-| I | J | K | L |
| M | N | O | P |-O |

Move C, D, H, G, K and then finally J to complete the final Puzzle.

| Reward | Oni Jewel |

Use the ONI JEWEL and then press the button to the left of the elevator door
to open the doors and head in and press the button inside to close and activate
the elevator. It will come to a stop and you will be attacked by Zaghats which
you should defeat and then use the emergency ladder by the smashed glass to
climb out (you need to press the button first to lower the ladder). Outside
defeat the Zmoh and then climb the ladder up.

You will now be at the stairs so head down them first and at the end of the
damaged stairs Ako will spot a Tengu Chest containing a ONI MED LV1 (OM). When
working your way up the stairs you need to be careful of two things, the first
is the Bazu's that constantly attack and the other is the time distortions. If
you get caught in one of these you will be transported back near the start of
the Eiffel Tower. Once you have the chest work your way up the stairs and after
you get to the second non-stairs part you will come across you first time
distortion. Wait for it to disappear before running past it and defeating the
Bazu's as they can knock you into it. Once you reach the fourth non-stairs
part you will encounter another time distortion so carefuly cross it and then
head even further up. You'll reach a long stretch here which will have Bazu's
rolling at you a time distortions so make sure that the first thing you do
is take care of the Bazu's before going across the path and up the stairs.

In this next section you will be fighting Brainstern again but this time he
has some help with the local atmosphere. Not only do you have to defeat him but
you have to avoid the constant surges of lightning hitting the floor which can
damage you quite bad. I would suggest you equip the Purple Vest and either
use Magical attacks or Issen it although the latter can be quite difficult. After
defeating it head around to the side and you will see a earie machine which
can be defeated if you hit the blue glass when it opens. Doing this will stop
the electrical surges but at the same time it will call upon genma for you to
defeat. After defeating these head to the right and open the chest containing
the MAP: EIFFEL TOWER (B1) and then head through the passage under the stairs.

You'll be on more stairs so head up again dealing with the Barthahs until
you reach the end but be careful, on this end is a time distortion. Wait until
it passes until you head across the path here and then climb up the power
cables to open a chest containing a SECRET MED (SM) and then head back to
the intersection of cables and take the other one past the Zmoh to the next

Head up the stairs here dealing with the Bazu's and be careful on the second
non-stairs for the time distortion. There is also one on the fourth non-stairs
too so make sure you avoid them while you head to the top. Here there is two
time distortions on the long stretch as well as a Dongorr and a few Bazu's.
Make sure you don't get pushed into a time distortion and then continue up
the stairs.

From the stairs here head to the right and open the chest containing
a Gadgemallo which upon defeat you will obtain a FIRST-AID KIT (FK2). Now
head to the other side and open the chest here to obtain another SECRET MED
(SM2). Now head under the stairs and take the stairs here up a little higher.
Head towards the screen and a little to the right to find a Tengu Chest
containing SOUL ARROW (SA). Now if you head towards the door you should see the
TIME LAB 6 (B2) on the floor. Now approach the door and press the Red Button
to call the elevator and enter it. At the top of the elevator is a Soul
Statue containing 200 Souls and the final Magic Mirror (M2) of the Eiffel

If you are not considering visiting the last Dark Realm then i suggest you
go back and get enough souls to enhance everything to its max level because this
is your only real last chance unless you visit the final Dark Realm. Save
and enhance at this Magic Mirror and then head up the stairs here to the
top of the Eiffel Tower. A cutscene will be triggered and then you will
do battle with Genma Ranmaru Mori for the final time.

* *
* Boss Battle: Genma Ranmaru Mori 4/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Swipe | A simple swipe with his swords |
| | | |
| |Guard | Deflect attacks with his swords |
| | | |
| |Flame | Launch Flames at you from his swords |
| |Launch | |
| | | |
| |Teleport | Teleports himself to another location |
| | | |
| |Absorb | Absorb released souls |
| How to Beat | Again Ranmaru is just the same as the past two fights |
| | with him apart from being a lot faster. Also you have |
| | less space to dodge his attacks however you should |
+----------------------+ have the PURPLE VEST which should make this battle a |
| breeze. Equip it and then go to town on him with all your Ogre Power you have|
| and then if he's still standing after all this magic then charge up the |
| Kuga to attack him with. I wouldn't reccomend you using the Tenso in this |
| battle because it seems to have little effect against him. |

No matter how hard you try you cannot stop Ranmaru from activating the Time
Fold, it looks like its all down to Jacques.

+---------------------+ +-----------------------------+
| | | |
| +--------------------------+ |
| |
| Part M: Honnoji Temple - Jacques Blanc - Japan 1582 |
| |


M - Magic Mirror (Save)
F - Magic Fountain
DR - Dark Realm
H - Herb
SM - Secret Med
B1 - Map: Honnoji
B2 - Scrl: Ranmaru


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| |(H) | DR (M) (F)|
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| +----+ |
|(B1) |
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This is the final place in the game for Jacques so if for some reason you
still haven't managed to max out everything of his then equip the YELLOW
VEST and start absorbing all the souls here.

From the start head down the stairs and join in the battle and defeat the
Zombie Foot Soldiers and the Dark Crows before heading up the stairs. This
will trigger a cutscene showing Ranmaru but don't worry, you wont fight him
again Jacques will defeat him in a cutscene to get revenge for Heihachi. After
the cutscene check near Ranmaru to find the SCRL: RANMARU (B2).


Doing so will take you into Jacques final battle so the first thing to do
is head over to the Magic Mirror (M) and use it to save and enhance if
you need to and then stand to the left of it to have the cocoon man drop
down and venture to the Dark Realm as Jacques one last time.

| Jacques Blanc Dark Realm 3 |


E = Entrance

B = Blue Portal

P = Pink Portal

G = Green Portal

+----+ +----+ +----+
| E | | B1 | | P3 |
BLUE ORB/ \ / \
+----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
| P1 | | G1 | | B2 | | G3 |
+----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
\ / / /
+----+ +----+ +----+
| G2 | | G4 | | P7 |
+----+ +----+ +----+
+----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
| P2 | | P4 | | B3 | | G7 |
+----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
+----+ +----+ +----+
| B4 | | G6 | | P6 |
+----+ +----+ +----+
+----+ +----+
| G5 | | B5 |
+----+ +----+
| P5 |

| Entrance |

The first floor is not too tough and the whole Dark Realm isn't too tough
if you are equipping the PURPLE VEST. On this level you are facing
Zaghats and Mountain Ogres. There is a chest here in a blue mist that requires
8 BLUE ORBS to open. Inside you can find the ULTIMATE WHIP.

| Pink Portal 1 |

This is a very simple level as it contains Barthahs and Zombie Archers. You
should take care of all the Zombie Archers first before you defeat the Barthahs.
There is a chest here containing the BLUE ORB.

| Green Portal 2 |

Another easy level here against Doldekko's and Mountain Ogres. Simply let
the Mountain Ogre's defeat most of the enemies on the screen and then deal
with anything left standing. The Blue Portal here leads to Green Portal 1.

| Pink Portal 2 |

The level starts with Genma Plants in the middle which should restore some
of your Ogre Power and then a Dongorr will jump down which you can defeat
by dodge comboing or magical attacks. The chest here contains the next BLUE
ORB. There is also a Soul Statue here containing 100 souls.

| Green Portal 1 |

Another Simple level here containing a small amount of Zaghats that you
can dispose of easily.

| Blue Portal 1 |

Not too hard of a level if you have some Ogre Power on your Hyosai. This level
contains Dongorr's and Zmohs which the Hyosai will devastate very quickly
making this level a breeze.

| Pink Portal 3 |

This is probably the easiest level so far which includes Battobones and
Zombie Foot Soldiers which can be defeated easily with normal combos from
the Raisen. The chest here contains another BLUE ORB.

| Blue Portal 2 |

Another level thats not too hard as it only contains Zolworms and Dark Crows.
Make sure you deal with the Dark Crows first and you should be able to defeat
all the enemies here using normal combos.

| Green Portal 4 |

Defeat the Genma Plants in the middle here to restore lost vitality and Ogre
Power and then you have to deal with Genma Mages. This can be quite tricky
if they surround you so keep moving trying to deal with one at a time.

| Pink Portal 3 |

Now this is a hard level, a lot like the last level but with Fobra's thrown in
too. The best bet here is probably to use the Hyosai's magical attack to hit
all the enemies at once and get this level over and done with quick. The chest
here contains the next BLUE ORB.

| Blue Portal 4 |

Quite a tough level here against Grizmohs and Zaghats which can quickly
overwhelm you. Always go for the Grizmohs first as they deal the most damage.
The chest here contains a SECRET MED.

| Green Portal 5 |

Another tough level against Genma Mages and Dongorr's. You can make this a little
easier if you have Ogre Power on the Hyosai otherwise defeat the Genma Mages
first before going for the Dongorrs.

| Pink Portal 5 |

Yet another tough level against many Zaghats and a Marcellus. This can
be very hard and you might find yourself using Onimusha mode. Make sure you
defeat all the Zaghats before you start tackling Marcellus. After the very
hard battle open the chest for a well deserved BLUE ORB.

| Blue Portal 3 |

Also a tough level against Bazus and Dongorrs and your main focus
should be the Dongorrs before you guard issen the Bazus. The chest here contains

| Green Portal 6 |

Not too tough a level, one of the easiest in this Dark Realm. You're against
Fobras and Gadgemallos here. Make sure you defeat the Fobras before taking
on the Gadgemallos. The chest here contains another BLUE ORB.

| Pink Portal 6 |

A tough level involving Mountain Ogres and Zaghats. Try to let the Mountain
Ogres do the business while you run around collecting all the souls
that are released.

| Green Portal 7 |

Quite a tough level with Grizmohs and Zolworms. Try and defeat the Grizmohs
first if you can before you deal with the Zolworms because they tend to
do more damage.

| Pink Portal 7 |

Simple level with Dark Crows and Zombie Archers. Like all levels with the Archers
you should take care of them first before moving onto the Dark Crows. There is
a Soul Statue here containing 100 Souls and a chest containing another BLUE ORB.

| Blue Portal 5 |

The final level you need to do in this Dark Realm which contains Dark Crows.
Don't be afraid to use your Ogre Power here because there is a Magic Fountain
outside the Dark Realm anyway. Open the chest here to obtain the final BLUE ORB.

Now use all the Portals to return back to the entrance and use the BLUE ORBS
to unlock the chest containing the insanely powerful ULTIMATE WHIP.

| Reward | Ultimate Whip|

After the Dark Realm you can celebrate that you have obtained Jacques best
weapon in the game which is a very poweful weapon indeed.

| Item Update | Ultimate Whip |
| Description | A great whip, sealed away by the |
| | genma |

It doesn't require any Ogre Power to do the magical attack which is similar
to the Bishamon Sword. If you still haven't maxed everything out do so now
at the Magic Mirror and then save your game. Run to the left side of the
stairs now and open the chest to release a Oni Firefly. Use this to reach the
roof and a SECRET MED (SM) and then jump back down.

Make sure that you have now done everything you wish to do as Jacques and
then when you're ready head up the stairs and proceed through the final
door in Jacques saga. After the series of cutscenes prepere to do battle
with Nobunaga himself!

* *
* Boss Battle: Nobunaga Oda 4/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Swipe | A simple swipe with his sword |
| | | |
| |Guard | Deflect attacks with his sword |
| | | |
| |Issen | Perform a critical attack |
| | | |
| How to Beat | This is Jacques final battle in the game and who |
| | better than Nobunaga himself. If you went through |
| | the final Dark Realm for Jacques you should have the |
+----------------------+ ULTIMATE WHIP which will make this final battle a joke|
| however if you didn't then this will be a hard battle. Nobunaga likes to |
| guard your attacks a lot and often after guarding a combo of yours he will |
| Issen you! Thats right, Nobunaga will issen you a lot in this battle if |
| you're not careful. You can use the Oni Firefly to attack him if you like |
| Which you can target from wherever you're standing in the room. This is also |
| useful for when he blocks a lot of your attacks. You should use the ULTIMATE |
| Whips special attack and normal combos to finish him quite quickly. If you |
| do not have the weapon then equip the PURPLE VEST and use all the Ogre Power |
| on your magical attacks. Don't be afraid to use any SECRET MEDs or ONI MEDS |
| in this battle because you will not be using them again in the game. |

After checking up on Samanosuke Jacques will use a Time Distortion to return
back to France in 2004. However all is not what it seems.

+---------------------+ +-----------------------------+
| | | |
| +--------------------------+ |
| |
| Part N: The Final Battle - Samanosuke Akechi - Japan 1582 |
| |


M - Magic Mirror (Save)
F - Magic Fountain
H - Herb
DR - Dark Realm
B1 - Map: Honnoji Temple
B2 - Scrl: Ranmaru


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| |(H) | DR (M) (F)|
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/ /
+----- / /
| \/ /
+-+ /
| |
\ |
| |
| |
\ /
+ +
| |

After the series of cutscenes you will appear outside the double doors of
Honnoji Temple once more. Use the Magic Mirror to save and enhance and then
head to the left of the Magic Mirror to enter the Dark Realm for the final time
in the game.

| Samanosuke Akechi Dark Realm 3 |


E = Entrance

B = Blue Portal

P = Pink Portal

G = Green Portal

| E |
/ \
+----+ +----+ +----+
| G5 | | P1 | | B1 |
+----+--------+----+ +----+
+----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
| P6 | | B5 | | G6 | | G1 |
+----+--------+----+ +----+ +----+
+----+ +----+ +----+
| B4 | | P3 | | P2 |
+----+--------+----+ RED ORB+----+
/ RED ORB \ / \
+----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
| G4 | | P5 | | G2 | | B2 |
+----+--------+----+ +----+ +----+
+----+ +----+ +----+
| P4 | | B3 | | G3 |
+----+--------+----+ +----+

| Entrance |

Not too tough for a first level against many Zaghats. If you find them too much
get out the Chigo and use its magical attack. There is a chest surrounded in
red mist here and you need 8 RED ORBS to unlock it. Inside it is the BISHAMON

| Blue Portal 1 |

Another simple level against Dark Crows and Barthahs. Defeat the Dark Crows
first before using the Bow to defeat the Barthahs.

| Green Portal 1 |

Easiest level so far in this Dark Realm against Zombie Foot Soldiers and
Zaghats. This shouldn't be no problem to you but again if you're being surrounded
use the Chigo's charged attack or magical attack. The chest here contains your
first RED ORB.

| Pink Portal 2 |

A tough level here against many Dongorrs that will appear once the Genma Plants
in the middle are defeated. Use the Kuga's magical attack or charged attack
to damage these alot. The chest here contains a MEDICINE.

| Blue Portal 2 |

Probably the toughest level so far as there are lots of enemies on this level
and you're against Dark Crows and Fobra's. You should be able to defeat them
with normal combos but if you're getting surrounded quickly then use the Chigos
magical attack.

| Green Portal 3 |

Not too tough a level here but beware of the Battobones that group together.
There is also Zaghats on this level that can be quite a problem so use the Chigos
charged attack if they're bunched up or sue the Kuga's magical attack. The chest
here contains your next RED ORB.

| Green Portal 2 |

A tough level involving Dongorrs and Zombie Foot Soldiers that can easily
take away alot of your vitality. If you want to get this level out the way
quickly then go for the Kuga or Chigos magical attacks. The chest here contains
another RED ORB.

| Blue Portal 3 |

Another level that is not too tough against Zombie Archers and Fobra's. Make
sure that you take care of any Zombie Archers first before taking on the Fobras
which can easily be defeated with normal combos. The chest here contains a

| Pink Portal 4 |

A very tough level next against Zmohs and Grizmohs. I highly suggest you use
the Chigos magical attack alot here otherwise you could find yourself using
some healing items. The chest here contains the next RED ORB.

| Green Portal 4 |

A very tough level indeed against Doldekkos and Genma Mages, probably one of
the hardest in this Dark Realm. Make sure you defeat the Genma Mages before
the Doldekkos as they will absorb all your ogre power. You should use anything
at your disposal to defeat them.

| Pink Portal 5 |

The hardest level in this Dark Realm because not only is there Zaghats here
but another Marcellus. I would use anything you have here to defeat this level
starting with the Chigo to remove any other enemies first then going onto
the Tenso for Marcellus. The chest here contains a well deserved RED ORB.

| Blue Portal 4 |

Another tough level in the final Dark Realm against Grizmohs. Again the Chigo
proves a very useful weapon here as does the Kuga. If you have a MAX Chigo
then use the Magical attack once all the Grizmohs are down to defeat them
quickly. The chest here contains another SECRET MED.

| Pink Portal 6 |

A tough level against Mountain Ogres and Genma Mages which again the Chigo
proves useful (i've actually grown to like this weapon a lot in the game). The
chest here contains the next RED ORB.

| Blue Portal 5 |

Not so much a tough level but a long one because although you can take out the
Doldekko quite quickly, it will take some time to defeat all the Gadgemallos.
The chest here contains another RED ORB.

| Green Portal 5 |

This is a tough level because there are many Zaghats and on top of that Dark
Marrionettes launcing flames at you all the time.

| Pink Portal 1 |

Not too tough a level against Mountain Ogres which can be easily defeated by
letting them hit themselves or the Chigos magical attack.

| Green Portal 6 |

You can use all your Ogre Power on this last level involving Dongorrs and
Barthahs because you wont be doing anymore levels in this Dark Realm (if you've
been following this guide you've done all the levels). There is a Soul Statue
containing 85 souls and the final chest contains the final RED ORB.

You can now take the portals back up to the entrance and use the 8 RED ORBS
on the chest here to remove the mist and open the chest containing the most
powerful weapon in the game, the BISHAMON SWORD.

| Reward | Bishamon Sword |

You'll now have the best weapon in the game, the BISHAMON SWORD however the bad
news is that you wont get to use it in the rest of the game.

| Item Update | Bishamon Sword |
| Description | A great sword that was sealed away|
| | by the genma |

You may think to yourself "Well why did i just go through with all that!?" and
the answer to that question can be found below. Also it is one of the
requirements to get the S ranking at the end.

Once you are back outside the Dark Realm use the Magic Fountain to replenish all
lost Ogre Power and then save your game and enhance everything to the MAX now.


Once you are completely ready, head up the stairs of Honnoji Temple once
more and enter the double doors here. Watch the following cutscenes and prepere
to do battle with Nobunaga Oda once more as the True Onimusha.

| Item Update | Onimusha Swd |
| Description | A sword that only a true onimusha |
| | can wield |

* *
* Boss Battle: Nobunaga Oda 2/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Swipe | A simple swipe with his sword |
| | | |
| |Guard | Deflect attacks with his sword |
| | | |
| |Issen | Perform a critical attack |
| | | |
| How to Beat | This battle is a joke because its not hard at all. |
| | If you went through all the trouble to max out all |
| | your weapons and obtain the BISHAMON SWORD then this |
+----------------------+ battle will be even easier. You fight the battle as |
| the True Onimusha meaning that you cannot equip any different weapons however|
| you wont need to because this is one of the most powerful weapons in the game|
| anyway. The Onimusha Sword has 8 levels and each level is made up of each |
| weapon level you have meaning that if all your weapons are maxed and you have|
| the Bishamon Sword the sword will be at its MAX level. The magical attack of |
| this sword is a simple downwards then upwards slice but is damaging |
| nonetheless. This battle should cause no problems at all as he has all the |
| attacks as the Jacques version however you are alot more powerful. |

After the battle Nobunaga Oda will take quite a transformation and then, the

* *
* *
* * * *
* * * *
* * * A TIME *
* * * *
* HOW TO BEAT* The Final Battle takes place in three stages of the battle each *
************** one a little harder than the last. The first stage itself isnt *
* too hard as most of his attacks are predictable and can be easily dodged. If *
* you do have everything maxed then you will be able to charge the ONIMUSHA SWD*
* to LV3 and then when you hit him with it Samanosuke will perform a barrage of*
* attacks on him. The main attacks to be weary of here is the Laser Beam attack*
* which, if it hits you, can cause massive damage. His other two attacks should*
* cause no problem as they are very easy to dodge. If you have the max Onimusha*
* Swd go close range and charge it to LV3 to defeat this first form very *
* quickly. This move will cause the True Demon King to release a lot of souls *
* which you can absorb. If you absorb five purple souls here your sword will *
* glow and you will do even more damage. If you do not have the maxed sword *
* this will take a lot longer to do because you have to dodge and then run in *
* to do a combo on him. You could also continually do the Special attack *
* which can also heavily damage him. *

* *
* *
* ATTACKS * * *
* * * *
* * * *
* * * SHOOT AT YOU *
* * * *
* HOW TO BEAT* In the next stage the True Demon King will lower himself to the *
************** ground and start attacking you with his blade. He has a long *
* reach on his blade so you have to remember to dodge before you go on the *
* attack otherwise you will be hit by his blade and knocked to the floor. The *
* aim of this battle is to hit him enough times to cause him to drop to the *
* floor. During this time damage him with your sword and you will see red souls*
* released which will be coming from his Demon Blade. Absorb these souls while *
* damaging him and then he will get up again. Repeat this process to finish *
* this stage. His attacks do a lot of damage in this stage especially when he *
* lunges at you. His main damage in this stage comes from his elemental strikes*
* which you can determine which one he uses by the glow of his sword. When his *
* sword does glow you need to quickly get out of the way otherwise you'll be *
* caught in the upcoming blast and damaged heavily. Continue to keep attacking *
* and absorbing and soon you will gain possesion of the True Demon Kings blade *
* to use yourself. *

| Item Update | Genma Samonji |
| Description | Nobunaga's choice weapon forged |
| | with hatred |

* *
* *
* * * *
* * * *
* * * *
* * * SHOOT AT YOU *
* * * *
* HOW TO BEAT* You now have the best weapon in the game which is the weapon *
************** that Nobunaga has been using during the trilogy. The special *
* attack is the same as the ONIMUSHA SWD however this one does more damage. *
* If you're Onimusha Swd was MAX then this will be MAX too meaning more damage.*
* Nobunaga however has transformed once more and this time he is quite hard. *
* What makes this stage so hard is that you have to know when to go in for the *
* attack. The best thing to do is to go near him so he tries the punch combo *
* and then dodge it and counter with either a level 3 charge slash or a normal *
* combo. Its a good idea to have a lot of healing items by now and you should *
* have at least one or two Statue Charms. Alternatively you can do the special *
* attack on him which seems to be easier and does a lot of damage too. Keep *
* this tactic up and use healing items whenever you go below quater health and *
* soon the True Demon King will fall for the final time in the Onimusha *
* trilogy. *


After this final battle Nobunaga will be done for and the ending will take place.
Enjoy whatever ending you got because it is the conclusion to the Onimusha

You may ask whats next? Well if you obtained the three seals in the main game
you can start it again with the three Onimusha 1 weapons. You can also enjoy
some on the mini-games you unlocked or play through the game on a harder

Be sure to let the credits roll because you can save your game after.

With that said this is the end of the walkthrough, the end of the Onimusha
series and the end of an era.

| |
| XIII. Ako's Haori |
| |
| |

Very much like the Necklace feature in Onimusha 2:Samurai's Destiny, there is
items you can obtain which adds special features to your character.

In this game they are known as Haori (vests) which the Tengu, Ako who accompanys
the characters, can wear. However you cannot simply Equip the Haori once you
obtain them.

There is eight Haori in total which you can find and if you wish to obtain the
True Ending for Onimusha 3 then you will need every one of them.

| Eco Spirits (Tree spirits)|

When you find your first Haori you will see that in the Ako sub menu there is
symbols under the Name of the Haori much like this:


o o

These symbols stand for how many Eco Spirits are needed in order to make the
Haori usable.

Eco Spirits are needed to inject Ako so that she can equip the Haori. These
can be found anywhere at all but most of the time under objects that you can
break such as crates. Once you have injected the required amount of Eco
Spirits you will be asked if you wish to Equip it.

Once you have unlocked the Haori you can equip and unequip it whenever you want
excluding Training Mode. Each Haori requires a different amount of Eco Spirits
so you should be careful when using them.

Each character will control the same Ako so if Jacques has put three Eco Spirits
on Ako and then Ako is with Samanosuke the three Eco Spirits will still be lit
up. Also once you unlock the Haori both characters can choose to equip it.

| Haori List |

| Blue Haori |
| |
| Location | Mt. Hiei (where you meet Samanosuke) |
| |
| Effect | increases the speed in which souls will be absorbed |
| |
| Eco | 2 |

| Red Haori |
| |
| Location | Sewer (right of mimic chest) |
| |
| Effect | Enemy will only release Red Souls |
| |
| Eco | 2 |

| White Haori |
| |
| Location | Town of Sakai (back of shop) |
| |
| Effect | Restore vitality when standing still |
| |
| Eco | 4 |

| Yellow Haori |
| |
| Location | Undersea Temple |
| |
| Effect | Enemies will release Souls when attacked as well as |
| | defeated |
| |
| Eco | 5 |

| Green Haori |
| |
| Location | Notre Dame |
| |
| Effect | Enemies will release Souls when attacked as well as |
| | defeated. |
| |
| Eco | 5 |

| Orange Haori |
| |
| Location | Mont-Sant-Michel |
| |
| Effect | Displays enemy Vitality and shows when to Issen. |
| | (Ako will flash when the Issen moment is) |
| |
| Eco | 6 |

| Purple Haori |
| |
| Location | Dark Realm 2 (Samanosuke) |
| |
| Effect | Reduces the Ogre Power required to perform Magical |
| | Attacks. |
| |
| Eco | 6 |

| Black Haori |
| |
| Location | Rewarded for beating Critical Training |
| |
| Effect | Perform Issen by standing still and slashing. |
| | (Each time you do this your current vitality will be |
| | halved) |
| |
| Eco | 7 |

| |
| XIIV. The Dark Realm |
| |
| |

This is a walkthrough for the Dark Realms found in the game. They have been made
a little harder on this game because now you have to choose which route
you want to take after each floor.

On Normal Mode there are three Dark Realms that you can enter. Each of the Dark
Realms are different for Samanosuke and Jacques and contains different items.
On Hard Mode there are two additional Dark Realms that you can enter.

This section will contain a map of each of the Dark Realms for each of the
characters helping you to make decisions on what portal to take next.

| Undersea Temple - Jacques Blanc - Dark Realm 1 |

When in the Dark Realm remember that you dont need to waste healing items
unless you think you're going to die because at the end of each level you
can use Ako to fully heal you with the White Vest.


E = Entrance

B = Blue portal

P = Pink Portal

G = Green Portal

| E |
/ \
+----+ +----+
| B1 | | P1 |
+----+ +----+
| G1 |
| P2 |



you'll be presented the SCRL: DARK REALM upon entering which explains how
the Dark Realm works. The enemies are easy on this first level that consists
of Zolms. After they are all defeated you will be presented with the choice
of three portals. The one in the middle exits the Dark Realm and the other
two are different routes you can take. Also when the portals appear you should
use Ako's White Vest to heal any lost vitality.

| Blue Portal 1|

Enemies you fight here consist of Gilzolms and Three-Eyes' which are still
fairly easy to kill.

| Pink Portal 1 |

Enemies you fight here consist of several Mountain Ogre's which can deal a lot
of damage if you dont defend properly. Use Magic attacks if the situation looks
bad. There is a Soul Statue here you can use after you finish the level.

| Green Portal 1 |

There is Genma Plants in the middle which when defeated releases a Gorr. Bock
and counter against it.

| Pink Portal 2 |

This is the last level of Jacques first Dark Realm and it isnt too hard. It
starts off with Battobones and then three Mountain Ogre's jump down. Let
the Ogre's kill the other enemies and then finish the one left standing yourself.

| Reward | Lightning Seal|

This unlocks something when you beat the game (see secrets section).

| Undersea Temple - Samanosuke Akechi |

| Samanosuke Akechi Dark Realm 1|

This realm is different to Jacques in the sense that it contains different
items, enemies and levels. Remember to use the White Vest in between levels
instead of healing items, you'll need them.


E = Entrance

B = Blue Portal

P = Pink Portal

G = Green Portal

| E |
| B1 |
/ \
+----+ +----+
| P1 | | G1 |
| |
+-+--+ +-+--+
| G2 | | P2 |
+----+ +----+

| Entrance |

A nice simple level to start with as you only have to deal with Three-Eyes'
and Zombie Foot Soldiers. Just make sure that you don't get surrounded and try
to Issen them if you can for more souls.

| Blue Portal 1 |

This level is quite hard as it consists of Mountain Ogre's and Doldekko's. The
best thing to do here is to run around allowing the Mountain Ogre's to hit
themselves and the Doldekko's.

| Green Portal 1 |

Starts off with Genma Plants in the middle allowing you to get some easy souls
then once they have been defeated Zolworms will drop down. These are easy to
deal with just combo them and then side-step away.

| Pink Portal 1/ Blue Portal 2|

If you're wondering why this portal has two names it simple, when you access this
from B1 it will be a pink portal but if you access it from G1 it will be a blue
portal, there is no difference in the levels. This level can be quite hard if
you don't block often as the Zombie Archers will knock you down making it
easier for the Dark Marrionette to hit you.

| Pink Portal 2 |

This level is harder than the green portal 2 because you have to deal with
barthah's along with Zavheits who can surround you quite easily. If you
are getting surrounded by a lot of them use the Chigo's magical attack to get
some breathing space. Your reward for beating this optional level is a soul

| Green Portal 2 |

The Last level of this Dark realm is also quite easy as it consists of Three-Eyes
and Gilzolms. If you find yourself getting overwhelmed by all of them get out
the Chigo and use its magical attack to defeat a lot of them. The chest here
contains the WIND SEAL.

| Reward | Wind Seal |

| Mont-Saint-Michel - Jacques Blanc - Dark Realm 2 |


E = Entrance

B = Blue Portal

P = Pink Portal

G = Green Portal

| E |
/ \
+----+ +----+ +----+
| P1 | | B1 | | G3 |
+----+ +----+ +----+
/ \ \ / \
+----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
| B2 | | G1 | | B3 | | P3 |
+----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
GREEN ORB \ / \ / /
+----+ +----+ +----+
| P2 | | G2 | | B4 |
+----+--------+----+ +----+
| G4 |

| Entrance |

Easy one to start off with, this level is full of Bazu's that you can
Deflect Issen so you should finish these pretty quick. You will notice
however that there is a chest here that is shrouded in a purple mist. You
cannot open this yet so don't worry about it but to open it you need
the PURPLE SEAL which is obtained from Samanosuke's version of the Dark Realm.
Opening the chest here awards you with a BROWN DOLL.

| Pink Portal 1 |

This next level is quite hard if you're not too good at dodging yet
because it contains Zombie Foot Soldiers and Zmoh's. If you're having trouble
with the Zmoh's use a bit of Ogre Power to defeat them.

| Green Portal 1 |

This is probably one of the easiest levels in this current Dark Realms because
you're fighting Zaghats but if you do have problems try to guard when they
start attacking you.

| Blue Portal 2 |

This next level is probably one of the toughest in this Dark Realm, you're
against Dongorr's here so try and Oni Grab them if you can or use some Ogre
Power. If you can try and fight one at a time to minimize damage you take. After
the portals appear open the chest to obtain the GREEN ORB. This is for
use in Samanosuke's Dark Realm 2.

| Pink Portal 2 |

This is the easiest level in any Dark Realm as it only contains
Grey's. After you have the portals appear you can use the Soul Statue
in the corner for 50 souls. The blue portal here leads back to Green Portal 1.

| Green Portal 2 |

This is another easy level which will start with you defeating easy
Genma Plants in the center then followed by a few Dark Crows. The Pink portak
here leads back to Green Portal 1.

| Blue Portal 1 |

This is a very simple level and it contains Zaghats and a few Dark Crows so
you should be able to defeat them with ease.

| Blue Portal 3 |

Now it starts getting harder as this time you're against Mountain Ogre's
and Fobra's. Remember to try and let the Mountain Ogre's take themselves out
before you deal with any Fobra's. The Pink Portal here leads back to Blue
Portal 1.

| Green Portal 3 |

This is another hard level because you're now facing the stronger type of
Zmoh, the Grizmoh. If you cannot dodge them then you should launch magical
attacks on them. After this very hard level you can use the Soul Statue
containing 100 souls.

| Pink Portal 3 |

This level contains Battochyka's and Battobones which can do a lot of damage
to you if you're not careful. This should be easy next to the last couple
of levels you have done however.

| Blue Portal 4 |

This level is very very hard because there is Doldekko's and Dongorr's
attacking you this time. Try and deal with any Doldekko's
first before taking out the Dongorr's because this
will give your more space to dodge them. You may find yourself using
Onimusha mode here if you have it. The chest contains a MEDICINE which you may
be needing right about now.

| Green Portal 4 |

This is the last level in Jacques' Dark Realm 2 however it is very hard because
there is Fobra's to deal with again. Try to deflect the shots back at them if
you can otherwise try to deal with one at a time again. After dealing with these
you will be confronted with some Doldekko's so try to Oni Grab them to
defeat them quite easily. Use any Ogre Power you have left to finish this quick.
The chest here contains the final seal in the game, the FIRE SEAL.

| Reward | Fire Seal |

| Mont-Saint-Michel - Samanosuke Akechi - Dark Realm 2 |


E = Entrance

B = Blue Portal

P = Pink Portal

G = Green Portal

+----+ +----+
| E | | G3 |
+----+ +----+
+----+ +----+ +----+
| P1 | | B1 | | P3 |
+----+ +----+ +----+
/ \ \ \
+----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
| B2 | | G1 | | P2 | | B3 |
+----+--------+----+ +----+ +----+
\ / /
+----+ +----+ +----+
PURPLE ORB| G2 | | G5 | | G4 |
+----+ +----+ +----+
/ \ \
+----+ +----+ +----+
| P5 | | B4 | | P4 |
+----+ +----+--------+----+
| B5 |
| G6 |
| P6 |
| B6 |
| G7 |

| Entrance |

Nice easy level to start with pitting you against Zaghats so simply
take them out to finish this level. After the portals appear head over
to the chest and you'll discover that it is locked with a green barrier. Use
the GREEN ORB here to obtain a WOOD CHARM.

| Pink Portal 1 |

This next level can be quite tricky just make sure you deal with any Zombie
Archers and then let the Mountain Ogre's hit themselves while you run around
the arena.

| Blue Portal 2 |

This next level shouldn't be too hard, you're fighting Battobone's
and Zmoh's here so use Charged attacks on them to lay waste to them quick. If
you do have any problems use a bit of Ogre Power to turn the battle in your
favor. The pink portal here leads back to Green Portal 1.

| Green Portal 2 |

This is quite a tough level because the Marrionette can cause damage while the
Fobra's shoot flames at you, best thing to do here is to use a bit of Ogre
Power or charged attacks. Theres a Soul Statue here that you can use to
obtain 150 souls and the chest here contains the PURPLE ORB which can be
used in Jacques' Dark Realm.

| Green Portal 1 |

This level can be quite tough because not only are you fighting Zaghats but
there is lots of them to deal with so try and use the Kuga's magical
attack if they're close together.

| Blue Portal 1 |

This level is not too hard if you have some Kuga Ogre Power left in which
you should use while the Bazu's are bunched up. The Fobra should be taken out
with this attack too so you can defeat the last few Bazu's normally.

| Green Portal 3 |

This level can be quite tough if the Doldekko catches you off-guard because he
will keep hitting you whilst you're down. The Battobone's should'nt be too much
of a problem but if they are try doing charge attacks on them.

| Pink Portal 3 |

This is probably one of the toughest levels in the second Dark Realm for
Samanosuke because you are against many Grizmoh's which can easily drain your
vitality. Again if you are having trouble unleash some Ogre Power otherwise
try to dodge and charge attack/issen them. The chest here contains a much
needed MEDICINE.

| Blue Portal 3 |

Not too hard to clear this level, start off by defeating the genma plants
in the corner for some souls and then defeat the two Dongorr's with charged
attacks when they jump down. There is also a Soul Statue here that contains
100 souls for you to absorb.

| Green Portal 4 |

This level is just like repeating the Entrance level as it contains the same
enemies only less of them so make sure you guard during their combos and
combo back yourself.

| Pink Portal 4 |

Quite a tough level becasue you have to deal with Zolworms while having
Fobra's launch flames at you. You should deal with the Fobra's first because the
Zolworms should'nt bother you that much.

| Blue Portal 4 |

This level is not so much hard but just takes time to finish it. The Gadgemallo's
will run out of your sight most of the time and if you find you cannot hit
them try using an ELEC ARROW on it to stun it and then combo it. Once you defeat
them a Dongorr will drop down. There is a Soul Statue here containing 100 souls
for you to absorb after the level.

| Green Portal 5 |

Defeat the Genma Plants here to release the Grizmoh's which you can defeat using
the same tactic as in Pink Portal 3. The chest here contains another MEDICINE
to help you in the Dark Realm.

| Pink Portal 5 |

This next level can be quite tough because the Dark Crows can hit you while
you are trying to defeat the Zaghats so use should first defeat them before
moving on to the Zaghats.

| Blue Portal 5 |

This is another very tough level. Not only do you have a lot of Fobra's launching
flames at you but you have Dongorr's to deal with. If you have any Ogre Power
left i would use your Chigo magical attack here to damage all enemies on screen.
If its at LV2 then you might be lucky and defeat them with that attack if not
use it again after.

| Green Portal 6 |

This is quite an easy level as there is a lot of Mountain Ogre's so let
them defeat themselves and the Zolworms and deal with any of them remaining.
There is a Soul Statue here containing 75 souls for you to absorb.

| Pink Portal 6 |

This level only contains Dark Crows but there are a lot of them so its easy
to get overwhelmed. If this does happen use the Chigo's charged or magical
attack. The chest here once again contains a MEDICINE.

| Blue Portal 6 |

This is in fact probably one of the hardest levels you faced in any Dark Realm
yet, in fact its probably one of the hardest things you've came against in the
game so far. There is several Dongorr's here accompanied by Doldekko's. My best
advice again would be to use the Chigo's magical attack or charged attack other
than that use Ogre Power if you cannot take them out by dodging and using issen.

| Green Portal 7 |

This is the final level of Samanosuke's second Dark Realm (Phew!) and as you
already guessed, it is very hard. Once again Grizmoh's plague the depths of the
Dark Realm accompanied this time by Fobra's. Seeing as this is the last level you
should probably use all the Ogre Power you have unless you wish to combo them.
The tresure chest here contains the much deseverd PURPLE VEST.

| Reward | Purple Vest |

| Honnoji Temple - Jacques Blanc - Dark Realm 3 |


E = Entrance

B = Blue Portal

P = Pink Portal

G = Green Portal

+----+ +----+ +----+
| E | | B1 | | P3 |
BLUE ORB/ \ / \
+----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
| P1 | | G1 | | B2 | | G3 |
+----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
\ / / /
+----+ +----+ +----+
| G2 | | G4 | | P7 |
+----+ +----+ +----+
+----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
| P2 | | P4 | | B3 | | G7 |
+----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
+----+ +----+ +----+
| B4 | | G6 | | P6 |
+----+ +----+ +----+
+----+ +----+
| G5 | | B5 |
+----+ +----+
| P5 |

| Entrance |

The first floor is not too tough and the whole Dark Realm isn't too tough
if you are equipping the PURPLE VEST. On this level you are facing
Zaghats and Mountain Ogres. There is a chest here in a blue mist that requires
8 BLUE ORBS to open. Inside you can find the ULTIMATE WHIP.

| Pink Portal 1 |

This is a very simple level as it contains Barthahs and Zombie Archers. You
should take care of all the Zombie Archers first before you defeat the Barthahs.
There is a chest here containing the BLUE ORB.

| Green Portal 2 |

Another easy level here against Doldekko's and Mountain Ogres. Simply let
the Mountain Ogre's defeat most of the enemies on the screen and then deal
with anything left standing. The Blue Portal here leads to Green Portal 1.

| Pink Portal 2 |

The level starts with Genma Plants in the middle which should restore some
of your Ogre Power and then a Dongorr will jump down which you can defeat
by dodge comboing or magical attacks. The chest here contains the next BLUE
ORB. There is also a Soul Statue here containing 100 souls.

| Green Portal 1 |

Another Simple level here containing a small amount of Zaghats that you
can dispose of easily.

| Blue Portal 1 |

Not too hard of a level if you have some Ogre Power on your Hyosai. This level
contains Dongorr's and Zmohs which the Hyosai will devastate very quickly
making this level a breeze.

| Pink Portal 3 |

This is probably the easiest level so far which includes Battobones and
Zombie Foot Soldiers which can be defeated easily with normal combos from
the Raisen. The chest here contains another BLUE ORB.

| Blue Portal 2 |

Another level thats not too hard as it only contains Zolworms and Dark Crows.
Make sure you deal with the Dark Crows first and you should be able to defeat
all the enemies here using normal combos.

| Green Portal 4 |

Defeat the Genma Plants in the middle here to restore lost vitality and Ogre
Power and then you have to deal with Genma Mages. This can be quite tricky
if they surround you so keep moving trying to deal with one at a time.

| Pink Portal 3 |

Now this is a hard level, a lot like the last level but with Fobra's thrown in
too. The best bet here is probably to use the Hyosai's magical attack to hit
all the enemies at once and get this level over and done with quick. The chest
here contains the next BLUE ORB.

| Blue Portal 4 |

Quite a tough level here against Grizmohs and Zaghats which can quickly
overwhelm you. Always go for the Grizmohs first as they deal the most damage.
The chest here contains a SECRET MED.

| Green Portal 5 |

Another tough level against Genma Mages and Dongorr's. You can make this a little
easier if you have Ogre Power on the Hyosai otherwise defeat the Genma Mages
first before going for the Dongorrs.

| Pink Portal 5 |

Yet another tough level against many Zaghats and a Marcellus. This can
be very hard and you might find yourself using Onimusha mode. Make sure you
defeat all the Zaghats before you start tackling Marcellus. After the very
hard battle open the chest for a well deserved BLUE ORB.

| Blue Portal 3 |

Also a tough level against Bazus and Dongorrs and your main focus
should be the Dongorrs before you guard issen the Bazus. The chest here contains

| Green Portal 6 |

Not too tough a level, one of the easiest in this Dark Realm. You're against
Fobras and Gadgemallos here. Make sure you defeat the Fobras before taking
on the Gadgemallos. The chest here contains another BLUE ORB.

| Pink Portal 6 |

A tough level involving Mountain Ogres and Zaghats. Try to let the Mountain
Ogres do the business while you run around collecting all the souls
that are released.

| Green Portal 7 |

Quite a tough level with Grizmohs and Zolworms. Try and defeat the Grizmohs
first if you can before you deal with the Zolworms because they tend to
do more damage.

| Pink Portal 7 |

Simple level with Dark Crows and Zombie Archers. Like all levels with the Archers
you should take care of them first before moving onto the Dark Crows. There is
a Soul Statue here containing 100 Souls and a chest containing another BLUE ORB.

| Blue Portal 5 |

The final level you need to do in this Dark Realm which contains Dark Crows.
Don't be afraid to use your Ogre Power here because there is a Magic Fountain
outside the Dark Realm anyway. Open the chest here to obtain the final BLUE ORB.

Now use all the Portals to return back to the entrance and use the BLUE ORBS
to unlock the chest containing the insanely powerful ULTIMATE WHIP.

| Reward | Ultimate Whip|

| Honnoji Temple - Samanosuke Akechi - Dark Realm 3 |


E = Entrance

B = Blue Portal

P = Pink Portal

G = Green Portal

| E |
/ \
+----+ +----+ +----+
| G5 | | P1 | | B1 |
+----+--------+----+ +----+
+----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
| P6 | | B5 | | G6 | | G1 |
+----+--------+----+ +----+ +----+
+----+ +----+ +----+
| B4 | | P3 | | P2 |
+----+--------+----+ RED ORB+----+
/ RED ORB \ / \
+----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
| G4 | | P5 | | G2 | | B2 |
+----+--------+----+ +----+ +----+
+----+ +----+ +----+
| P4 | | B3 | | G3 |
+----+--------+----+ +----+

| Entrance |

Not too tough for a first level against many Zaghats. If you find them too much
get out the Chigo and use its magical attack. There is a chest surrounded in
red mist here and you need 8 RED ORBS to unlock it. Inside it is the BISHAMON

| Blue Portal 1 |

Another simple level against Dark Crows and Barthahs. Defeat the Dark Crows
first before using the Bow to defeat the Barthahs.

| Green Portal 1 |

Easiest level so far in this Dark Realm against Zombie Foot Soldiers and
Zaghats. This shouldn't be no problem to you but again if you're being surrounded
use the Chigo's charged attack or magical attack. The chest here contains your
first RED ORB.

| Pink Portal 2 |

A tough level here against many Dongorrs that will appear once the Genma Plants
in the middle are defeated. Use the Kuga's magical attack or charged attack
to damage these alot. The chest here contains a MEDICINE.

| Blue Portal 2 |

Probably the toughest level so far as there are lots of enemies on this level
and you're against Dark Crows and Fobra's. You should be able to defeat them
with normal combos but if you're getting surrounded quickly then use the Chigos
magical attack.

| Green Portal 3 |

Not too tough a level here but beware of the Battobones that group together.
There is also Zaghats on this level that can be quite a problem so use the Chigos
charged attack if they're bunched up or sue the Kuga's magical attack. The chest
here contains your next RED ORB.

| Green Portal 2 |

A tough level involving Dongorrs and Zombie Foot Soldiers that can easily
take away alot of your vitality. If you want to get this level out the way
quickly then go for the Kuga or Chigos magical attacks. The chest here contains
another RED ORB.

| Blue Portal 3 |

Another level that is not too tough against Zombie Archers and Fobra's. Make
sure that you take care of any Zombie Archers first before taking on the Fobras
which can easily be defeated with normal combos. The chest here contains a

| Pink Portal 4 |

A very tough level next against Zmohs and Grizmohs. I highly suggest you use
the Chigos magical attack alot here otherwise you could find yourself using
some healing items. The chest here contains the next RED ORB.

| Green Portal 4 |

A very tough level indeed against Doldekkos and Genma Mages, probably one of
the hardest in this Dark Realm. Make sure you defeat the Genma Mages before
the Doldekkos as they will absorb all your ogre power. You should use anything
at your disposal to defeat them.

| Pink Portal 5 |

The hardest level in this Dark Realm because not only is there Zaghats here
but another Marcellus. I would use anything you have here to defeat this level
starting with the Chigo to remove any other enemies first then going onto
the Tenso for Marcellus. The chest here contains a well deserved RED ORB.

| Blue Portal 4 |

Another tough level in the final Dark Realm against Grizmohs. Again the Chigo
proves a very useful weapon here as does the Kuga. If you have a MAX Chigo
then use the Magical attack once all the Grizmohs are down to defeat them
quickly. The chest here contains another SECRET MED.

| Pink Portal 6 |

A tough level against Mountain Ogres and Genma Mages which again the Chigo
proves useful (i've actually grown to like this weapon a lot in the game). The
chest here contains the next RED ORB.

| Blue Portal 5 |

Not so much a tough level but a long one because although you can take out the
Doldekko quite quickly, it will take some time to defeat all the Gadgemallos.
The chest here contains another RED ORB.

| Green Portal 5 |

This is a tough level because there are many Zaghats and on top of that Dark
Marrionettes launcing flames at you all the time.

| Pink Portal 1 |

Not too tough a level against Mountain Ogres which can be easily defeated by
letting them hit themselves or the Chigos magical attack.

| Green Portal 6 |

You can use all your Ogre Power on this last level involving Dongorrs and
Barthahs because you wont be doing anymore levels in this Dark Realm (if you've
been following this guide you've done all the levels). There is a Soul Statue
containing 85 souls and the final chest contains the final RED ORB.

You can now take the portals back up to the entrance and use the 8 RED ORBS
on the chest here to remove the mist and open the chest containing the most
powerful weapon in the game, the BISHAMON SWORD.

| Reward | Bishamon Sword |

| |
| XV. Puzzle Box Solutions |
| |
| |

This is a list of the Puzzle Box locations found in the game which are also
in the main Walkthrough. The puzzle boxes on this Onimusha are again different
because this time there is a circuit which needs to reach the other side of the
puzzle to solve the solution.

Here is the answers to each puzzle box found:

| Arc De Triomphe - France 2004 |

| 3 Turns |

| a | b | c |
| O-| d | e | f |
| g | h | i |-O |

First move (a) then move (d) followed by (g) to finish the puzzle.

| Reward | ONI JEWEL |

| Mt. Hiei - Japan 1582 |

| 4 Turns |

| a | b | c |
| O-| d | e | f |
| g | h | i |-O |

Move a, d, e and finally h to line up the power grid and complete the puzzle.

| Reward | Power Jewel |

| Sewer - France 2004 |

| 5 Turns |

| A | B | C | D |-O |
| O-| E | F | G | H |
| I | J | K | L |

Move C, G, F, E and finally A to complete the puzzle.

| Reward | Oni Jewel |

| Town Of Sakai - Japan 1582 |

| 5 Turns |

| O-| A | B | C |
| D | E | F |
| G | H | I |-O |

Move F, E, H, I and finally F to complete the puzzle.

| Reward | Oni Jewel |

| Town Of Sakai - Japan 1582 |

| 6 Turns |

| A | B | C |
| O-| D | E | F |
| G | H | I |-O |

Move E, D, A, B, E and finally F to complete the puzzle.

| Reward | Power Jewel|

| Western Ship - Japan 1582 |

| 5 Turns |

| A | B | C | D |
| O-| E | F | G | H |-O |
| I | J | K | L |

Move A, E, F, G and finally K to complete the puzzle.

| Reward | Power Jewel|

| Western Ship - Japan 1582 |

| 6 Turns |

| A | B | C | D |
| O-| E | F | G | H |-O |
| I | J | K | L |

Move A, B, C, G, F and finally B again to complete the puzzle.

| Reward | Wood Charm |

| Notre Dame - France 2004 |

| 6 Turns |

| A | B | C | D |
| O-| E | F | G | H |
| I | J | K | L |-O |

Move G, F, J, K, L and then finally H to complete the puzzle.

| Reward | Oni Jewel |

| Notre Dame - France 2004 |

| 5 Turns |

| A | B | C | D |
| O-| E | F | G | H |
| I | J | K | L |-O |
| M | N | O | P |

Move H, L, K, J and then finally F to complete the puzzle.

| Reward | Statue Charm |

| Undersea Temple - 1582 |

| 5 Turns |

| A | B | C | D |
| E | F | G | H |
| O-| I | J | K | L |-O |
| M | N | O | P |

Move I, J, K, G and then finally F to complete the puzzle.

| Reward | Oni Jewel |

| Undersea Temple - 2004 |

| 6 Turns |

| A | B | C | D |
| E | F | G | H |-O |
| O-| I | J | K | L |
| M | N | O | P |

Move N, J, K, G, F and then finally E to complete the puzzle

| Reward | Power Jewel|

| Boulogne Zoo - 2004 |

| 5 Turns |

| A | B | C | D |
| O-| E | F | G | H |-O |
| I | J | K | L |-O |
| M | N | O | P |

Move L, H, G, F and then finally J to complete the puzzle.

| Reward | Oni Jewel |

| Mont-Saint-Michel - 2004 |

| 5 Turns |

| A | B | C | D |-O |
| E | F | G | H |
| I | J | K | L |
| O-| M | N | O | P |

Move G, C, B, F and then finally J to complete the puzzle.

| Azuchi Castle - 1582 |

| 5 Turns |

| A | B | C | D |-O |
| O-| E | F | G | H |
| I | J | K | L |
| M | N | O | P |-O |

Move B, C, G, K and then finally O to complete the Puzzle.

| Reward | Oni Jewel |

| Eiffel Tower - 2004 |

| 6 Turns |

| A | B | C | D |
| E | F | G | H |-O |
| O-| I | J | K | L |
| M | N | O | P |-O |

Move C, D, H, G, K and then finally J to complete the final Puzzle.

| Reward | Oni Jewel |

| |
| XVI. Adventures Of Heihachi |
| |
| |

Heihachi is the fourth playable character in the game and he gets a whole
side story too. This story is what Heihachi is doing in the game whilst the
main heroes are not with him.

This is a walkthrough for the Heihachi mini-game which will describe where the
items can be found and where to go.


| |
| XVII. Oni Target Practice |
| |
| |

This is a mini-game based on ranged weapons you use to break out souls. You
can be either Samanosuke or Jacques and there are eight stages to complete with
each one getting increasingly harder.

Why complete the mini-game you ask? Well this is how you unlock Ultimate Mode in
Onimusha 3 where you will have all the best equipment in the game.

If you choose Jacques then you will find he fires faster however he does lean
to the left a little before he fires. Samanosuke tends to be the easier choice
because the egges seem easier to hit with him.

| The Genma Eggs |

Green - Normal Eggs that can move fast or slow and requires one shot to break.
Best to line these up in a combo to shoot them.

Blue - These Eggs hold more souls in them and move at a faster speed than the
normal green ones.

Red - Explosive Eggs which should be used to destroy a large amount of green or
blue eggs. These can also destroy the White Eggs instantly.

Purple - Onimusha Eggs which make you turn into the Onimusha. During this state
you can miss without your combo being damaged and can absorb
souls faster.

White - Armored Eggs that requires two shots or the destructive force of a red
egg to destroy however they contain more souls than the green eggs.

| Stage One |

Required Souls - 500

Green Eggs - OK

Blue Eggs - OK

A very easy stage to get you used to the mini-game. The green eggs start off
very slowly and gradually pick up pace. This stage is easy to get the S ranking
so make sure you hit everything and don't miss anything because you don't want
to lose your combo. There will be Blue eggs that rush past every now and again
so try to hit them again but only do so if you know you will hit it. It's also
a good idea to try and combo the eggs by lining them up and then shooting them.

| Stage Two |

Required Souls - 1000

Green Eggs - OK

Blue Eggs - OK

Red Eggs - OK

Another level that is quite simple too only there is more souls required however
there is now Red Eggs on the arena that makes it much easier to aim for. Try to
let the Red Eggs rest in between a bunch of Green Eggs before you destroy it.
Again remember to make every arrow hit as you want to build up your combo
count to reward yourself with more souls. Again it should'nt be too hard
to achieve a high ranking on this level.

| Stage Three |

Required Souls - 2300

Green Eggs - OK

Blue Eggs - OK

Red Eggs - OK

Shield - OK

What makes this stage a little harder than the last two is the shield in place
here now. This means that you have to fire around it to score souls because you
cannot fire through the shield. The eggs will also come as fast as the eggs on
the second stage and there will be more red eggs in this stage. Make sure
you keep your combo to pass this stage easily and get another high rank.

| Stage Four |

Required Souls - 2400

Green Eggs - OK

Blue Eggs - OK

Red Eggs - OK

Purple Eggs- OK

This stage is actually a lot easier than all the previous because the eggs are
coming faster meaning they're easier to hit and about a quarter of the way
through the stage there is a purple egg that comes past. Shoot this to become
an Onimusha and you can now absorb souls and shoot freely but make sure you
keep hitting the Purple eggs as they come past so you don't come out of Onimusha
mode. This stage should be easier especially with the required amount only
increasing by 100.

| Stage Five |

Required Souls - 2500

Green Eggs - OK

Blue Eggs - OK

Red Eggs - OK

Purple Eggs- OK

This is the hardest stage probably in the whole mini-game and the required 2500
souls can be very hard to get. The eggs now move even faster and it can be quite
tricky to know when to shoot. If you miss the first Oni Egg you will most
likely fail at this stage so make sure you hit all the Oni eggs at all costs
and then you can start shooting away at the Blue and Red egg combos. Remember
that the combo on this stage is also vital and if you mess it up you might
also fail at this stage. Don't worry if you fail at it a couple of times as it
can take a long time before you get totally used to this stage and be glad its
the hardest one out there because the last few aren't so hard.

| Stage Six |

Required souls - 3000

Green Eggs - OK

Blue Eggs - OK

Red Eggs - OK

White Eggs - OK

Moving Shield- OK

With me still? Good well welcome back after that insane stage known as Stage
Five. This is by no means a breeze but it is easier. In this stage you will
meet the White Eggs that need two shots or a Red Egg to be destroyed however
thier contents make this highly worth it. The best way to deal with the White
Eggs is to shoot, move, shoot in order to destroy them and get their contents.
If you miss more than five White Eggs then its likely you'll fail in this stage
and have to repeat all the stages again (think stage five again).

| Stage Seven |

Required Souls - 3100

Green Eggs - OK

Blue Eggs - OK

Red Eggs - OK

Purple Eggs- OK

White Eggs - OK

Shield - OK

The bad news about this stage is that the eggs again move as fast as they did
on stage five and also there is two shields blocking the left and right side
of the arena. Make sure you stay in the middle at all times because thats where
you will be firing most the time and concentrate on the White, Blue and Red eggs
in order to pass this stage. It is vital that you hit every Red egg that comes
past or its likely you will fail the stage. Don't be distracted by the Green
Eggs that come past as all the other eggs are far more important then those

| Stage Eight |

Required Souls - 4800

Green Eggs - OK

Blue Eggs - OK

Red Eggs - OK

Purple Eggs- OK

White Eggs - OK

Although this stage seems very hard at first it is in fact quite easy because
there is so many eggs flying across the screen. Once again make sure you always
aim for the Red Eggs because they will be what makes you pass this stage without
much trouble at all. Don't lose your concentration on the normal Green Eggs
flying pass because thats all they're there for, to put you off. Once the Oni
Eggs start appearing make sure you hit them to make this stage even easier, after
passing stage seven you can pretty much claim you've beaten this mini-game.

| |
| XVIII. Genma Puzzle Space |
| |
| |

This mini-game is full or the puzzle boxes that can be found in all the Onimusha
games. The objective of the game is to solve each set of puzzle boxes on each
floor of the dark realm to gain access to the next floor.

There are three game types to choose from which are:

Onimusha Puzzle Boxes

Onimusha 2 Puzzle Boxes

Onimusha 3 Puzzle Boxes

As you may already know each game had different puzzle boxes in it with different
ways to solve each puzzle. This section will list the solutions to each puzzles.

| Onimusha Puzzle Boxes |


| |
| XIX. Enemy Database |
| |
| |

The Enemy database lists all the enemies that can be found in Onimusha 3:
Demon Seige. The lists will be catagoreized to make them easier to understand.
Here is an example of what each enemy entry will look like:

| Enemy Name |
| |
| Attacks | Attacks of the enemy |
| |
| Location |First time you see the enemy |
| |
| Description | Description of the enemy |
| |
| Strength | Strength of the monster. Easy, |
| | Average or Strong |
| |
| Comments | Some enemies will contain a useful |
| | strategy to defeating them easier |

| B |

| Barthah |
| |
| Attacks | Thrust |
| |
| Location | Arc de Triomphe |
| |
| Description | A Genma bird type enemy |
| |
| Strength | Easy |
| Comments | Use the bow to defeat them |
| | |

| Battobone |
| |
| Attacks | Bite |
| |
| Location | Sewer |
| |
| Description | A huge lizard like demon capable |
| | of moving in water and on land |
| |
| Strength | Average |
| |
| Comments | Have Battochykas accompany them |
| | |

| Battochyka |
| |
| Attacks | Bite |
| |
| Location | Sewer |
| |
| Description | Smaller version of the Battobone |
| |
| Strength | Easy |
| |
| Comments | None |
| | |

| Bavian |
| |
| Attacks | Dodge, Swipe |
| |
| Location | Western Ship |
| |
| Description | Evolved form of the Gadgemallo |
| |
| Strength | Average |
| |
| Comments |They can dodge attacks easily. |
| |They are found in boxes. |

| Bazu |
| |
| Attacks | Spike Roller |
| |
| Location | Mt. Hiei |
| |
| Description | Zombie with a meat cleaver and a |
| | spiked back |
| |
| Strength | Average |
| |
| Comments | Easiest monster to Guard Issen |
| | |

| D |

| Dark Crow |
| |
| Attacks | Slash, Thrust |
| |
| Location | Mt. Hiei |
| |
| Description | Advanced form of the Three-eyes |
| |
| Strength | Average |
| |
| Comments | None |
| | |

| Dark Spider |
| |
| Attacks | Slash, Thrust, Kinfe throw |
| |
| Location | Notre Dame |
| |
| Description | Advanced form of the Dark Crow |
| |
| Strength | Average |
| |
| Comments | None |
| | |

| Dark Marionette |
| |
| Attacks | Flame launch |
| |
| Location | Mont Saint Michel |
| |
| Description | A warrior with blue magical |
| | armor |
| |
| Strength | Strong |
| |
| Comments | Deflect their flames back at them |
| | |

| Doldekko |
| |
| Attacks | Swing |
| |
| Location | Notre Dame |
| |
| Description | Mightier form of the Doldow. |
| | Has a Sword for a weapon to |
| | increase damage even more |
| |
| Strength | Strong |
| |
| Comments | None |
| | |

| Doldow |
| |
| Attacks | Swing |
| |
| Location | Undersea Temple |
| |
| Description | Instead of armor like the Ogre the |
| | has a drill for a weapon to |
| | increase damage |
| |
| Strength | Strong |
| |
| Comments | None |
| | |

| Dongorr |
| |
| Attacks | Swing |
| |
| Location | Mont-Saint-Michel |
| |
| Description | Huge demon that wields a metallic |
| | spiked ball on a chain |
| |
| Strength | Average/Hard |
| |
| Comments | None |
| | |

| Dorabazu |
| |
| Attacks | Spike Roller |
| |
| Location | Notre Dame |
| |
| Description | Zombie with a meat cleaver and a |
| | spiked back |
| |
| Strength | Strong |
| |
| Comments | Easy to Guard Issen |
| | |

| F |

| Fobra |
| |
| Attacks | Flame launch |
| |
| Location | Mont St Michel |
| |
| Description | A warrior with red magical armor. |
| | Evolved form of the Dark Marionette|
| |
| Strength | Strong |
| |
| Comments | Deflect the flames back at them |
| | |

| G |

| Gadgemallo |
| |
| Attacks | Dodge, Swipe |
| |
| Location | Sewer |
| |
| Description | A tiny Genma doll wielding an axe |
| | almost as large as itself |
| |
| Strength | Average |
| |
| Comments |They can dodge attacks easily. |
| |They are found in boxes. |

| Genma Mage |
| |
| Attacks | Bind, Ogre Power steal |
| |
| Location | Mont-Saint-Michel |
| |
| Description | Genma with the power to use |
| | magical attacks |
| |
| Strength | Strong |
| |
| Comments | When amongst other enemies always |
| | aim for these first |

| Gera |
| |
| Attacks | Jump |
| |
| Location | Sewer |
| |
| Description | When a Zolworm dies its body splits|
| | into lots of Geras |
| |
| Strength | Easy |
| |
| Comments | Step on them to defeat them easier |
| | |

| Gilzolm |
| |
| Attacks | Slice |
| |
| Location | Mont-Saint-Michel |
| |
| Description | Evolved form of the Zolm |
| |
| Strength | Average |
| |
| Comments | None |
| | |

| Gorr |
| |
| Attacks | Swing |
| |
| Location | Honnoji Temple |
| |
| Description | Huge demon that wields a metalic |
| | ball on a chain |
| |
| Strength | Average |
| |
| Comments | Let it hit other enemies |
| | |

| Grizmoh |
| |
| Attacks | Body Slam |
| |
| Location | Lake Biwa |
| |
| Description | Evolved form of the Zmoh |
| |
| Strength | Strong |
| |
| Comments | None |
| | |

| M |

| Mountain Ogre |
| |
| Attacks | Swing, smash |
| |
| Location | Sakai Village, Senshu |
| |
| Description | A huge ogre with protecive armor |
| |
| Strength | Average |
| |
| Comments | Let them swing at enemies nearby |
| | |

| N |

| Neofobra |
| |
| Attacks | Flame launch |
| |
| Location | Mont Saint Michel |
| |
| Description | A warrior with blue magical armor. |
| | Evolved form of the Fobra |
| |
| Strength | Strong |
| |
| Comments | Deflect the flames back at them |
| | |

| T |

| Three Eyes |
| |
| Attacks | Cloak, swipe |
| |
| Location | Arc de Triomphe |
| |
| Description | Zombie with a blade for its hand |
| |
| Strength | Easy |
| |
| Comments | None |
| | |

| Z |

| Zaghat |
| |
| Attacks | Shuriken |
| |
| Location | Mont-Saint-Michel |
| |
| Description | Combined form of Dark Spiders and |
| | zolms |
| |
| Strength | Average/Strong |
| |
| Comments | None |
| | |

| Zavheit |
| |
| Attacks | Slash, Thrust |
| |
| Location | |
| |
| Description | Advanced form of the Zaghat |
| |
| Strength | Average/Strong |
| |
| Comments | None |
| | |

| Zolm |
| |
| Attacks | Slice |
| |
| Location | Arc de Triomphe |
| |
| Description | Zombie soldier but with four legs |
| | and a sword |
| |
| Strength | Easy |
| |
| Comments | None |
| | |

| Zolworm |
| |
| Attacks | Lunge, Split |
| |
| Location | Sewer |
| |
| Description | Considered to be a very low demon |
| | which has yet to evolve much |
| |
| Strength | Easy |
| |
| Comments | None |
| | |

| Zombie Axe Foot Soldier |
| |
| Attacks | Slash, Thrust |
| |
| Location | Honnoji Temple |
| |
| Description | Normal Zombie soldiers with a hat |
| | and Axe |
| |
| Strength | Easy |
| |
| Comments | Use these monsters for doing Issen |
| | to rack up a lot of souls |

| Zombie Foot Soldier |
| |
| Attacks | Slash, Thrust |
| |
| Location | Honnoji Temple |
| |
| Description | Normal Zombie soldiers with a hat |
| | and sword |
| |
| Strength | Easy |
| |
| Comments | Use these monsters for doing Issen |
| | to rack up a lot of souls |

| Zmoh |
| |
| Attacks | Body Slam |
| |
| Location | Boulonge Zoo |
| |
| Description | Once an ape but now mutated through|
| | Guildenstern's experiments |
| |
| Strength | Average/Strong |
| |
| Comments | Dodge their slam attack to issen |
| | easier |

| |
| XX. Extra Features |
| |
| |

Just like Onimusha 1 and 2 there is an Extra Features Menu. This menu displays
all the content you have unlocked in the game. This section will tell you what
you can unlock and a brief description about the feature. A full explanation
on each feature's unlocking can be found in the walkthrough.

|Shadow Of Rome Preview |
| |
| Description | A short preview Trailer of Capcom's new |
| | Gladiator game. |

|Oni Target Practice |
| |
| Description | A mini-game in a shooting range. Two |
| | characters to use. |

|Adventures of Heihachi |
| |
| Description | A side story involving Heihachi as the main |
| | character. |

|Genma Puzzle Space |
| |
| Description | A mini-game involving solving puzzle boxes |
| | from the Onimusha trilogy. |

|Secret Training |
| |
| Description | A mini-game involving even more training |
| | exercises. |

|Easy Mode |
| |
| Description | An easier difficulty. |

|Hard Mode |
| |
| Description | Play through the game with stronger enemies |
| | and less items. |

|Critical Mode |
| |
| Description | Only Issens can defeat enemies and bosses. |

|Devilish Mode |
| |
| Description | |
| | |

|Ultimate Mode |
| |
| Description | Play through the game with the best equipment|

|Secret Costumes |
| |
| Description | alternate costumes for Samanosuke, Jacques |
| | and Michelle. |

| |
| XXI. Files Database |
| |
| |

The Files Database lists all the Files in the game and the contents of the
files. If you wish to find out where a file is check the Items Database for
more information on the file you are looking for.


| Banquet Book |

Attention genma fighters:

Announcing the arrival of the Genma Lord.
To mark the occasion, we shall purge the humans,
and present their bones at the Lord's welcoming feast.

Go forth! Shred skin with your blades;
eat flesh with your teeth!

You are permitted to use any means you see fit.

As long as it is done before the 8th day of the
5th month, Earth calendar.
The day that the festival of darkness begins.

| Scrl: Onimusha |

Transformation into Onimusha
Using 5 purple souls, push the R3 button
(right analog stick) to change into Onimusha.
Also, if the player's HP reaches O while possesing
5 purple souls, the player will automatically
transform into Onimusha.

Grab Genma
Charge by holding the R1 button down hard
or holding the [] button.
After charging, grab genma by pushing the [] button.
Use combinations of the directional button and
the [] button to execute various attacks.

Grab Objects
R1 button + X button
Grab and throw objects with weapon.

| Scrl: Ako |

Open Tengu chests
Push the X button when Ako gives a signal.
She will open hidden Tengu chests for you.
When Ako brings the contents of the chest to you,
push the X button to accept.

Equip using the manage screen.
Ako wears protective vests to gain special effects.
Vests cannot be worn right after being found.
They must be equipped after injecting EcoSpirit.

Show target
R1 button
Ready with the R1 button and
Ako will fly to the targeted genma/object.

| Scrl: Firefly |

Find Oni fireflies
Except in certain areas,
Oni fireflies can be found throughout
the game.
They will fly to a designated spot when
certain objects are destroyed or chests open.

Jump with Oni firefly
R1 button + X button
Latch onto an Oni firefly when
it flickers green in order to move.

| Scrl: Mission |

Our master, Nobunaga, is ready to make his move.
We shall begin by taking the capital of Kyoto.

Those who are with us shall gather at Mt. Hiei
and await the order to advance.

Ranmaru Mori

| Memo to Chief |

To Chief Cloquet:

The cleaning ball winch has been broken for some
time now; how much longer before we can receive
funding to repair it?
We'll be up to our necks in garbage if we don't.

If the sewage overflows, we'll have hell to pay for it.
But you probably already know this.
At least I hope you do.

Unless you want to se the cleaning ball fall
when the chain eventually breaks, go tell those
bigwigs to hurry up and allocate funding.

Don't forget that your neck will be on the line
if that happens.
And no, this isn't an idle threat.

Denis Clement, Acting Chief

| Worker Memo |

Left: Control Room 1 Number of Chairs

Middle: Control Room 1 Number of cassette decks

Right: Control Room 1 Number of monitors

| Toraya Order |


Lord Nobunaga has made an announcement.
Some of the cargo headed for Azuchi is destined
for Mt. Hiei.

There is NO need for inspection.
You are expected to keep your eyes,
and your mouth, tightly closed.
Unless you are willing to pay the penalty in full ...
With your life.

Kichiemon Toraya

| Hideyoshi Rmr |

Tokichiro Kinoshita, later named Hashiba Hideyoshi,
is Lord Nobunaga's confidante.
I remember him well; he has served Lord Nobunaga
with loyalty since changing his name to Hashiba.

While Lord Nobunaga was away,
he led the army effectively,
and contributed to its growth in power.
Nobunaga's trust in him increased tenfold.

After Lord Nobunaga's return, Hashiba was ordered to
supress the western lands. To this end, he led an army of
thirty-thousand men on an the expedition, and continues
the fight in that far away land.

| Time Lab 1 |

I have finally made some initial findings about
the Oni ruins.

After deciphering the great volume of records found
in the ruins, I have determined that the secret of
the Oni has to do with time itself.
I have even discovered their secret device, but it is
unclear to us genma how to operate it.
I am determined to devote myself completely to
unlocking its secrets.

But it will take some time before I can make
a report to the Genma Lord.

I am disturbed by the stupidity of the genma on the
western ship.
The fools attack townspeople indiscriminately.

Not that I care about the humans' suffering,
but I can't have any workers getting killed.
Perhaps I will have to recruit some genma with
more intelligence.


| Genma Notice |

Another wielder of magic power has been spotted
near Mt. Hiei.
He is a western man who wears odd clothing,
and uses a whip to execute strange powers.
We must all be on our guard.

| Logbook |

I love this boat.

The genma touring boat at the bottom of the lake
was dark, rank, and befouled.
But this boat is different.

We're heading for a human port. So the boat's
outward appearance is that of a human vessel.

The creaking of this boat sounds like the grinding of
human bone.
Kree, kree, kree!

Once we arrive, it'll be a feast for all.
Human flesh, all-you-can-eat!

I love being captain!

| Genma Rmr |

The wielder of magic power, Hidemitsu Samanosuke Akechi.
He appeared at Mt. Inaba, and killed the Genma Lord of
Time Fortinbras with his blade.

Since then he has been close to the trail of the new Genma
Lord, Nobunaga Oda, and us, his vassals.
Many a genma have fallen by his blade.

The strongest genma warrior of us all, Gargant, put up a
ferocious fight, but Samanosuke's blade took his life as well.

And now he is in this land again. We live in fear of his
accursed blade.

Is there none of use who can stop this
Hidemitsu Samanosuke Akechi?

| Dark Parchment |

Four Goddesses, dimmed by evil.
Their secret light of righteousness,
concealed by darkness.

Emboldened by the power of the talisman,
trust in the goddess' tiny flame and absorb the darkness.

Then the holy light will return,
the goddesses will shine with their former brilliance,
and you shall be granted power.

| Time Lab 3 |


During an examination of the device,
I was accidentlly sent to another age.
I have experienced travel across a fold of time firsthand.
Which is interesting, but frankly, I am feeling quite silly
about the blunder.

The vermin that writhe on the surface know nothing of
what has happened.
Those pests are a nuisance in any time period.
I will search for a way to return to the Oni ruins
as soon as I build a new base of operations.

And I think I have already found the perfrect location.
The humans refer to it as the Notre Dame.
It has a ready supply of human remains in the
underground graveyard nearby.
I will order the genma who crossed the fold in time
along with me to build a castle underground.
My very own castle, where I can continue
my research in peace.

So much remains unknown about the folds of time.
I shall persevere.


| Tblt: TimeFold |

With the Time Folder, Ako can freely move between
Jacques in the past and Samanosuke in the future.

Give items to Ako with the active player,
so that she may hand them to the other player.
Some items cannot be stored.

Send Ako to the other time period.

Exits the Time Folder screen.

| Time Lab 2 |

Research on the "time folds" has run up against a wall.

I have managed to get the Oni device found in the
ruins up and running, but it is terribly unstable.
Even if I am lucky enough to generate a time fold,
it invariably disappears after a shortly after.

After a number of failures, I have realized something.

Recently, a number of mysterious objects have been
spotted about.
They were not made by man, nor genma.
My theory is that these odd finds were transported
from the future as a result of the time folds created
during my recent experimentation.

Which means that the Time Folder is certain to
result in access to an entirely new world.

I am fast applying genma science to the Oni device.
The next experiment is sure to succeed.

Soon we genma will rule time just as we rule
everything else.


| Oni Tortoise |

We Oni have created a great new device called the
Flying Machine.

If its power is properly harnessed, we can cross
holy Mt. Fuji and fly to the far reaches of the skies.

We have created a great battleship using this
technology, called the Oni Tortoise,
the body of which is on Oni Isle.

We must be prepered for a sudden genma
attack on this island.

But the Flying Machine core is in this Undersea Temple.
We need not fear the genma as long as
we can hold the Temple.

| Scrl: Dark Realm |

To the visitor to this land:

Turn back; unless you are strong.
Genma space is a training ground.
And here, learning can be a dangerous thing.

Turn back; unless you possess desire.
The article that lies deep within is only useful to a small few.

Proceed only if you wish.

| Tblt: Temple |

As a result of escalating the conflicts with the genma,
we have built a temple under the sea.
The hidden temple has escaped attack thus far.
It is the key to our preserving eternal safety.

One day, we met a Mister Urashima,
who saved one of our Oni children.

After a welcoming banquet, we took him to the folder.
Where could Mister Urashima be at this moment?

The temple's location must not be revealed.

| Paris Report|


I have found a place that will serve as a
new experiment facility.
The humans call it Boulogne Zoo.
I am sure you will be pleased, since its filled with
all manner of beasts that we can use as subjects.

If magic is used on the humans,
they can be enhanced at any moment.

My greatest appreciation for your leadership.

| Zoo Flyer |

June 2ndd to 16th

Presenting the Monkey Fair!

Come see monkeys from all corners of the globe,
here in the forests of Boulogne!

And while you're here,
catch up on everyone's favorite friends,
Ricky the Lion and Sanchez the Elephant!

Don't miss it!

*Boulogne Zoo*

(The zoo will be closed on the 23rd of this month)

| Mecha Demon 1 |

The "Zoo."
This must be a human experimental facility.
It is filled with all manner of life forms, each of them
in simulated habitats.

Those insolent humans.
The nerve of them capturing creatures that are only
slightly more primitive than themselves.

That's it!
Rejoice, you entrapped creatures!
You have a new family!
Be slave to those filthy humans no more!

What a delightful idea.
I shall start on it right away.


| Mecha Demon 2 |

I have begun by fusing genma blood with the
king of the jungle, the "lion."

But the results were unfavorable to say the least.
The subject does nothing but sleep all day.
Perhaps the "lion" was not a good choice after all.

Indded, the lion died in three days from a weak heart.
It is likely that it rejected the genma blood.
Quite a shame, since I was hoping to create a beast
more ferocious than Gertrude.

Next I brought in various monekys, and transplanted
the great hearts of colossal, long-nosed "elephants"
into each one of them.
This created a new type of money, to which I added
genma blood.

Then i started seeing some results!

The giant "elephant" heart was compatible with
genma blood. This new breed of monkey are
tougher than anything i've ever seen.

They are far from perfect, but are a significant
I have named my new monkey children "Zmoh."


| Ranmaru Book |

The news is that Guildenstern was killed by
Samanosuke Akechi.
But I feel no sadness. There is only my burning anger
toward the insolent Samanosuke Akechi, who dares to
defy the Great One's plan.

I embarrassed myself at the Oni ruins, because my mutation
was imperfect. But that shall not happen again.
For now I have taken full control on the genma blood,
and this has given me infinite strength.

The next time we meet, I shall have his head as a present
for the lord, and the rest I will cut to pieces as feed for the
genma. I'm excited just thinking about it.

Ranmaru Mori

| Time Lab 4 |

An unforseen accident has bought about
a change of time, but luckily the undersea temple
still exists in this age.
Except for the room that housed the device,
which has been flooded, it is nearly the same as
when i was doing research before.
In fact, most of the tools and documents remain intact.

I took what i needed, and relocated the Time Folder
laboratory at Mont-Saint-Michel.

The goal now is to make the Time Folder as stable
and precise as possible.
This will allow us to transport things when,
and where, we like ...
Things even the Oni were unable to achieve.

It presents a challenge,
but challenges are what I live for.


| French Note |

Somebody! Anybody!
Help me!

I don't know how much time has passed.
Has it been days, or weeks, that I have not seen a
glimpse of sunlight?

That skeleton who wears the black cape;
he is the source of all this evil.

Ever since he exposed us to that strange light,
we became suddenly docile, as if we'd been hypnotized.

Except for me ...for some reason I was unaffected.
Now I live a life on the run from those monsters.
I'm beginning to wish I'd been hypnotized along with
the rest of them.

They'll find me eventually, no matter where I hide.
If they find me, I'll be eaten for sure!
I won't let it happen!
I'll run ...I'll escape from here!

That is, if I don't die of starvation first.

| Vega's Diary |

My brave Nobunaga.

It has been several months since I have been assigned
to this land. I knew our separation would only be until
it is finished, but I had no idea I would miss you so!

My heart feels as if it would collapse from the weight!
A flame seems to tower within it.
This is no mere romance! Love...this is true love,
for certain!

The fire in my heart!
Come to me, before I am consumed by purgatory flames!
Take me in your strong embrace.

Oh, my Lord Nobunaga, where are you?

Pray tell!
It is not the bosom of some wretch!

How I wish to return to your side.
I cannot wait a moment longer.
These slaves shall work to the bone, the faster that
I may finish it.

Lord Nobunaga!
Please, Lord, wait for my return!

Vega Donna

| Time Lab 5 |

I have found that to create a fold in time, one must
first provide a large, stable source of energy.

We fixed the device to the roof, so that it could
absorb the limitless energy from the sky.
Once again genma science made the impossible

I also found that dramatic fluctuations in the energy
source create very different expermiental results.
I have ordered them to never allow the power to
fall below 80%

We must beware of Samanosuke Akechi.
Energy collection of this device is a key to
my research.
I must make absolutley sure that he doesn't
meddle with things.


| Fortress 1 |

When we first began the flying fortress,
we genma scientists expected to be able to come up
with the technology needed to provide sufficient power.
But in this regard we were wrong.

After much fruitless effort, we made a change of plans.
If we could not devise the technology ourselves,
we only had to steal it from somebody who had.
Nothing wrong with a little imitation in the interest of
the advancement of genma science!

Ten years ago, we set our sights on the magic power.
Their technology would surely provide us with the
means to provide the flying fortress with the
necessary speed. So we searched Oni Isle.

To our disappointment, we found no information on
flying vessels. But what we did find,
was information on an Oni temple under the sea.

We descended to the temple, and stole everything
that had anything to do with flight.
We used the undersea train to transport any materials
we thought might be useful.
As a result, our flying fortress operates above
Now the genma can rule the skies;
a giant step toward ruling the world.

| Oni Mansion |

We Oni shall make a mansion in this land, in order to
camouflage ourselves from the genma.
Its appearance will be that of a human edifice.
But traps shall be set to protect the magic power,
hidden deep inside.

To he who has gained the magic power!
Time is like grains of sand, slipping through your fingers.
Do not hesitate; let the Oni firefly lead you to your destiny.

| Oni Army Book |

The magic power, hidden in your arm.
It can control a legion of troops, the Oni Army.

But you will need the Oni Army Orb, which lies hiden in
this land, waiting for the arrival of the chosen one.

In times of peace, the orb stays hidden, but it will arise
when it sneses Oni's aura.

It will burst into your hands, and devastate the enemy
before you, like a great tsunami.

| Fortress 2 |


The giant genma that is the core of Azuchi Castle.
The "Verser," with its strong wings,
becomes this when it is ten-thousand years old.
Only a few of these creatures have ever lived.

Their power of flight is like never seen before;
in some cases, they are known to have moved mountains.

These gentle creatures avoid battle, and are used to
transport cargo and flightless genma.

In times of peace, they rest their wings deep within caves.
But when they awake, they take meals of
several thousand humans apiece.

When they near death, they drop a billion eggs.
But only one or two of them pass the "Verser" stage
and develop fully into "Hyoomblade."

| Vassal Book |

The Lord of the genma, Nobunaga Oda.

Once defeated by the Oni assassins,
he rose again after absorbing the blood of the genma.

His god-like powder cracks open the earth and
thunders across the skies.
With a million troops, he knows no end.

He need not fear the Oni,
who will crumble and burn at the Lord's feet.

| Time Lab 6 |

According to the research of the late Guildenstern,
two seperate "pulses" must be considered when operating
the Time Folder.

The first pulse is the Pulse of Time.
Time itself has a pulse. If the Time Folder is activated
without being tuned to the pulse of time, then the time fold
that it creates will be unstable. When Guildenstern activated
the machine without tuning the pulse, it resulted in the
accidental warp of Samanosuke Akechi.

The second is the Pulse of Earth.
The device must be installed at a location that is in tune
with the pulse of earth itself.
If the pulse wavers, it can cause an unstable fold in time.

We have determined that the structure called the
"Eiffel Tower" in the center of city matches the device's
need for strong pulses of both Time and Earth.

When the two pulses synchronize, and the energy they call
"atomic" is added, a perfect Fold in Time can be created.
(Thank our lucky stars that such a pefect source of energy
would exist in this age.)

Soon we will be able to welcome Lord Nobunaga, not to
mention legions of genma, to this world.

Ranmaru Mori

| Scrl: Ranmaru |

I received a communication from Guildenstern.
I can hardly believe it, but the secret to that thing seems to
lie in the "future."
Knowing him, he's taken an interest in it,
but what is this "future"?

He claims that the pulse of time is different each day,
and at each spot.
Damn that Guildenstern. He never makes sense.

Now he's orderd us to go to Honnoji Temple in Kyoto
at a precise time on a certain day.
Does he not know his own rank?
How dare a mere vassal call upon our Lord.

Whatever the case, I am prepered to protect our Lord
with my life.

Ranmaru Mori


| Scrl: Draw |

Draw Weapon

Draw weapons with the R1 button.
This will lock-on to nearby foes.

Lock allows quick movement around enemies,
allowing you to dodge attacks and get behind them.

Use the right analog stick while locked-on
to toggle between enemies.

| Scrl: Guard |


Hold the L1 button to take a defensive posture.

Push the L1 button just before taking a hit to decrease defend stagger.

Strong attacks cannot be defended,
and must be dodged.

| Scrl: Archery |


Press the X button while holding the
R1 button to shoot an arrow at an airborne enemy.
Hold the X button to fire at ground enemies.

This method is useful against enemies
beyond the range of normal attacks.

Arrows can be obtained from chests and
from genma pouches left behind by enemies.

| Scrl: Ch Attack |

Charged Attack

Hold the [] button down or hold the R1 button
down hard first to make the weapon shine.
While it is shining hold the R1 button and
push the [] button for a strong
"Charged Attack."

The charge time has 3 different levels related
to the gauntlet level.

Different charge levels change the magic level.

| Scrl: Bind Move |

Oni Bind - Bind Move

Hold the [] button down or hold the R1 button
down hard first to make the weapon shine.
While it is shining hold the R1 button and
push the [] button to grab the enemy
with an Oni Bind.

After grabbing an enemy, push the Triangle button
to execute a "Bind Move."

Bind moves consume magic power.

| Scrl: D Critical |

Deflect Critical

Push the L1 button just before an enemy
attack makes contact, creating a deflection.
Push the [] button during the ring of light
from the deflection to commence
the "Deflect Critical" move.

Watch the deflection carefully to
determine the timing of the L1 button.

| Scrl: Critical |


Push the [] button just before an enemy
attack for the special "Critical" move.

Works better when executed while
side-stepping an attack.

| Scrl: Chn Critical |

Chain Critical

Push the [] button after "Deflect Critical"
or "Critical" to execute additional criticals
on surrounding enemies.

Push the [] button the moment the last
critical finishes.
The chain can be extended as long as
the attack continues to hit foes.

| Scrl: Ten Slash |

Ten-Point Slash

Back away, draw, and push Up + [] button
to charge the enemy.
After the attack, push the [] button to execute
a maximum 10 level "Ten-point Slash."

The [] button should be pushed when
the attacks make contact.

Red souls appear from enemies with each
successful slash.

Try pushing the [] button just as the attack
makes contact.

| |
| XXII. Onimusha 3 Endings |
| |
| |

Onimusha 3:Demon Seige has two endings which you can view and is also the ending
to the Onimusha Series as this was only intended for a trilogy. This section
does contain spoilers so read on at your own risk.

| Normal Ending |

Samanosuke seals Nobunaga in his Oni Gauntlet before walking away from Honnoji
Temple. Samanosuke is at a small lake looking at the Oni Gauntlet before Ako
calls him to hurry up. The duo walk down the country road as the narrator tells
us that this chapter has come to and end and that this
is the real beginning to sealing Nobunaga for good.

After the credits we see Yoichi riding on a horse with his army of Genma
accompanying him as he reveals he is now the new Genma King.

| Extended Ending |

When Samanosuke is sitting near the river during the ending Ako transforms
herself into a human to show her affection to Samanosuke.

| |
| XXIII. Boss Help |
| |
| |

This is a list of the boss strategy's provided in the main Walkthrough so
the layout is the same as it is there.

| Honnoji Temple - Samanosuke Akechi - Japan 1582|

* *
* Boss Battle: Ranmaru Mori 1/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Swipe | A normal sword swipe |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| How to Beat | This battle is very easy because you have three |
| | maxed weapons at your disposal and Ranmaru doesnt |
| | have much vitality anyway. First use all your Ogre |
+----------------------+ Power of each of the swords and if he's still standing|
| block and counter attack his swipe with a combo of the Raizan. |

| Arc de Triomphe - Samanosuke Akechi - France 1582|

* *
* Boss Battle: Brainstern 1/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Shoot | Launches a barrage of bullets |
| | | |
| |Stomp | Flys in the air before coming crashing |
| | | down |
| | | |
| | Flying Spin | Spins itself in the air whilst |
| | | targetting the nearest person |
| How to Beat | This is yet another easy battle to deal with. |
| | If you have got enough souls to enhance the Tenso |
| | to LV2 already then you will kill it very quickly. |
+----------------------+ First of all try and stay near him otherwise he will |
| shoot at you which can be quite hard to side step. Dont bother hiding behind |
| the walls because they will be destroyed by its bullets. Once you are near |
| Use all your Ogre Power on it and then move away. If souls were released be |
| sure to absorb them and then get ready to side step its Flying Spin if it |
| does it. Keep repeaing this tactic until you defeat it. |

| Mt. Hiei - Jacques Blanc - Japan 1582 |

* *
* Boss Battle: Marcellus 2/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Guard | Guards attacks with his shield |
| | | |
| |Slice | Slices his giant blade |
| | | |
| | | |
| |Thurst | Thrusts at you with his shield |
| | | |
| |Thunder Strike| Smashes sword to ground causing thunder|
| | | discharge from it |
| How to Beat | This battle isnt too tough if you know what you're |
| | doing however it is harder than Samanosukes first |
| | boss battle. If you have managed to enhance Enja to |
+----------------------+ Lv2 then you will find this battle a lot easier. |
| Do not use your magic attacks at the start because it will only damage his |
| shield so instead side-step out of the way of his attacks and then continue |
| to attack his shield. You can also defeat him by using the Oni Firefly in |
| the center of the room. This will allow you to get out of the way of his |
| attacks and allow you to do a jumping slash on him. Once you have dealt a lot|
| of damage to him his sword will enhance with a purple aura around it. He |
| will now do a lot more damage and a Thunder Strike which cannot be blocked |
| against. When he does this start using your Magical attacks on it to damage |
| it and then go back to the Oni Firefly method to minimize damage. This |
| battle is a lot easier if you can pull of some Issen's on him and if you |
| have five purple orbs to revive you if you do die. If you do use Onimusha |
| mode start using its magical attack to finish it off. |

| Town Of Sakai - Jacques Blanc - Japan 1582 |

* *
* Boss Battle: Heihachi Honda 3/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Guard | Guards attacks with his shield |
| | | |
| |Slice | Slices with spear |
| | | |
| | | |
| |Thurst | Thrusts at you with his spear |
| | | |
| |Demon | Heihachi special. Spins his spear in |
| |Dragonfly | a circular motion causing major |
| |Slice | damage |
| How to Beat | This battle isnt too tough if you know how to block |
| | effectively and use Issen properly. He attacks very |
| | fast however and your guard will fail on several of |
+----------------------+ his attacks. I assume this battle is a race against |
| time because you need to deal a certain amount of damage before the ship |
| sails off. I havent taken too long on this battle so i don't know if you can |
| miss the ship. Start Off by guarding his attacks and then use your Magical |
| attacks on him which is likely he will guard so after all your Ogre Power |
| is gone do normal weapon combos after blocking his attacks. Another good |
| tatic is to use the Oni Bind Move which will damage him quite heavily if he |
| doesnt block the original attack. I suggest you use the Raisen in this |
| battle because of its reach. Keep at it with the combos and before soon |
| Heihachi will retire from the battle. |

| Undersea Temple - Samanosuke Akechi - 2004|

* *
* Boss Battle: Genma Ranmaru 3/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Guard | Guards attacks with his shield |
| | | |
| |Slice | Slices with dual blades |
| | | |
| | | |
| |Thurst | Thrusts at you with his blades |
| | | |
| |Teleport | Teleports himself to another location |
| | | |
| |Absorb | Absorb souls that are released |
| | | |
| |Flame Strike | Hurls a flame at you when he jumps in |
| | | air. |
| How to Beat | This battle is like the first time you face him in his|
| | human state only this time he is faster and his |
| | attacks hurt a lot more. If that wasn't bad enough |
+----------------------+ Ranmaru guards an awful lot during the battle and then|
| teleports when you go near him. Like all boss battles let your magic do the |
| talking first then go for Issen's and counters. The best way to get a combo |
| on him is to guard his combo then counter with your own. A lot of the time |
| when you approach him he will sommersault out of the way of your attacks |
| followed by another sword combo. I would go with the Kuga in this battle |
| because he seems to block the Tenso a lot more. The more Magic Power you have|
| the easier this battle becomes. Try to absorb the blue souls before he does |
| when they are released but do not use any Oni Med's you have because you'll |
| need them later in the |
| Attacks |Guard | Guards attacks with his shield |
| | | |
| |Slice | Slices with dual blades |
| | | |
| | | |
| |Thurst | Thrusts at you with his blades |
| | | |
| |Teleport | Teleports himself to another location |
| | | |
| |Absorb | Absorb souls that are released |
| | | |
| |Flame Strike | Hurls a flame at you when he jumps in |
| | | air. |
| How to Beat | This battle is like the first time you face him in his|
| | human state only this time he is faster and his |
| | attacks hurt a lot more. If that wasn't bad enough |
+----------------------+ Ranmaru guards an awful lot during the battle and then|
| teleports when you go near him. Like all boss battles let your magic do the |
| talking first then go for Issen's and counters. The best way to get a combo |
| on him is to guard his combo then counter with your own. A lot of the time |
| when you approach him he will sommersault out of the way of your attacks |
| followed by another sword combo. I would go with the Kuga in this battle |
| because he seems to block the Tenso a lot more. The more Magic Power you have|
| the easier this battle becomes. Try to absorb the blue souls before he does |
| when they are released but do not use any Oni Med's you have because you'll |
| need them later in the game. |

| Undersea Temple - Jacques Blanc - 1582|

* *
* Boss Battle: Gertrude 3/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Rush | Runs at a frightneing speed at the |
| | | player |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| |Ice Breath | An Ice elemental breath that freezes |
| | | you in position |
| | | |
| |Lightning | Lightning shoots across the screen |
| |Surge | |
| | | |
| | | |
| |Lightning | Lightning shoots down on a fixed place |
| |Blast | |
| How to Beat | This battle actually quite easy if you have a good |
| | tactic. The best way i've found to defeat it is to |
| | start the battle like always using your magical |
+----------------------+ attacks on it and then back away from it. If you see |
| it coming at you hold down R1 and press x and you will latch onto one of the |
| fireflies without having to target them. This will cause you to jump over it |
| and avoid its rush attack. You have to watch out for his Ice Breath because |
| that will freeze you in your current position. If you do get frozen start |
| moving the left analog about to break out of it quicker. Also he will most |
| of the time follow this attack with Lightning Surge which will catch you |
| if your not expecting it. The Lightning Blast will target your current |
| position so try to keep moving at all times. He will flash when he's about to|
| do rush so get ready to use the Oni Firefly. |

| Boulogne Zoo - Samanosuke Akechi - 2004|

* *
* Boss Battle: Guildenstern 3/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Slash | Slashes at you with his staff |
| | | |
| | | |
| |Summon Fobra | Summons Fobra bodyguards to attack |
| | | |
| | | |
| |Teleport | Teleports to a different position |
| | | |
| |Spirital | A ball of souls shoots at you |
| |Blast | |
| | | |
| |Time Fold | Cause a time fold to entrap you |
| How to Beat | Guildenstern himself is not very hard but its his |
| | Fobra bodyguards which cause all the problem. |
| | When Guildenstern is in the air target him and then |
+----------------------+ use the Chigo's magical attack. When he comes towards |
| you use all your other magical attacks to take a lot of damage from him. |
| When he gets hit he will sometimes release souls, make sure you get any |
| blue ones to restore your Ogre Power and then repeat the above tactic. |
| Make sure that before you go for Guildenstern you take care of the Fobra's |
| first otherwise you'll find yourself getting hit a lot by the flame strikes |
| of the Fobra's. AS the battle goes on he will summon them a lot quicker so |
| you can use the Onimusha if you want as the Fobra's often release purple |
| souls when they die. If at any time both the Fobra's are standing and causing|
| problems use the Chigo's magical attack to deal with them quickly. |

| Mont-Saint-Michel - Jacques Blanc - 1582 |

* *
* Boss Battle: Heihachi Honda 2/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Guard | Guards attacks with his shield |
| | | |
| |Slice | Slices with spear |
| | | |
| | | |
| |Thurst | Thrusts at you with his spear |
| | | |
| |Demon | Heihachi special. Spins his spear in |
| |Dragonfly | a circular motion causing major |
| |Slice | damage |
| How to Beat | This battle is just the same as last time only now |
| | you're stronger so it should be much easier. Just |
| | remember that if you get caught with the Demon |
+----------------------+ Dragonfly Slice to guard the rest of the attacks or |
| it will heavily damage you. Keep up the same tactic as when you last fought |
| and after a certain amount of damage the battle will end. |

| Mont-Saint-Michel - Samanosuke Akechi - 2004 |

* *
* Boss Battle: Gertrude 4/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Rush | Runs at a frightneing speed at the |
| | | player |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| |Ice Breath | An Ice elemental breath that freezes |
| | | you in position |
| | | |
| |Lightning | Lightning shoots across the screen |
| |Surge | |
| | | |
| | | |
| |Lightning | Lightning shoots down on a fixed place |
| |Blast | |
| How to Beat | This battle is alot harder than Jacques version of the|
| | boss because it is a lot harder to dodge it due to |
| | being in such an enclosed space. However if you have |
+----------------------+ maxed a lot of the weapons and have the PURPLE VEST |
| then you will find this a lot easier. You should start the battle by using |
| all your Ogre Power along with the Purple Vest which should heavily damage |
| it and then try to get it to rush at you. At this time you can dodge to the |
| Ice Breath which you should break out immedietly if you get caught in it and |
| then combo it while you are close to it. If you find it hard to hit don't |
| be afraid to get your bow out to start hitting it from afar. If you can dodge|
| well and have the PURPLE VEST this isn't too much to get worked up over |
| however if you do not have that then be prepered for a long and hard battle. |

| Azuchi Castle - Jacques Blanc - 1582 |

* *
* Boss Battle: Vega Donna 4/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Swipe | A simple swipe with her claws. |
| | | |
| |Mirage | Creates multiple copies of herself to |
| | | attack you. |
| | | |
| |Shuriken | Throws shurikens from the wooden beams |
| | | |
| How to Beat | This battle is not too hard if you have the PURPLE |
| | VEST because you can use all your magical attacks to |
| | damage her alot at the start. Start the battle by |
+----------------------+ using all of the weapons' magical attacks and then |
| switch to the Raisen to fight the rest of this battle with because it has the|
| greatest range on it. If you run out of Ogre Power try to do charged attacks |
| on her. She will sometimes jump up to the wooden beams, when she does this |
| she is getting ready to launch herself at you so keep moving. She may also |
| throw shurikens at you which can easily be guarded against. If you're lucky |
| the deflected shurikens may hit and damage her. She will start making copies |
| of herself near the end of the battle so try to hit all of them to make sure |
| you know which one is the real Vega Donna. Keep up the tactic of dodging and |
| attacking and soon Vega Donna will fall. |

| Eiffel Tower - Samanosuke Akechi - 2004 |

* *
* Boss Battle: Genma Ranmaru Mori 4/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Swipe | A simple swipe with his swords |
| | | |
| |Guard | Deflect attacks with his swords |
| | | |
| |Flame | Launch Flames at you from his swords |
| |Launch | |
| | | |
| |Teleport | Teleports himself to another location |
| | | |
| |Absorb | Absorb released souls |
| How to Beat | Again Ranmaru is just the same as the past two fights |
| | with him apart from being a lot faster. Also you have |
| | less space to dodge his attacks however you should |
+----------------------+ have the PURPLE VEST which should make this battle a |
| breeze. Equip it and then go to town on him with all your Ogre Power you have|
| and then if he's still standing after all this magic then charge up the |
| Kuga to attack him with. I wouldn't reccomend you using the Tenso in this |
| battle because it seems to have little effect against him. |

| Honnoji Temple - Jacques Blanc - 1582 |

* *
* Boss Battle: Nobunaga Oda 4/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Swipe | A simple swipe with his sword |
| | | |
| |Guard | Deflect attacks with his sword |
| | | |
| |Issen | Perform a critical attack |
| | | |
| How to Beat | This is Jacques final battle in the game and who |
| | better than Nobunaga himself. If you went through |
| | the final Dark Realm for Jacques you should have the |
+----------------------+ ULTIMATE WHIP which will make this final battle a joke|
| however if you didn't then this will be a hard battle. Nobunaga likes to |
| guard your attacks a lot and often after guarding a combo of yours he will |
| Issen you! Thats right, Nobunaga will issen you a lot in this battle if |
| you're not careful. You can use the Oni Firefly to attack him if you like |
| Which you can target from wherever you're standing in the room. This is also |
| useful for when he blocks a lot of your attacks. You should use the ULTIMATE |
| Whips special attack and normal combos to finish him quite quickly. If you |
| do not have the weapon then equip the PURPLE VEST and use all the Ogre Power |
| on your magical attacks. Don't be afraid to use any SECRET MEDs or ONI MEDS |
| in this battle because you will not be using them again in the game. |

| Honnoji Temple - Samanosuke Akechi - 1582 |

* *
* Boss Battle: Nobunaga Oda 2/5 *
* *
| Boss Strategy |
| |
| Attacks |Swipe | A simple swipe with his sword |
| | | |
| |Guard | Deflect attacks with his sword |
| | | |
| |Issen | Perform a critical attack |
| | | |
| How to Beat | This battle is a joke because its not hard at all. |
| | If you went through all the trouble to max out all |
| | your weapons and obtain the BISHAMON SWORD then this |
+----------------------+ battle will be even easier. You fight the battle as |
| the True Onimusha meaning that you cannot equip any different weapons however|
| you wont need to because this is one of the most powerful weapons in the game|
| anyway. The Onimusha Sword has 8 levels and each level is made up of each |
| weapon level you have meaning that if all your weapons are maxed and you have|
| the Bishamon Sword the sword will be at its MAX level. The magical attack of |
| this sword is a simple downwards then upwards slice but is damaging |
| nonetheless. This battle should cause no problems at all as he has all the |
| attacks as the Jacques version however you are alot more powerful. |

| Honnoji Temple - Samanosuke Akechi - 1582 |

* *
* *
* * * *
* * * *
* * * A TIME *
* * * *
* HOW TO BEAT* The Final Battle takes place in three stages of the battle each *
************** one a little harder than the last. The first stage itself isnt *
* too hard as most of his attacks are predictable and can be easily dodged. If *
* you do have everything maxed then you will be able to charge the ONIMUSHA SWD*
* to LV3 and then when you hit him with it Samanosuke will perform a barrage of*
* attacks on him. The main attacks to be weary of here is the Laser Beam attack*
* which, if it hits you, can cause massive damage. His other two attacks should*
* cause no problem as they are very easy to dodge. If you have the max Onimusha*
* Swd go close range and charge it to LV3 to defeat this first form very *
* quickly. This move will cause the True Demon King to release a lot of souls *
* which you can absorb. If you absorb five purple souls here your sword will *
* glow and you will do even more damage. If you do not have the maxed sword *
* this will take a lot longer to do because you have to dodge and then run in *
* to do a combo on him. You could also continually do the Special attack *
* which can also heavily damage him. *

* *
* *
* ATTACKS * * *
* * * *
* * * *
* * * SHOOT AT YOU *
* * * *
* HOW TO BEAT* In the next stage the True Demon King will lower himself to the *
************** ground and start attacking you with his blade. He has a long *
* reach on his blade so you have to remember to dodge before you go on the *
* attack otherwise you will be hit by his blade and knocked to the floor. The *
* aim of this battle is to hit him enough times to cause him to drop to the *
* floor. During this time damage him with your sword and you will see red souls*
* released which will be coming from his Demon Blade. Absorb these souls while *
* damaging him and then he will get up again. Repeat this process to finish *
* this stage. His attacks do a lot of damage in this stage especially when he *
* lunges at you. His main damage in this stage comes from his elemental strikes*
* which you can determine which one he uses by the glow of his sword. When his *
* sword does glow you need to quickly get out of the way otherwise you'll be *
* caught in the upcoming blast and damaged heavily. Continue to keep attacking *
* and absorbing and soon you will gain possesion of the True Demon Kings blade *
* to use yourself. *

* *
* *
* * * *
* * * *
* * * *
* * * SHOOT AT YOU *
* * * *
* HOW TO BEAT* You now have the best weapon in the game which is the weapon *
************** that Nobunaga has been using during the trilogy. The special *
* attack is the same as the ONIMUSHA SWD however this one does more damage. *
* If you're Onimusha Swd was MAX then this will be MAX too meaning more damage.*
* Nobunaga however has transformed once more and this time he is quite hard. *
* What makes this stage so hard is that you have to know when to go in for the *
* attack. The best thing to do is to go near him so he tries the punch combo *
* and then dodge it and counter with either a level 3 charge slash or a normal *
* combo. Its a good idea to have a lot of healing items by now and you should *
* have at least one or two Statue Charms. Alternatively you can do the special *
* attack on him which seems to be easier and does a lot of damage too. Keep *
* this tactic up and use healing items whenever you go below quater health and *
* soon the True Demon King will fall for the final time in the Onimusha *
* trilogy. *

| |
| |
| |

This is where i answer any questions you may have sent me and the most common
ones i have seen.

| Where's the ........... Haori/Vest? |

Check the walkthrough for details on how to obtain each vest but for the most
common question the Black Vest is a reward for beating the Critical Training.

| How do you beat the Critical Training? |

I'm not the best at the Critical Training but I have provided some tips in the
training section. For more help you should check out the Gamefaqs message board
which contains lots of useful tips.

| Whats the point of the Bishamon Sword, I don't even get the chance to use it?|

To be honest I don't see the point in getting the Bishamon sword although it
does increase a level on the Onimusha Sword and the Genma Samonji in the
final battle. Also it is a requirement for getting the Onimusha Ranking (S). If
you do want to use the Bishamon sword however unlock Ultimate Mode allowing you
to start the game with it and other useful items.

| Is this game good? |

I believe this to be an excellent game however other people may have different

| How long is this game? |

It can be rather short of quite fast to be honest. On my first time through
without a guide i finished it in 12 hours and then 6 hours on my second
playthrough. Whilst writing this FAQ though it took me 30 hours to beat mainly
because of doing the maps.

| Why is there no Japanese voice option?|

Although I think this was a nice added extra in Onimusha:Warlords Capcom
supposedly (This is just what i heard so don't take it as fact) didn't have
another space on the disc to put the Japanese tracks on it.

| What should i upgrade first? |

This is entirely up to you here although I level each weapon/piece of equipment
together so I will get all three weapons to LV2 and then the Oni gauntlet and
Armor's before going onto Lv3.

| Where is the Grenade Launcher? |

There has been a lot of confusion over this weapon due to the different
positions of the weapon. In the Japanese version of the game it could be
found in the sewer but in the North American version of the game that chest
contains 10 Grenades.

It can be found in two different places in the North American version. The first
is Boulogne Zoo in the holding cell near Samanosuke and Henri. The second
is Saint Mont Michele and its the first Michelle only chest you come across,
the door before the main street where Samanosuke's Warp Gate is.

| Is this better than Samurai Warriors/Ninja Gaiden? |

These questions are asked alot and for Samurai Warriors i cannot tell you yet
because i have yet to play it although i hear its more like Dynasty Warriors
(correct me if i'm wrong).

As for Ninja Gaiden i find this to have hardly anything in common with it because
Ninja Gaiden is more action then story. However if you still wish to compare
Ninja Gaiden has the Japanese vocal tracks (which everyone keeps bashing Onimusha
3 about), some fantastic graphics (so does Onimusha 3 though) and a lot
of different moves.

| Do you unlock anything for beating Genma Puzzle Space and Adventures Of |
| Heihachi? |

From what I have experience No although there may be something you can

| Will there be Onimusha 4? |

A lot of people seem to believe that there will be another Onimusha game due
to its success and the ending of the game. I believe that there is a possibility
although not under the name of "Onimusha" because it was stated by Capcom
(and the back of the box) that it was a trilogy (three games).

Also Onimusha has some historical background in the sense that Hidemitsu
Samanosuke Akechi, Mitsuhide Akechi, Ranmaru Mori, Nobunaga Oda and a few others
are real historical figures along with areas such as Honnoji Temple. Hideyoshi
is also a real historical figure (the guy on the horse at the end, the new
demon king) and after Nobunaga's death he goes on to unify Japan. So in sense
its likely that Hideyoshi is never meant to die in Capcom's version of history.

| What do the Wind, Thunder and Fire seals do? |

These seals, which can be obtained in the Dark Realm, do not do anything in the
initial game however if you beat the game with either of them in your
possesion you will unlock the corresponding:

Fire Seal - Enryuu from Onimusha 1

Thunder Seal - Raizen from Onimusha 1

Wind Seal - Shippuu from Onimusha 1

You will find the weapons in the back alley at the beginning of your next

| |
| XXV. Secrets |
| |
| |

This section covers all the secrets in Onimusha 3. You will find out how to
unlock all the Extra Features and how the ranking is done at the end of the

| Adventures of Heihachi|

Beat the game once on any difficulty

| Oni Target Practice |

Beat the game once on any difficulty

| Genma Puzzle Space |

Beat the game having completed all puzzle boxes

| Secret Training |

Beat the game having completed all Training exercises.

| Samanosuke's Panda Costume|

There are two ways in which you can unlock this. The first method is by
loading up a Onimusha Blade Warriors save file. The second method is by
completing the Secret Training mode.

| Samanosuke's alternate costume |

Simply beat the game once on the normal difficulty to unlock Samanosuke's
"Cowboy costume".

| Jacques alternate costume |

Beat the game on any difficulty wearing Samanosuke's "Cowboy costume."

| Michelle's alternate costume |

This one is a lot harder to obtain then the other costumes. You need to obtain
the Onimusha ranking upon completing the game.

| Easy Mode |

Get GameOver twice and Easy mode will be unlocked. I have heard of people
who have not unlocked it when getting GameOver twice.

| Hard Mode |

Beat the game on the Normal difficulty setting.

| Critical Mode |

Beat the game on the Hard difficulty setting.

| Devilish Mode |

Beat the game on the Critical difficulty setting.

| Ultimate Mode |

Beat the Oni Target mini-game any character.

| Obtaining the Onimusha Rank |

This section was provided by Kouli from the GameFaqs board who worked out how
the Onimusha Rank is calculated.

[You need 41+ Points to get Onimusha Ranking. In Easy Mode, you need all 50

Highest Points are:

- Less than 6 hours - 10 Points

- 170000+ Souls Sucked In - 10 Points

- 2300+ Enemies Killed - 10 Points

- 600+ Issen - 10 Points

- Phantom Realm Item Points = 100 - 10 Points

Pahntom Realm Item Points details:

- 6 Items in all

- the 3 sealed jades for Samanosuke's Onimusha weapons, each worth 10 points,
so that's 30 points

- Purple Haori/Vest for Ako, 10 points

- Samanosuke's Bishamon Sword, 30 points

- Jacques' Oni Musou/Ultimate Whip, 30 points]

| Weapons From Onimusha 1 |

The Enryuu, Shippuu and Raizan can actually be used in this game. In order to
use them you need to find the Fire Seal (Enryuu), Wind Seal (Shippuu) and the
Thunder Seal (Raizan). These can be found in the Dark Realm and here is how
you find each one:

Fire Seal - Samanosuke Dark Realm 1 (Undersea Temple)

Wind Seal - Jacques Dark Realm 2 (Mont-Saint-Michel)

Thunder Seal - Jacques Dark Realm 1 (Undersea Temple)

Once you have these in your possesion beat the game and you will unlock them
after for use in your next game. These can be found lying on the floor in the
back alley where Samanosuke first comes to the future and will all be at their
max level.

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| XXVI. Credits |
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| Capcom |

For creating this great game and Series, truly a masterpiece.

| Myself |

For creating this FAQ which has taken a very long time to do which i enjoyed

| Kouli |

For help with the requirements of the "S" Ranking at the end of the game.

| CJayC |

For his great site, GameFaqs.

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| XXVI. Contact and Legal Issues |
| |

If you wish to contact me about anything to do with this guide or Onimusha 3:
Demon Seige, please send your emails to

Please put "Onimusha 3" as your subject or else your mail
will be deleted. Do not send me any questions that are already covered in
this FAQ or it will be deleted or ignored. Do send me questions regarding
anything not covered here related to Onimusha 3. If your question is related to a
different game again it will be deleted.

Onimusha 3:Demon Seige, Capcom, Sony Playstation 2 are all copyright of
their respective owners.

Character Samanosuke is copyright Fu Long Production 2004.

This FAQ is copyright B.chard 2004